
Why do some children have "2 spins" on their heads, and what does it mean? Parents need to understand

author:Xiaoxue's mother is parenting

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoxue's mother

Every child will have a "spin" on his head, some children are one spin, some children are two spins, and children often joke with each other, saying that one spin is smarter, and two spins are more domineering......

Why do some children have "2 spins" on their heads, and what does it mean? Parents need to understand

I still remember when I was a child, a group of children played around the elderly, and the old man said that the "spin" on the children's heads meant that "one spin is smart, two spins are naughty, and three spins are bold", and then a group of children looked at each other's heads a few spins, and chattered so happily.

In fact, many of us adults don't quite understand, why are the "spins" on many people's heads different? Any explanation?

Parents can learn about the folk saying of "a few spins".

First, "a spinning child good baby"

Why do some children have "2 spins" on their heads, and what does it mean? Parents need to understand

I remember when I was a child, the old people would often say, "One spin is good, two spins are bad, and three spins dare to touch the train". Among them, a child who is said to be a spin is the kind of "obedient and sensible type" that parents and the elderly like the most, this kind of child is smarter when he is young, his personality is relatively gentle, and he is very polite to his parents to the elderly.

Of course, there is no scientific basis for this statement, just some common sayings that have been circulated among the people, we can't take it seriously, in fact, part of the child's personality depends on the natural, part of it is related to the acquired growth environment, which requires parents to pay more attention to the growth of their children and create a good educational atmosphere.

Why do some children have "2 spins" on their heads, and what does it mean? Parents need to understand

Second, "two spinning children"

In some places, it is said that the children of the two spins are "bad", and in some places they say "twist", in fact, they all represent the same meaning, saying that the children of the two spins are more naughty and mischievous, and there are some clever and clever. However, putting the little cleverness on doing small pranks, all kinds of small ideas are much more special, and they are the type of "headaches" that parents see.

This kind of child is more liked by open-minded parents, most of these children don't like to stick to the rules, not the kind of "good baby" that parents want, and always change the law to bring trouble to parents.

Why do some children have "2 spins" on their heads, and what does it mean? Parents need to understand

Of course, there is obviously no basis for this statement, to put it bluntly, the child's personality is more lively, not the master who can endure the temperament, parents may not pay attention to the child may be "doing demons", can only be guided and supervised by parents, instilling correct values in children, to avoid children from making big mistakes.

Third, "the child of the three spins dares to touch the train"

Compared with children with one spin and two spins, there are fewer children with three spins, accounting for about 10%, so for such children, the old people often say that children with three spins have a more stubborn temper. This kind of child is more fond of drilling the horns, and the things he believes will not change, and he is more bold and has a cloudy temper, so he exaggerates and dares to touch the train.

Why do some children have "2 spins" on their heads, and what does it mean? Parents need to understand

However, everyone can listen to this statement, there is no scientific basis, every child is unique, their personality and temper are also different, there is no good or bad character, and more needs the guidance of parents.

So why is the number of "spins" on a child's head different? How?

First, understand the variation of spin

From a scientific point of view, human hair grows from the scalp, and it does not go straight up but has its own angle. Basically, it is about 30 degrees to the scalp, and some children's hair may be on the left, and some children's hair may be on the left, which leads to different parts of the hair staggered together, and there is a wrinkle and an arc, which is what we call rotation, and the staggered more "rotation" is more, and the staggered less "rotation" is one.

Why do some children have "2 spins" on their heads, and what does it mean? Parents need to understand

Secondly, the function of spinning

There is a reason for the existence of anything, just like the "rotation" can make the hair make better use of the space on the head, as the center point, the hair can better stimulate the scalp with the direction of the rotation, so this center point has more people and some people less, more than one or two spins, and less one spin.

Finally, a reasonable view of "spinning"

At the end of the day, spinning is a normal physiological trait, and spinning only affects the direction of the hair, which can only be seen from the appearance. It will not affect the child's growth, personality and health, and some traditional statements do not have any scientific basis, and everyone only uses them as a saying, folk sayings, like telling stories to children, and can be viewed reasonably.

Interactive topic: How many "spins" do you have on your child's head?