
Sinking cadres incarnate as "construction experts"

author:Linxia Prefecture Rong Media Center

Riding a motorcycle and bringing construction tools, He Jisheng, a cadre of the Chengxi Community in Chuimatan Town, Shishan County, under the State Bureau of Letters and Visits, began his day's work.

"Director He, the tiles on my house are about to fall."

"Director He, the door of my house needs to be spray-painted."

"Director He, my meter's meter is not suitable."


As long as the masses have needs, He Jisheng will lead the community staff to become "masons", "electricians" and "decorators" to help solve difficulties.

Sinking cadres incarnate as "construction experts"

"The government subsidized us with 10,000 yuan, and the community cadres were also enthusiastic to help with the work, and our house was built quickly." The old man Gao Haimai in the Chengxi community was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth together, and when he met people, he said: "This is a newly built house, and the cadres are really good!" ”

Sinking cadres incarnate as "construction experts"

In the earthquake, Gao Haimai's house was seriously damaged, and as a five-guarantee household in the community, there were only two elderly people in the family, and there was no labor. After learning about this situation, He Jisheng looked for a construction team for him on the one hand, and negotiated to only charge the cost; On the other hand, I went to my home with community workers to help rebuild the house. In the hot weather, they were sweating profusely and covered with mud, but no one complained of being tired, and everyone had only one goal in mind: to help the villagers in difficulty solve their problems as soon as possible and move into the new house as soon as possible.

Sinking cadres incarnate as "construction experts"

In the more than four months that he sank to the community in the west of the city, He Jisheng regarded the affairs of the masses as his own affairs. "We can't do too professional work, so we can learn and do it at the same time, at least let the masses save some labor costs." He Jisheng said.

Referring to the mobilization work for post-disaster reconstruction at the beginning, He Jisheng, who has become a "relative" with the masses, said that "it is not easy."

Sinking cadres incarnate as "construction experts"

The Chengxi community is a migrant community, and most of the people have two properties, but according to the policy, only one of them can enjoy the policy, so the initial post-disaster reconstruction mobilization work is very difficult. He Jisheng and the community workers did ideological work one by one, explained policies, and did their best to help the masses resolve their worries.

Sinking cadres incarnate as "construction experts"

"Some people were afraid of spending too much money, so we took him to the people's homes that had already started construction to learn about the fees charged by the construction team. The construction team was contacted by ourselves, only the cost, and the masses agreed to start construction after understanding. The most impressive thing is that we ran 14 times back and forth to one of the people's houses, but now the houses are almost built. He Jisheng said.

Up to now, all the houses in the Chengxi community have begun to be rebuilt, and the B-grade and C-grade houses have all been completed, and the main body of the D-level houses has been completed.

Sinking cadres incarnate as "construction experts"

"There is no trivial matter in the work of the masses." Whether it is repairing gates, repairing the walls of monasteries, or installing electricity meters, as long as the masses are in difficulty, the cadres will take the initiative to step forward and stretch out their hands to help. The post-disaster reconstruction work is still continuing, and the work of the cadres has not stopped for a moment.

Reporter: Wang Weiru Ma Jian

Editor: Yu Qingbo

Editor-in-chief: Qin Xia Editor-in-charge: Ma Zhitao

Director: Chen Keyi Producer: Ji Ping