
DNF: Don't come up with the July Mist God Weapon to build, upgrade the "3 major skills"! The old driver plays like this

author:Gaming Esports Express


After the launch of the Mist God Regiment, the first task for players is to upgrade the Mist God weapon, but this new system still has a lot of tips and tricks that can help players create the perfect attributes and grades. Here are three tips for players:

DNF: Don't come up with the July Mist God Weapon to build, upgrade the "3 major skills"! The old driver plays like this

The first point, the type of weapon, the type of weapon can be converted, the standard weapon can also be upgraded to cp or other attributes, and the giant sword can be changed to a lightsaber, so when upgrading the weapon, the attributes can be freely selected. To put it simply: it has nothing to do with the original weapon type, so you don't have to worry about the need to convert the weapon you built. No matter what type or type of weapon you originally equipped, you are completely free to choose your attributes when it comes to upgrading your weapons. This allows them to better exploit their strengths and improve their combat capabilities.

DNF: Don't come up with the July Mist God Weapon to build, upgrade the "3 major skills"! The old driver plays like this

The second point is that grade attributes can be inherited. If you change to a CP weapon but the level is not full, you can use another 100% grade weapon to upgrade; The weapons that were full of attributes in the backpack before can now be used to save a gold grade adjustment box. The quality of the weapon is directly related to the key attributes such as the attack and defense of the character. Therefore, how to effectively improve the quality of weapons has become the focus of many players.

DNF: Don't come up with the July Mist God Weapon to build, upgrade the "3 major skills"! The old driver plays like this

The third point is that "Thousand Years of Spring and Autumn" can be exchanged for "Meteorite". The national server experience server can actually upgrade the weapon first, and then replace the one sent by the mission with a meteorite. Hanbok can only be exchanged in boxes, and the current mission materials of the national server can be exchanged directly, and I'm not sure if the official server is also the same setting. All characters must first complete the memory spiral before they can take over the spring and autumn of thousands of years, as for whether the official server of the national server will continue to use the same setting, it is not yet known.

DNF: Don't come up with the July Mist God Weapon to build, upgrade the "3 major skills"! The old driver plays like this

Overall, the "God of Mist" weapon upgrade system provides players with more flexibility and choices, while also providing them with more ways to improve their strength. We hope you find the above tips and tricks helpful, and I wish you even more success in the world of DNF!

DNF: Don't come up with the July Mist God Weapon to build, upgrade the "3 major skills"! The old driver plays like this

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