
DNF: Visible Gap, Summer '24 VS '23! Planning strength to persuade retirement

author:Gaming Esports Express


The Summer 2024 edition has dropped to a record low in terms of both events and popularity. Some players may not know. Let's make a brief comparison:

First up the top rewards:

(1) In the 2024 summer event, change to a laundry detergent, and don't give Xiaobai changes?

(2) The 2023 Summer Event will directly give away Level 3 BUFF titles. It can be said that last year's reward is completely explosive this year.

Last year's graduation title, this year's send an entry, this is undoubtedly a merciless mockery of this year's award.

DNF: Visible Gap, Summer '24 VS '23! Planning strength to persuade retirement

Then let's take a look at the event:

(1) There will be 2 this year: fog god wilderness and deep-sea exploration.

(2) Activities in 2023: Sign-in, shaved ice, beach volleyball, Bakar group ...... Although they are all fried cold rice, the quality and quantity of last year were significantly higher.

DNF: Visible Gap, Summer '24 VS '23! Planning strength to persuade retirement

So what is the reason?

(1) Krypton gold activities have increased significantly: In the past, the focus was on free activities, focusing on the popularity of the game, and concentrating on building the IP of the game. Now the plan is centered on krypton gold and concentrates on creating his own year-end bonus. Therefore, the number of krypton activities has increased significantly, and there are so many people and time to develop new versions, which are quotas, and there are naturally fewer free activities, so I don't care about it.

(2) The hanbok is also rotten. There were some original activities in Hanbok before.,The national service can be sinicized.,Accompany Ha to fry cold rice.,The schedule can barely hold up.,Now the Hanbok strike is rotten.,If you don't do it, you can only copy the previous code and activities.。

DNF: Visible Gap, Summer '24 VS '23! Planning strength to persuade retirement

This year's summer edition seems to be a bit unsatisfactory, with a significant gap compared to previous years. I hope that the game planning team can seriously reflect on their own decisions and regain their love and passion for games. Only in this way can we expect future summer editions to regain their former glory and bring more surprises and fun to the majority of players.

DNF: Visible Gap, Summer '24 VS '23! Planning strength to persuade retirement

To sum up, this year's summer edition can't compare to last year, either in terms of top rewards or in terms of event content. This visible gap is undoubtedly a silent accusation against the game planning team. We can't help but ask, have the game planning team lost their love and passion for the game, and have they stopped paying attention to the needs and feedback of players?

DNF: Visible Gap, Summer '24 VS '23! Planning strength to persuade retirement

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