
7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

author:Three battles fell into the sky

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaotian, first of all, I want to tell you that we haven't received any information about Ma Yunlu's update before, and it was a pure coincidence that Ma Yunlu was updated earlier, so don't think about it.

Let's take a look at what the 7-2 update has to offer

General Adjustments:

1. Ma Yunlu adjusted

7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

First of all, the original 60% increase in basic attack has become an 80% increase, and the original blood lock has been canceled since the fifth round, and it has become a full state, and the forbidden state is also full instead of the fifth round.

7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

This revision is not a small enhancement for Ma Yunlu, but it will not change much for the current PK season, but many teams in the second season will be very uncomfortable, which itself is to lock the minimum strength, and there is a 70% probability of forbidden. Many people take it for granted that I am not afraid of bone scraping, but bone scraping is active, and this forbidden treatment is passive and cannot be lifted!

It can only be said that you can play cavalry in the second season, and then face a lot of teams that have a recovery is very effective. Of course, there is also a chance to play in the follow-up PK season, but I don't know if the planning will make changes to this military general in the future, or introduce tactics and partners that are more suitable for this military general. In short, don't collect it!

2. Sun Quan adjustment

7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

Originally, as the main general's effect, the priority to obtain different states now does not need the main general position, and now the main general effect is one of the three states that have a probability of obtaining one of the three states in the first round, lasting 1 round, with Ling Tong has the opportunity to get a combo in the first round, and take the road of fast attack, but this is only an assumption at present.

Of course, when it comes to Sun Quan, I have to say that the planner is still ready to let me draw Sun 100,000?

7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

You're so ruthless!!

3. Sun Jian adjusted

7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

Sun Jian's enhancement is another time, but this enhancement is mainly aimed at Sun Jian's main general position, and he will receive 20% basic attack damage reduction. At least the income of the first charge of 6 yuan in the new season has been further improved.

7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

This enhancement is the icing on the cake, and in strengthening Sun Jian in one season, it can really make many novice players or running area players Hu get a very good game experience, and even many times to play some of Wu Guo's systems also have a good experience. I think this revision is still very good.


7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

1. Added Ma Yunlu, Sun Jian, Ma Zhong, Meng Huo, SP Guo Jiawu General News (PS: Can't open it at all!) )

There are so many dynamics, it's hard to open them all without charging money, I'll just wait slowly, don't worry!

2. Create system adjustments

(1) The Crafting System will be available in all Seasons;

(2) A maximum of 10 consecutive explorations will be guaranteed to obtain the quality creation of high-grade or treasures:

7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

This update is a guaranteed strategy, and it's a very good update for non-chiefs, after all, I'm creating a piece of right now.

3. When the experience of the generals in the S1 season is inherited, a second confirmation prompt will be added

I won't comment on this, I haven't been exposed to the new version 1 season for too long, but recently I happened to have time to consider playing a 0 Krypton.

7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

4. Tiger Camp Adjustment: In the Tiger Camp, troops can study military books, and the resource consumption during recruitment is reduced by 10%, and the recruitment speed is increased from 10% to 20%

Good! This update is simply great for active players.,The most important thing is the book of war.,After all, send 60 physical strength once.,If this can be reduced some, I think it's better.,Planning I hope you can take a look!

In Chapter 13 of the 5.PK Season's main quest, the construction of sub-cities has been adjusted to side quests

Good! Finally, there is no need to build a sub-city and then demolish it! The progress of the chapter of the early card, the fame card, has finally been adjusted.

7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

6. Adjusted the novice protection effect

The land can be given up without war, and finally you don't have to wait for 30min and then give up, this can save 2 pairs of paving time, greatly reducing the time spent on land reclamation, the content of this update is simply not too good, it seems that the appearance of the three plots made the three wars feel the pressure.

The upper limit of physical strength in the novice period is 180, whether it is paving the road or clearing the wasteland, it is a very good help, and it also increases the error tolerance rate of the wasteland, the only flaw is that the progress volume of the wasteland in front of the studio allows others to reduce the game experience.

As for the third point of the warehouse function, this will be of great help to those who have temporary things and forget the time in the card warehouse.

7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

7. Emperor Diagram Hegemony - Rising Up XP Bonus Adjustment: Generals below level 40 will gain experience from non-player battles increased from 10% to 20%

7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

This experience is a great help for players to level up, and the speed of players who have time to catch up will also be increased. It is also an experiential update.

8. Added Alliance Tech-Engineering Battalion

7-2 Day Three War Update,This time the change is a bit big.,See if you can accept it?

This is the automatic paving that was planned during the live broadcast of the strategists who broke through 100 million in the past, and the studio's income was directly cut with a small knife, that is, the players in front of them needed to donate some resources.

9. Late Night Mode Adjustment: During the late night mode, after logging in to the PC for more than an hour, it will be forced to log out, and you need to scan the code to log in again (only effective after 6 days of opening the current season)

The knife of the control party, it can only be said that everyone can sleep well at night, the only bad thing is that someone must hand over the account password, and I hope that the follow-up plan will be adjusted.


The above is the content of this update, and it is also the update content of the game 7-3, see which updates you have poked your heart?
