
Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Another Material Card - Ma Yunlu

author:Three battles fell into the sky

Hello everyone, this is Xiaotian, let's take stock of another material card of Shu in the S2 season today, I don't know if I don't count, I found out that there are really many material cards in Shu after statistics, and when the last 2 generals of Shu are updated, let's count the total of the current material cards of Shu and see which ones are beyond your expectations!

What we're talking about today is Ma Yunlu

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Another Material Card - Ma Yunlu
Ma Yunlu, the sister of Xiliang Ma Chao, has practiced martial arts since childhood, is athletic, and is quite famous in Xiliang. In his early years, Ma Yunlu fought with his brother on the Long March and made great achievements for the Xiliang Army. Her bravery and fearlessness terrified the enemy. However, the Xiliang army was eventually defeated by Cao Cao, and Ma Yunlu went away with his brother for a long time. Later, Ma Chao joined Liu Bei, and Ma Yunlu also joined Liu Bei's camp. She continued to show extraordinary martial arts on the battlefield and contributed to Liu Bei's career. At the same time, the love story between her and Zhao Yun has also become a good story for future generations.

Basic Attributes:

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Another Material Card - Ma Yunlu

Shu Kingdom 6 Imperial General,Riding S Gun A,Actually, it's a material card.,But Ma Yunlu's strength is really not bad.,It's a type that can be played.,When I was in the s2 season,Ma Yunlu is still one of my main combat forces.,But after having a better general.,This is naturally gradually eliminated by me.。 At the same time, it has also been abandoned by the majority of players. Became a storekeeper or a war book, an awakening, or a collection.

In terms of attributes, the full-level all-military generals are ranked 65, which can only be said not to be crossed, but there are no excellent attributes.

Comes with a method of war: the phoenix

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Another Material Card - Ma Yunlu
Passive tactics, normal attack damage is increased by 60% (affected by the target's loss of troops), on the 5th round of the battle, lock the enemy's lowest single force until the end of the battle, and there is a 70% chance that the target will enter the state of forbidden healing (unable to recover troops) during normal attacks, which lasts for 1 round

This tactic is also based on the realization of general attack,And Ma Chao、Zhang Ji and other generals have a premise,Another point is that because the class is a gun A, many players will hardly consider this team when forming a Shu gun,Although the adaptation of riding S is good,But with Shu s2 Season of several riding S:Guan Yu、Liu Bei、Ma Chao、Zhao Yun,I always feel that the strength is average,Naturally it will not be chosen by the majority of players,Most of them are still five tigers and two and one on the last one under this supplemental output。

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Another Material Card - Ma Yunlu

The matching tactics are also biased towards tool humans, or combos + troops.

But if this tactic can be carried by Ma Chao, or the effect of SP Ma Chao, Tai Shici and other generals may have a good surprise.

Inheritance of tactics: Take advantage of the enemy

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Another Material Card - Ma Yunlu
35% of the Prepare Tactics to make the enemy commander enter a weakened (incapable of dealing damage) state for 2 turns, and put the enemy commander into a state of rest (recover troops once per turn, recovery rate of 54108%, affected by intelligence) for 2 turns

We mentioned this strategy when we talked about Chen Gong before, and the real effect is still good in the face of a specific team, but the flaw is instability, plus there is only a 35% probability, many players will not consider it in the second season, after entering the PK, there is a Kei formation, and the status of the existence of the strategy has plummeted.

I don't recommend inheritance, I haven't inherited it yet.

Book of War:

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Another Material Card - Ma Yunlu

Red Combat: Die or Die + Win + Hold Sharp


If you want to play Ma Yunlu in the second season, there are actually a lot of things to consider, but it's not very tactical. You can give it a try.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Another Material Card - Ma Yunlu

Guan Yu: White eyebrows + swept thousands of troops

Zhang Fei: Luofeng + Column Raid

Ma Yunlu: Strong attack + hard attack / majestic enemy

The construction idea of this team is relatively simple, in fact, Guan Yu uses the bonus of white eyebrows to increase the release probability of sweeping thousands of troops and megatron Huaxia, Zhang Fei provides the main output, and Ma Yunlu is a small tool man who provides vigor and supplements a little damage, and the shortcomings of this team are also obvious, such as no battery life, the overall output of the team is not stable enough, etc.


Ma Yunlu's life is full of twists and turns and legends. Her bravery and tenacity not only earned her respect, but also became a role model for future generations of women.

And in the three wars, don't be discouraged if you draw Ma Yunlu, this general is also a limited card, and it belongs to the type that can barely be played. And this general's standing painting and rarity are not bad, try not to lose the collection, after all, who knows if it will be strengthened later? The limited card is strengthened, and there is no place to cry when the time comes.

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