
All encounters are the fulfillment of your life

author:Yang Yang got 100 million
All encounters are the fulfillment of your life

In this life, you will meet countless people.

Some people move you, some people bring you warmth, and some people teach you to grow......

All the people who appear in your life have a meaning.

Either help you or cross you, all in order to fulfill your life.

1. Someone brings you good luck

A writer once said: "The real nobleman is not a rich person, not a powerful person, not a person who can help you settle things in trouble." It's someone who gives you light like a beacon when you have no direction. ”

In this turbulent life, we will have many dark moments.

But when you are cornered, there will always be some people who will comfort you, warm you, and help you overcome the difficulties in life.

As the saying goes, mountains and rivers are not enough, but the most important thing is to meet nobles.

A person's greatest luck is to meet someone who is willing to solve your problems when things don't go well.

They reach out when you're down, help you when you're in trouble, and stand up when you're in trouble.

It is precisely because of the presence of these people that you can turn crises into opportunities again and again.

The road of life is long and difficult.

Treat the precious people in your life with gratitude, and no matter what situation you are in, you will get a steady stream of energy.

All encounters are the fulfillment of your life

2. Someone teaches you to grow

To survive in a complex society, no one is immune to the malice of others.

But life is not in vain, and all experiences teach you something.

There is a good saying: "When fate wants you to grow, there will always be some people or things that make you unhappy to stimulate you, this is the law." ”

Just like some of the people you meet, they create problems in your life and make you suffer.

But you will eventually discover that some clarity is destined to come from experience, and some wisdom must grow from pain.

Even if it's a bad experience, it's a unique scenery in your life.

So, in the face of bad guys, there is no need to complain, just be calm.

What you have to do is try to see these people clearly and let them be a help in your life.

All encounters are the fulfillment of your life

3. Someone enriches your experience

In this world, everything you meet has meaning, half to help you, half to cross you.

Everyone who comes into your life is the best arrangement.

It has been said that everyone who appears in your life is a gift to you.

They just come in different packaging and require some patience on your part to unpack them slowly.

In the process, you may be moved, or you may be hurt.

But at the end of the day, these people will all become a part of your life.

There are no unprovoked encounters, and all encounters are enriching your experience.

When you meet enough people, you will understand that they, for better or worse, are making you more complete.

When you have experienced enough love and hatred, you can gain insight into your true humanity and live a better version of yourself.

Maybe the road ahead is still difficult, but it is precisely because of these people who accompany you that you can always be brave and determined, and not afraid of the ups and downs of life.