
My husband is in love again and has raised a little girl. I didn't cry or make trouble, and I thoughtfully urged him to go on a date

author:Little Plum pushes the book

My husband is in love again and has a little girl.

Now that I'm sensible, I don't cry or make trouble, and I intimately urge him to go on a date.

He was quite satisfied, and boasted to his brothers, "Look, if you marry a wife, you have to marry such a good person."

But his brothers had different looks.

Because, I have been "disobedient" to them.

Especially the kaolin flower sitting in the corner.

Last night I was so tired that I couldn't move a finger.

He was still asking me, "When are you going to turn me around, well, talk."

My husband is in love again and has raised a little girl. I didn't cry or make trouble, and I thoughtfully urged him to go on a date


Zhao Ce is in love again.

This time it's a young girl.

Zhao Ce likes her very much.

The little girl is also very pestering.

On my birthday, Zhao Ce rarely went home to celebrate my birthday.

Before the candle was blown out, the phone came.

He avoided me and went to the balcony to answer the phone.

But I heard it anyway.

"Are you going home to be with that yellow-faced woman?"

"If you sleep in a bed with her at night, we'll break up, I'll be honest."

The squeamish voice had a brutal vibe.

Zhao Ce was not annoyed.

Adhesive resistant child 哄她。

"Little vinegar, cut a cake and I'll accompany you, good."

"I bought the pink diamond you like, and I'll give it to you later."

The other party was relieved and added a sentence vividly.

"Then you can't kiss her."

Zhao Ce seemed to be amused, "Okay, I won't touch her, it's okay, right?"

I was laughed at, are the current juniors so justified?

After Zhao Ce answered the phone, I kindly handed him the pink diamond on the table.

"You're taking it wrong."

This was supposed to be given to her.

He froze for a moment and pulled another box out of his pocket.

"Emerald necklace, your birthday present."

Gifts can be taken wrong.

He's not so distracted by me?

"Thank you." I'll take it, there's no need to be angry.

I'm very good at giving gifts, and the green of emerald matches me very well.

Maybe I'm acting too well.

A strange emotion flashed in his eyes, "Miao Miao......

Approached, looked down to kiss me.

I immediately blocked it with my hand, "Don't, your girlfriend won't let me kiss."

His eyes darkened, and a hint of anger flashed across his face.

He simply sat on the sofa with a big sword.

"Miao Miao, are you in a mood?"

Ha, it's funny that he asked.

But I didn't have time to talk to him.

Grab your phone and send a message to his little girl.

"Your man wants to be gentle with me, so he probably won't date you tonight."

It didn't take long for Zhao Ce's mobile phone to ring.

Then he hurried out to coax people.

I let out a sigh of relief.

People are always changing.

I used to be afraid that he wouldn't come home.

Now I'm afraid of him staying at home.

Hindering me from dating.


Of course, Zhao Ce and I got married because of love.

But he was destined to be a wild horse, and he only wanted a piece of grassland.

Over the years, his little lover has been fat and thin, and there are too many to count.

At first, I was unwilling, crying and fussing, smashing and beating.

even humbly prayed several times for him to break off with outsiders and return to his family.

And Zhao Ce just looked at me coldly, "Zhou Miaomiao, don't make trouble."

"Who doesn't have a few women outside in our circle?"

"Mrs. Zhao, aren't you okay?"

I laughed, "That husband is you, can I find a group of male models outside?"

Zhao Ce gritted his back molars and scolded me for being crazy.

"Zhou Miaomiao, if you have the guts, you can try it."

Just give it a try.

Of course, I didn't look for a male model.

I want to open it and don't interfere with Zhao Ce's relationship.

I am as indifferent to his things as a chrysanthemum, not crying or making trouble, like a dumb person.

He was quite satisfied, and when he got drunk, he boasted to his brothers, "Look, if you marry a wife, you have to marry such a good person."

On that day, several of his brothers had different looks.

Because, I've been "bad" with them.

Zhao Ce falls in love every time.

I carried him behind my back and picked up one of his brothers.

He can cheat again and again, so don't blame me for knitting him a green hat.

Especially the kaolin flower sitting in the corner, Gu Shenyan, the eldest grandson of the Gu family.

The night before, I was so tired that I couldn't move a finger.

He was still asking me, "When are you going to turn me around, well, talk."

That's right, Gu Shenyan has been very pestering recently.

His vinegar strength is no less than that of Zhao Ce's little girl.

I clicked on the voice.

The other party's voice is as intoxicating as Mojito's.

"Miao Miao, come out."

I didn't respond.

Three seconds later, he sent another photo.

Neatly stacked and skinny abs.

The undried droplets of water flowed down the two deep mermaid lines into my eyes.

Send me this picture.

Didn't he just make it clear that he wanted me to go out and clean him up?

I can't be excited.

It is easy to become addicted when provoked by him.


Or the old place, the suites of the star hotels.

I stood outside the door and waited for a while, but nothing moved.

Oh, someone's.

"If you don't open the door again, I'll go."


The door opened suddenly, and a well-proportioned hand pulled me in instantly.

Gu Shenyan had a sense of grievance, his whole body was tightly wrapped, and he sat on the sofa with a cold face.

"What do you mean you don't reply to my messages?"

The good-looking side face made me can't help but soften my breath.

"He's at home, it's inconvenient."

His eyelashes fluttered like raven feathers.

"Miao Miao, divorce him."


He was stunned for a moment, and the tails of his eyes quickly reddened, "Still love him?"

"And what am I?"

What are you not counting? But I didn't dare say it.

Gu Shenyan is obviously the jade-faced king of Hades in the business field, and he is decisive at the negotiation table.

Whenever I come here, I look like I am being bullied.

But I'll just eat his set of contrasts and cuteness.

"If I love him, can I still come to you?"

"Wait a little longer."

I'm long past the age when love was paramount.

I have selfish intentions, and at the end of the year, the North District project that Zhao Ce's company has planned for five years will be implemented.

At that time, his assets may be multiplied several times.

If I want a divorce, I have to wait until I divide a large sum of money before leaving.

I deserve it.

After all, in the hardest days of his business, it was the basement where I lived with him and ate instant noodles.

I used Zhao Ce to coax the little girl's trick to coax Gu Shenyan.

"I'm not going to leave at night, I'll be with you, good."

Gu Shenyan hooked his lips and smiled, his eyes were bright, almost blinding me.

"Well, I'm handsome, and I'm capable...... Okay, there's no reason why you don't choose me."

Men are naïve until they die.

With that, he gently grabbed my hand and led me to untie his bathrobe.

"Come, open a gift for you."

Yes, or he will.

At the moment, my resistance is broken.

I seem to understand Zhao Ce's happiness a little.

Wildflowers are really fragrant.

But I understand that this is the happiness of moral decay.

It does not see the light and is not recognized by the world.

"Miao Miao, when will I turn positive, well, speak."

"Miao Miao, I really like you, what about you?"

I couldn't answer the look in his sincere eyes.

I touched his face.

It's rare to have a little bit of conscience, but not much.

I want to be finished, and he still wants to have a future with me.

Then wait a little longer.

When he got tired of our relationship, he took the initiative to quit.

Just like Zhao Ce, he once loved it strongly, and it was not a day when he returned to calm and fatigue.

And a rich second generation like them.

Who knows which sentence is true and which is false.

If you believe a man's words too easily, you will be unlucky.

The next day, I dragged myself home sore and softened.

"Where did you go?"

Zhao Ce sat on the sofa in the living room early in the morning.


I was stunned for a moment, and casually said, "Why don't you go downstairs for breakfast?"

Zhao Ce glanced at me and suddenly stood in front of me suddenly.

His eyes are deep and his voice is slightly cool.

"Miao Miao, where did the red mark on your neck come from?"

When I thought of Gu Shenyan, my heart trembled.

"On the fire, scraping, hand-pulling."

Zhao Ce stared at my neck viciously.

Obvious unbelief.

Because this kiss mark is too obvious.

He gritted his back molars, "Zhou Miaomiao, are you fucking someone outside?"

"Who is he?"

I slammed the door to my room.

Almost missed hitting his nose.

Thanks to this time, we slept in separate rooms.

Zhao Ce's fierce voice came from the crack in the door.

"Zhou Miaomiao, if I find out that there is someone outside of you, I will kill him."

"It's Gu Shenyan, you go and kill him."

I know he doesn't dare, after all, Gu Shenyan's family background is prominent, and Zhao Ce can't get him.

At most, I quarreled, and by the way, it would be good to end the entangled relationship between me and Gu Shenyan.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Ce was stunned for two seconds and sneered.

"Zhou Miaomiao, you lie and make some drafts, who will take a fancy to you?"

At this moment, somehow, my heart was like a plum soaked in cold water, cold and sour.

That was contempt from the bottom of Zhao Ce's heart.

Just because he didn't value me, he was able to betray our marriage again and again, without any psychological burden?

In fact, except for Gu Shenyan, I didn't go to the last step with his group of rich second-generation brothers.

I tried.

But it just doesn't work.

It's me who can't, the most serious one, and the other party is speechless.

He looked helplessly at the stains all over his body.

"I'm so handsome, you actually threw up?"

I apologized to him, "I'm sorry, I wasn't spit out by you."

"It's my problem, I have emotional cleanliness......

I'm still different from Zhao Ce, I really can't be as abusive as him.

Except for Gu Shenyan, it was an accident.

"Zhao Ce, let's get a divorce."

I don't want to put up with it anymore.

Liberate each other sooner.

Zhao Ce was stunned for a few seconds.

"Zhou Miaomiao, you should know that I annoy you the most to lose your temper."

"I really agree to the divorce, don't regret it."

Zhao Ce was sure that I was just threatening him with divorce.

It's just that he didn't expect it.

The Shura field came so quickly.


The unjust girlfriend is the business manager of the newly opened star-rated hotel.

Hard-stuffed to give me a coupon and let me experience it for free.

Gu Shenyan raised his eyebrows, "I haven't experienced it yet, please bring it."

Unexpectedly, there were also Zhao Ce and his little girl.

Just after they swiped their front foot into room 817.

I brushed open the door of 818.

It's exciting to think about being separated by a wall.

Stimulated, Gu Shenyan pressed me when he entered the door.

"Wait, wait, the next door will hear it."

He teased my earlobe, and his voice was languid, "Don't worry, this soundproofing material is okay."

How could he be so clear?

I squinted, "Who have you been with?"

Gu Shenyan's phoenix eyes lit up, "Miao Miao, are you jealous?"

"I'm glad you're jealous of me."

"But don't worry, my inventory has been handed over to you, and no one else has ever been."

After saying that, he buried his head in my neck and gnawed on it.

Gu Shenyan is somewhat in love.

I think when I teased him, he was really cold.

I sometimes can't help but wonder if he was pretending to be.

The bell rang abruptly.

"Telephone ......"

Gu Shenyan reluctantly let go of me, and his misty phoenix eyes glared at me slightly.

I glanced at my phone and chuckled.

It was Zhao Ce, and the voice on the phone was low and cold.

"Open the door."

Ten seconds later, Zhao Ce's voice sounded again.

"Zhou Miaomiao, I have more ways to let you open the door."

It seems that the sound I accidentally made just now was heard by Zhao Ce next door.

I know very well that he is a stubborn person.

And it's really hard to explain to the outside world.

After all, he brought his girlfriend and I brought my boyfriend, and he was still next door.

Anyway, it's not like that.

I had to temporarily grieve Gu Shenyan.

"Why don't you go to the bathroom and hide for a while?"

Gu Shenyan wrapped around me and didn't move, "I'm so unsightly?"

I pressed my fingertips to my eyebrows, "It's my husband outside the door."

"Your current status is a junior, understand?"

He was not convinced, "He also carries three, why is his three so justifiable, I want to be so humble?"

Isn't it, it's all burning eyebrows, and he's still comparing himself with others?

But indeed, Zhao Ce's little girl is quite reasonable.

I'm a little weak-hearted, and I'm the one who made him go.

So, I had to lean down and gnaw his lips.

"But we'll be more excited this way."

If you can't take one bite, then take two bites.

"Well, he's just part of our play."

Gu Shenyan's eyes lit up, and her watery lips slowly rose, "It's pretty much the same."

The eldest young master was finally obedient and walked slowly into the bathroom.

I opened the door, and Zhao Ce stood outside the door with a black face.

"What about people? That adulterer."

Zhao Ce pursed his lips, looked around, and pushed the bathroom door, but did not push.

"Okay, can you hide for the rest of your life?"

"This is a hotel owned by my brother company, a phone call, and the surveillance is clear."

"Zhou Miaomiao, you wait, I want to see who it is."

Check it.,I've seen this one.,It's just a blind spot for monitoring.。

It's just that sometimes the plan often doesn't catch up with the unexpected.

Zhao Ce called his brother.

But Gu Shenyan's mobile phone rang in the bathroom.

Zhao Ce glanced at me, hung up suspiciously, and the bell inside stopped abruptly.

He dialed again.

The bathroom rang again with a pleasant bell.


At this moment, Zhao Ce's face was as green as the company's stock had collapsed.

"Is it Gu Shenyan?"

「嗯哪。 」

I really don't know, this hotel is the property of Gu Shenyan's company.

The bathroom door opened.

Gu Shenyan calmly walked out and sat down on the sofa.

With their legs folded, it naturally looks like they're in a café, rather than being raped.

"Tell me, which surveillance do you want to watch?"

Zhao Ce's Adam's apple rolled several times.

His gaze rotated between me and Gu Shenyan.

After all, he couldn't help it, and shook his fist at Gu Shenyan.

Gu Shenyan dodged.

His eyes stared at Zhao Ce sharply, as if he had seen through him.

"Are you worthy to hit me?"

Zhao Ce's fist clenched and loosened.

The bruises on my neck bulged and dragged me by, "Go home and talk."

It was the first time I saw Gu Shenyan exuding a yin owl aura all over his body, and he stood up suddenly.

"Something is coming at me, don't touch Miao Miao."

Zhao Ce seemed to be angry.

"Mr. Gu, Zhou Miaomiao is my wife, this is our family matter."

Gu Shenyan snorted coldly, "Even if you have a marriage certificate, it's not a reason for you to hurt her."

I reassured Gu Shenyan with my eyes, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"I happen to have something to talk to him about."

Gu Shenyan had no choice but to restrain his emotions.

"Then be careful, don't do anything you shouldn't do."

Zhao Ce's face darkened.

"No matter so much, don't you have a sense of proportion with a three?"

Gu Shenyan's voice was cold.

"I've done all three, where is the sense of proportion?"


On the way back, Zhao Ce blasted the throttle fast.

"Ace, you're driving too fast, people are scared."

True, there was another person in the car, sitting in the co-pilot.

She is the little girl that Zhao Ce has put on the tip of his heart recently, Lin Shilu.

Just now, Lin Shilu was wearing a sundress with pitiful fabric, and looked at Zhao Ce with red eyes.

Zhao Ce frowned, thought for a moment, and brought her with him.

"I'll take you home first."

Zhao Ce seemed to be seriously ill.

Along the way, I flirted with Lin Shilu's eyebrows, and Mars was about to come out.

He also frequently peeked into my expression in the rearview mirror.

Will I be sad?


Am I going to be angry?


It turns out that if you don't love, you won't have any emotions.

Soon, the car stopped downstairs at Lin Shilu's house.

"I'll take you upstairs."

Zhao Ce said this by looking into my eyes.

Seems to want to see me angry and jealous.

I didn't care, "It's okay, you can go to bed."

"I'm not in a hurry, you take your time."

There was a bang, and I was answered by a heavy slam of the door.

I'm so generous, what's there to be angry with him?

After walking a hundred meters, Lin Shilu ran back with high heels.

Forgetting to take the lipstick is fake, and trying to stab me a few words is true.

"Why don't you get a divorce? Are you afraid that no one will want it when you get older?"

"You're 27 years old, so you really have to worry."

"But, Ace just likes me, and it's useless for you to do it."

I looked at her bright, slightly silly face and smiled.

The person who scolded me on the phone last time was also her, right?

"I always talk about age, what's the matter, you won't live to be 27 years old, will you?"

"Since he likes you so much, he still lets you do three? He's so ignorant."

"By the way, I have a certificate, do you have it? I'm going to get a divorce and still have a division of property, and you're going to be dumped, and I can't give you a dime."

"Don't be so healthy at a young age, fill a belly with green tea every day."

Her face turned white.

"You ......"

I quickly raised the window pane.

Almost missed her nose.

A good car is just that, soundproof.

I sat in the car and blew the air conditioner and watched her face the glass with her mouth open and closed.

Around the same time, I lowered the glass and plucked out my ears, "What did you say? Say it again."

"You ......"

I continued to raise the glass.

Instead of wronging yourself, it is better to drive others crazy first.


Two hours later, Zhao Ce sat on the sofa in the living room with a cold face.

Lit a cigarette in hand.

"Miao Miao, when did you start with him?"

I thought about it for a moment.

said indifferently: "That time I went to the company to deliver you a love meal, you sat on your lap Lin Shilu, and then you told her, you have been playing with me for seven years, and you are tired of it."

Zhao Ce's hand holding the cigarette shook.

A hint of panic flashed in his eyes.

He never knew when I walked out of the office with my lunch box in my hand.

Crying until stomach cramps.

I used to like Zhao Ce, I like it very much.

But after he got married, he used a blunt knife to cut my heart little by little, and the blood flowed all over the ground.

I can only save myself.

Use whichever way makes you happy.

Let go of personal qualities and enjoy a life without virtue.

If you can't beat it, join in.

From that day on, I started looking for his brother.

Try them one by one.

vomited one after another, until he met Gu Shenyan.

He's so good-looking.

The key is that it looks good and is easy to use, and it cures my emotional cleanliness.

Zhao Ce's voice drifted from the smoke.

"Miao Miao, you broke off with him."

"I also broke off with Lin Shilu."

"Let's start over."

Men's inferior nature.

My cheating partner is Gu Shenyan, a top-level man.

Zhao Ce began to re-examine my value again.

When I was well-behaved and clever at home, he felt bored and could hurt him wantonly.

I chuckled, "Zhao Ce, I've slept with you for seven years, and I'm tired of it."

I gave him this sentence back.

Zhao Ce was stunned for a moment, gritting his back molars, and the tails of his eyes were red.

The voice was as cold as ice ballast.

"Zhou Miaomiao, you're really divorced, do you think Gu Shenyan will marry you?"

"With such a net worth background, he marries the right family."

"And he didn't know you were once a broken shoe, did he? ...... with his stepfather."

At this moment, I felt like my ears were ringing, and I couldn't hear any other sounds.

I just know.

The last little friendship I had for Zhao Ce was gone.

He quickly came back to his senses, and there was a trace of remorse in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Miao Miao, I said the wrong thing."

Only now do I understand why he keeps cheating.

On the one hand, it may be a prodigal nature.

On the other hand, it is the dislike that he has buried in his heart for me that no one knows.

"Because you think I'm a broken shoe, so you make up for it by cheating?"

"Miao Miao.......

He rolled his Adam's apple and reached out to hug me.

"Zhao Ce, you make me sick."

"Snap", this is the first time I have slapped him.

It took a lot of force, and it shook my palms.

Zhao Ce's fair and clear face suddenly appeared with red slap prints.

He was stunned for a moment.

His eyes quickly became filled with anger.

"I just touched you and you're disgusted?"

"Isn't it disgusting for anyone to touch you, Gu Shenyan?"

"Zhou Miaomiao, you are sober, Gu Shenyan is just playing with you, you are so cheap, you are in a hurry to play for him?"

Scumbag PUA you, you don't need to prove yourself.

"Zhao Ce, you're right, I'd rather rush to play with him than you touch me."

With that, I quickly walked into the room, closed the door, and locked it.

"Zhou Miaomiao, you come out."

Zhao Ce blocked the door, gritting his teeth.

He kicked the door a few times before he gradually subsided and slammed the door.

I leaned against the wall with some weakness.

In fact, I have subconsciously forgotten that incident for a long time.