
At the graduation ceremony, Zhuma confessed to me in public. There was a commotion all around, and I was the only one with a confused face

author:Little Plum pushes the book

At the graduation ceremony, Zhuma confessed to me in public.

There was a commotion all around.

I was the only one with a confused face: "But...... I already have a boyfriend."

The audience was silent.

Qin Qi's eyes turned red instantly:

"Ji Qing, haven't you liked me for many years?"

At the graduation ceremony, Zhuma confessed to me in public. There was a commotion all around, and I was the only one with a confused face


There were photos of me and Qin Qi on the big screen.

From small to large, there are single and double.

The background music is "Sunny Day" by Chou Dong.

It can be seen that Qin Qi has prepared carefully.

He took the stage to speak today as a representative of outstanding graduates, and halfway through his speech, it turned into a confession.

Everyone was silent.

My roommate poked me.

"Ji Qing, haven't you had a crush on Qin Qi for many years?"

"Don't miss the opportunity, don't be angry on purpose."

As I listened, I was even more confused.

It's true that I have a crush on Qin Qi.

But isn't he disgusted with me?

He said, "Let me stop clinging to him like a spineless dog."

He said that even if all the women in the world died, they would not choose me.

So, I gave up a long time ago......


My mother and Qin Qi's mother are best friends.

From childhood to adulthood, what I heard the most was that my godmother said that she would detain me to be Qin Qi's daughter-in-law.

When I was not sensible, I said yes, and said that I would give birth to a lot of monkeys for Brother Qin Qi.

When he is sensible, he will only smile with low eyebrows, and his face will be red and dripping blood.

We have always been inseparable, and Qin Qi has never refuted our relationship to the outside world, which makes me feel that Qin Qi and I will really get married in the future.

All the way to high school graduation.

When I filled in the application, the first choice was the college that was more suitable for my chosen major.

After Qin's father and Qin's mother found out, they forced Qin Qi to give up the school he wanted more.

"In the future, you and Qingqing will be in the same school, and you will be able to take care of your daughter-in-law more."

"No, two children are together, and one takes care of them."

"Am I going to prepare a bride price?"

The more the parents talked at the table, the more outrageous it became.

I lowered my head and blushed, not noticing that Qin Qi's face on the side was getting darker and darker.

Cold, he flipped the table.

"You can't see I don't like you! Dead skin and face have to follow me! There is no backbone!"

Qin Qi's attack made me freeze in position instantly.

Shame, humiliation, and shame.

All kinds of inexplicable emotions spread in my heart.

I clenched my fingers tightly, looking at Qin Qi's undisguised expression of disgust, my heart felt like it had been sharpened by a blunt knife again and again, repeatedly grinding back and forth on my heart.


Father Qin gave Qin Qi a slap and asked him to apologize to me.

"What nonsense are you talking about! I don't like other people's Qingqing, whether other people's Qingqing can take a fancy to you is two words."

The faces of both families are not very good.

Qin Qi was very stubborn:

"Anyway, I'm going to Beijing University, don't come! We can't possibly do it!"

When he said this, he stared straight at me as if I were some heinous criminal.

It makes me feel bad to be stared at like this by someone I like.


In the end, Qin Qi was not admitted to Beijing University.

I was transferred to our school.

It wasn't until the day of registration that I saw Qin Qi dragging his suitcase in the freshman registration area.

I didn't see each other all summer vacation, and when he saw me again, his face flashed cramped, and at the urging of his godmother, he reluctantly stepped forward to help me with my luggage.

"I've been reduced to a broken school with you, and now you're satisfied?"

It was the first thing he said to me as he approached.

Only the two of us could hear it.

I was choked and avoided his movements.

He froze, and his outstretched hand hung in the air without embarrassment.

In the end, my godmother played a round and sent me to the dormitory.

On the way, she apologized to me.

"Qingqing, Qin Qi is not sensible, what happened last time, my godmother apologized for him."

I dragged my suitcase, and Qin Qi was already gone.

"Godmother, it's over, Qin Qi and I have grown up, and we don't like to joke when we were young, and I will keep my distance from Qin Qi in the future."

I said with a loud voice.

I figured it out.

Young jokes can't be taken seriously, young people like it, and they can't force it.

My godmother held my hand and disagreed: "What distance to keep, Qin Qi and you grew up together, you know the roots, that child can't carry the ......."

"In the godmother's heart, you will always be the most satisfactory daughter-in-law candidate for the godmother!"

I listened, not knowing how to respond.

My godmother has always been very good to me.

She doesn't have a daughter, but when she sees a beautiful little dress and little shoes, she will buy them and give them to me. Every time, I half-jokingly told my mother that I was currying favor with my future daughter-in-law in advance.

Seeing that I didn't speak, my godmother smiled and brushed the broken hair in my ear for me.

"Qingqing, you are in the same university now, Qin Qi's child I know, take care of it more, coax more, he, eat soft or hard......

I felt like I had swallowed a fly.

I like Qin Qi.

However, I couldn't pull down my face and stick it after hearing his blunt refusal......

I withdrew my hand from my godmother's hand:

"Godmother, I'll go up by myself."


Qin Qi is tall and has long legs.

Soon, it became the new school grass of NTU, attracting the favor of a large number of female students.

I also maintained a sense of boundaries as he wished.

Not long after, I saw the official announcement copy in his circle of friends. In the photo, there is an intimate photo of him and a girl, the girl is very beautiful, smiling like a flower in his arms, and the two are very right.

His circle of friends is no longer the clear soup and little water it used to be.

He began to ask the girl's aunt what to pay attention to, and began to hold hands daily, as well as the daily chat records of the two.

In the record......

There are girls who are coquettish and willful, and he responds gently to occasional unreasonable trouble.

At that time, I knew that Qin Qi also had such a delicate side, in front of the people he liked, he would be patient, meticulous, and tolerant.

At that moment, my heart also gave up completely.

Decided to end this crush that ended without a hitch.

It can be one day after half a year of school.

He suddenly sent me a WeChat message, saying downstairs.

When I went downstairs, I saw him waiting impatiently at the door of the dormitory, handing me a gift box.

"My mom has to give it to you."

I took it, opened it, and it was a delicately shaped lipstick.

I wanted to refuse, but I saw Qin Qi turn around and leave: "Is it interesting to engage in these methods every day? We can't do it."

I didn't even have time to say a word.

Looking at Qin Qi's attitude of avoiding it, even if he had given up on Qin Qi, he was still stabbed in his heart, and looked down at the gift box in his hand, like a fish in his throat.

I deleted Qin Qi and transferred the money for the lipstick to my godmother.

My godmother immediately called and asked if Qin Qi was bullying me again.

I reluctantly explained, saying that Qin Qi and I have grown up, and such a thing may cause misunderstanding and distress to his feelings.

The godmother was silent for a few seconds and hung up the phone.

I thought that was the end of the matter.

But it didn't take a few days.

On my way back to my dorm, a strange girl suddenly rushed out, came up and slapped me, saying that I had seduced her boyfriend.


Things got into the Head of Year's office.

At that time, I learned that the girl was Qin Qi's girlfriend.

Qin Qi came soon.

When the girl saw Qin Qi, she sued, crying and saying that I would beat her.

Qin Qi coaxed patiently, but his eyes subconsciously glanced at me, and his brows were furrowed.

"I've heard that you're breaking up with me for her!"

Qin Qi's expression was complicated.

From the conversation between the two, I learned that my godmother had never known about Qin Qi talking about his girlfriend, and after hearing me mention it, she called Qin Qi directly and ordered him to break up.

As a result, I don't know why, it was passed into the girl's ears by his roommate.

After many inquiries, she found me who was given a gift by Qin Qi......

In the end, after I took out the transfer record and repeatedly promised Qin Qi that I would not break up, the girl reluctantly believed it and stopped.

But her hostility towards me was still very deep, as if she wanted to save her respect for the unreasonable behavior just now, and looked at me with a pout, yin and yang weird:

"Knowing that Qin Qi has a girlfriend, he should keep boundaries."

I couldn't say anything in my heart at the time.

Seeing Qin Qi protecting the girl in an intimate tone, I didn't say a word, stepped forward and raised my hand to give each of them a slap.

"I'm not interested in being a part of your play!"


The girl moves her hand first.

In the end, they were educated and criticized, and the matter was not resolved.

However, my roommate knew about my relationship with Qin Qi's childhood sweetheart, and couldn't help but gossip:

"Qingqing, it's been half a year since school started, and the relationship between you and Qin Qi is still so tightly hidden."

"You and Xiaocao are childhood sweethearts? So you said that in high school, you tried hard to go to the same university as a boy you liked for him......

"That person, is it Qin Qi?"

I was a little embarrassed to hear it.

At the beginning of the school party, I drank too much and inadvertently revealed my high school past.

After all, at that time, I stayed up all night studying hard to be able to stand in a position comparable to Qin Qi.

I explained that I have nothing to do with Qin Qi now, but my roommate didn't believe it, and he snorted it, saying that we were in a hurry......

When I was a sophomore.

I heard that Qin Qi broke up with that girl.

That afternoon.

My roommate came in and winked at me, saying that there was a handsome guy downstairs.

I went downstairs, and unexpectedly, I saw Qin Qi again.

Qin Qi was really eye-catching in the crowd.

In just a few minutes, it has attracted the attention of many people.

It's been another semester since we last met.

He saw me with a complicated expression.

"You blocked me?"

This was his first sentence.

I was inexplicably annoyed by his questioning tone.

"Is there anything you want me to do?"

I ignored his questioning and asked rhetorically.

Even at a distance.

Seeing my defensiveness and coldness, Qin Qi's face was not very good, and he was silent for a while, he gritted his teeth and said unwillingly, "I broke up!"

I choked.

In the past six months, I thought I had done a good job, and when I met from afar, I also took a detour, and I didn't participate in the gossip and ridicule that my roommates occasionally talked about, and I tried my best to show that I was not familiar with Qin Qi.

I shook my head, not really wanting to waste time with him.

It's like a teenager who has liked him for many years, and suddenly one day, I found that the light on his body had disappeared, and Qin Qi was not as amazing in my heart as it once was.

I, all of a sudden, don't like it.

Sensing my coldness, he pulled his hair irritably, and his face became more and more uncomfortable:

"My mom knows what she does, we've quarreled many times because of my mom in the past six months, I know, my mom likes you, and she's always been dissatisfied with me getting a girlfriend!"

Qin Qi said a lot, a lot.

Talk about your own troubles.

Said godmother's interference.

Listen, listen, I can't take it anymore.

"Does it have anything to do with me?"

I couldn't help but interrupt him and asked.

Qin Qi pursed his lips, avoiding my gaze weakly, and his confidence was a little lacking when he spoke: "My mother's temperament, you don't know it......

"I'll make it clear to my godmother."

I didn't want to stay here anymore and turned around to leave.

also decided to draw a line with their family in the future.

As a result, when I was leaving, Qin Qi called me again, and stopped talking:

"Ji Qing, tell my mother...... You have a boyfriend, can you do it, in this way, she thinks that you are dead, and it is good for you and me......

I froze.


In the evening, I called my godmother.

Euphemistically persuaded her that the young baby parents should not be taken seriously, Qin Qi and I have grown up and each has our own lives.

But the godmother on the other end of the phone didn't seem to understand, and said to herself:

"Qingqing, don't worry, I've already scolded Qin Qi's stinky boy! When I get back, I'll beat him up and make you angry!"

"Qin Qi is just blinded by those girls outside now, and now they have broken up. A boy always needs time for him to grow up."

"Don't worry, godmother will check for you! Qingqing, you will always be the daughter-in-law in your godmother's heart. After all these years, it hasn't changed."

"Godmother didn't force you to be together. It's good to kiss and kiss, but godmother is more afraid that you will miss each other and regret it in the end!"

I listened to it with a grief.

Tears flowed somehow.

After less than a few words, I hung up.

As a result, that night, Qin Qi posted a post on the confession wall:

[Even if all the women in the world die, I won't choose her! 】

Fingertips tingling.

The feeling of my heart being torn apart was clear.

I like Qin Qi.

I've liked it for a long time.

Therefore, it is actually very painful to pull out a person who has been liked for a long time from the heart.

This year, I've been trying to relieve my pain.

Finally scabbed.

Qin Qi easily tore the scar apart, and now, it began to bleed again......

The pain was so painful that I couldn't breathe......

I told my parents about Qin Qi.

Mom is very angry and wants to reason with her godmother.

Stopped by me and my dad.

After discussion, it was unanimously decided that although I was sorry for my godmother, I was still estranged from Qin Qi's family.

Otherwise, in the end, I am afraid that the two families will not be able to end.

At the beginning, my godmother would ask me how she was with Qin Qi. I will tell her what type of girlfriend Qin Qi has recently talked about.

Over time, she may have seen my attitude, or she may have been a little embarrassed.

Gradually, I stopped asking.

Qin Qi does often change girlfriends.

The roommate said that on the confession wall, you can often see which girls from the two departments are fighting each other for Qin Qi's guns, and they said that they saw the school flower of which college waiting for Qin Qi's dormitory downstairs today.

And I'm preparing for my Specialist 8 exam.

College is like a small society.

When I was in high school, everyone was rustic.

But after the baptism of college, I took off my heavy glasses, put on contact lenses, dyed my hair, and changed greatly with the blessing of skin care and cosmetics.

In my junior year, I went home for the Chinese New Year.

At the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, some people have already begun to joke that I have become a big girl and have reached the age of having a boyfriend.

"I remember, in the past, Qingqing and the kid of the Qin family played well, and it was another school, right? Are you together? Didn't you two joke that you would be your sons and daughters in the future?"

A relative teased while drinking.

In a word, let my parents' smiles converge.

These two years.

Under the deliberate alienation of my parents, my family and the Qin family have almost no contact, and they find excuses to avoid them during the New Year's holidays.

Suddenly revisited by the old thing.

They thought about the end of the college entrance examination again.

It's no longer the young little girl after the college entrance examination, so I calmly answered: "He's pretty good now, he has entered the student union, and he has found a beautiful girlfriend."

The relatives heard what I meant, smiled, and quickly got over the topic.

The dinner party is over.

I was waiting for my dad to pick up the car at the door with my mom when I heard someone calling us from behind.

My mom and I turned back.

I saw my godmother and Qin Qi.

In the past two years, although Qin Qi and I have been in the same school, we have never met.

He wears a black leather jacket in winter, with slacks, martin boots, and a delicate diamond stud earring in his right ear.

When he saw me, his eyes flashed for a moment.

"It's Ji Qing baby, right? I didn't even dare to admit that I had become so beautiful."

My godmother pulled Qin Qi over, and when she saw me, her eyes were still full of liking, and she didn't fake it.

Then there was some regret in the words.

"It's a big girl, it's so beautiful."

I'm a little embarrassed.

In the past two years, I did deliberately alienate my godmother, but every year on my birthday, my godmother still sent me gifts......

After a few pleasantries, they hurriedly parted.

I thought there was no intersection.

It's just that I didn't expect that on the second day of the Lunar New Year, my godmother's family came to the door with gifts to pay New Year's greetings.

She pulled my mom and talked a lot.

My mom couldn't keep her face cold.

Qin Qi also came.

I didn't stick to it like I did when I was a child, I just sat alone in my bedroom playing games like an unfamiliar relative of the opposite sex at home.

"You play this game too?"

I was in the middle of my game, and I didn't notice that Qin Qi had entered my room and was standing behind me.

With a flick of the mouse, my screen was grayed out.

I'm a little annoyed.

"This is my room."

He came in without saying hello, which was very rude.

But Qin Qi didn't care, and sat on my bed, holding his arms, with a warm smile: "It's not like I haven't come in......

I pointed to where he was sitting, and was hit by the diaphragm.

"Get out."

"Still angry? Lin Xiao and I have long since broken up."