
The search for Chinese genealogy is a search for 56 ethnic groups



The search for Chinese genealogy is a search for 56 ethnic groups

There has been a strange man in the Chinese photography industry, who spared his life to go to the battlefield in Afghanistan in person, just to capture the real war pictures, spend millions to record the old industry that is about to disappear, show the changes of the times, and climb the Yellow Mountain hundreds of times, but did not leave a single landscape painting. Just to freeze the warm moment of a young couple who have no money to stay and sleep on the bench.

He is Chen Haiwen, president of the Shanghai Photography Association.

The search for Chinese genealogy is a search for 56 ethnic groups

After 40 years of photography, he has grown from a poor boy who can't afford a camera to a photographer who founded the Shanghai Old Camera Manufacturing Museum, and has won the highest photography gold award in China for two consecutive years.

Not admitting defeat has always been the biggest characteristic of Chen Haiwen.

By chance, Chen Haiwen came to a Japanese bookstore and saw a lot of albums about ethnic groups, and he was deeply stimulated when he returned to the situation where no one cared about ethnic themes in China.

So, in 2008, he was determined to show the world the true face of 56 nations.

The search for Chinese genealogy is a search for 56 ethnic groups

However, the shooting was not easy, and before leaving, Chen Haiwen reluctantly cut his love and sold the camera museum that he had worked hard for many years to barely scrape together enough funds.

Chen Haiwen and his team have experienced several landslides, heavy snow inundation, and many times have brushed shoulders with death, but they never gave up, gritted their teeth and persevered for 4,380 days and nights, trekking through mountains and rivers, crossing wilderness, climbing over mountains, traveling more than 260,000 kilometers, and visiting 1,125 representatives and cultural inheritors.

The search for Chinese genealogy is a search for 56 ethnic groups
The search for Chinese genealogy is a search for 56 ethnic groups
The search for Chinese genealogy is a search for 56 ethnic groups
The search for Chinese genealogy is a search for 56 ethnic groups

From the Kazakh people who entered the Tao in ancient times, the Jing people who lived on the sea for a hundred years, the Kilo people who rejoiced in the sun, the Tujia people who could communicate with ghosts and gods, and the last Qiang people in China.

From the mysterious Tibetan worship culture, the blockade of his unique Hezhou in the wind and rain, to the Brazilian coffee table festival, the originator of thousands of years, these sacred moments have been captured by Chen Haiwen's lens one by one, becoming an eternal memory, and forming an unprecedented family portrait for the Chinese nation.

The 56 ethnic groups of China are one family, and everyone knows about it, but we know too little about the family members who live on this land.

Now, Chen Haiwen presents this precious genealogy of the Chinese nation in front of me, and those simple and natural, optimistic and free-spirited, mighty and heroic national ecology are all shining in this family portrait.

This is not only a team across time and space, but also a sincere transmission of national heart-to-heart.

The thousand-year-old Chinese civilization is inherited and endless.