
How dirty can an air conditioner be if it hasn't been washed for a long time?

author:Yuhan Nutrition

The inside of an air conditioner that has not been cleaned for a long time may be hiding a huge health hazard? In recent years, there have been many health problems caused by not cleaning the air conditioner for a long time, and some men have almost died due to lung infections caused by inhaling bacteria in the air conditioner. The air conditioner that has not been washed for a long time is far more dirty than we imagined.

How dirty can an air conditioner be if it hasn't been washed for a long time?

The "invisible killer" inside the air conditioner

The air conditioner is mainly composed of a filter, a radiator and an internal air duct. As the first line of defense, filters can intercept some large particles, but over time, a thick layer of dust can accumulate on their surface. However, the real "hardest hit" is often hidden under the filter – the heat sink. Heat sinks are the only way to circulate air, and their surfaces look clean, but in fact they hide hidden mysteries. A gentle wipe with a paper towel can reveal a lot of dirt and bacteria.

According to the research data of professional institutions, the bacteria and mold of household air conditioning radiators in many large cities in mainland China are common. The total number of bacteria can reach up to 91,259 per square centimeter, far exceeding the national standard by dozens or even hundreds of times. Among these bacteria are pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Legionella, which can multiply rapidly in humid and warm environments and spread to all corners of the room through air conditioning systems.

How dirty can an air conditioner be if it hasn't been washed for a long time?

Health hazards cannot be ignored

If the air conditioner is not cleaned for a long time, bacteria, mold and microorganisms will enter the human body with the cool breeze, which is especially easy to cause respiratory diseases. Children, the elderly, and people with weakened immunity are more susceptible, and they may experience symptoms such as cough, wheezing, fever, and in severe cases, even serious diseases such as pneumonia. In addition, the dust inside the air conditioner may also induce allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis and asthma.

How dirty can an air conditioner be if it hasn't been washed for a long time?

Wash regularly to protect your health

Given the severity of the dirt inside the air conditioner and its potential threat to health, it is especially important to clean the air conditioner regularly. Generally speaking, a comprehensive cleaning should be carried out every year when the seasons change or before the air conditioner is turned on for the first time. During the season when air conditioners are frequently used, it is recommended to wash them at least once a month.

When cleaning, you should first turn off the power and unplug it to ensure safety. Then, follow the steps in the aircon manual, open the aircon surface panel, remove the filter and air purifying filter (if equipped), and expose the heat sink. Use a special air conditioner cleaning agent, spray evenly about 5 cm away from the heat sink, wait for about 15 minutes, reinstall the filter, and turn on the refrigeration program to run for 15~30 minutes, so that the sewage generated during the cleaning process can be discharged through the drain pipe.

How dirty can an air conditioner be if it hasn't been washed for a long time?

It should be noted that if the air conditioner has not been cleaned for a long time or it is difficult to complete the cleaning work by itself, it is best to ask a professional to clean it. They have the equipment and technology to remove dirt and bacteria from the inside of the air conditioner more thoroughly, ensuring indoor air quality and our health.

In short, air conditioners that are not washed for a long time not only affect the cooling and heating effect, but also may become an "invisible killer" that endangers health. Therefore, we should develop a good habit of cleaning the air conditioner regularly to create a healthier and more comfortable living environment for our family.

Pay attention to the public account: Yuhan Nutrition Vocational Training School, the rapid development of big health, so that public nutritionists, health managers into everyone's field of vision, more and more people pay attention to physical health, as well as dietary collocation, in many industries have a demand for nutritionists, health teachers. Coupled with the strong support of the current policy, the counterpart talents are relatively scarce, and the development prospects are extremely optimistic!

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