
During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

author:Liu Luqiang law


During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes
Sources: All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and is detailed at the end of the article

It's messed up, it's messy, it's all messed up.

Since Putin's visit to North Korea last month, in addition to Russia, Ukraine and Palestine and Israel, another part of the world full of gunpowder has once again entered a state of tension.

At this time, the United Nations also held a meeting on the issue of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and the main purpose of the meeting was clearly to resolve the peninsula issue, but the United States gathered a large number of countries to make wanton accusations against the mainland.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

The US side's back-and-forth behavior made people very annoyed, and the mainland representative did not swallow his anger and continued to reply on the spot.

So, what's going on?

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

The Korean Peninsula issue has never been resolved

On July 27, 1953, the Panmunjom Agreement was signed, and the Korean War, which lasted for more than three years, was declared.

Although a ceasefire has been achieved, the issue on the Korean Peninsula has never been effectively resolved, and the DPRK and the ROK have always been full of gunpowder during the short period of "non-tension" in recent years.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

The DPRK and the ROK staged a farce just a few days ago, in which the two sides launched "attacks" on each other by unconventional means and in a ridiculous way.

On the South Korean side, there is a "traditional project", dropping anti-North Korean leaflets to North Korea and conducting psychological warfare; North Korea, on the other hand, retaliated when it couldn't bear it anymore, dropping balloons filled with a lot of dirt and even feces into South Korea.

This ridiculous way of scolding each other, while making international netizens watch the excitement, also proves from the side that in the current international environment, the DPRK and the ROK still maintain restraint with each other and have no intention of expanding the conflict.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

But now I can't say for sure!

Russia and the DPRK signed the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty," and the ROK blew up all of a sudden, which means that in the future, if a war breaks out on the peninsula and the DPRK faces "aggression," Russia will provide assistance to the DPRK in accordance with the treaty.

In this way, relying on the pitiful depth of South Korea, I am afraid that I can only turn back to the United States for help.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

You must know that even in 1950, the Soviet Union did not openly participate in the Korean War, but indirectly supported North Korea in the form of assistance to the mainland, and secretly sent its air force to participate in the war later.

However, the signing of this treaty between Russia and the DPRK is equivalent to the Russian government's direct announcement that it will advance and retreat together with the DPRK.

China already has a deep friendship with the DPRK, and because of the geographical location of the two countries, China will also lend a helping hand when necessary.

In the eyes of the United States and Western countries, nuclear-armed China and North Korea are already their "big troubles."

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

Now that Russia has reached a new cooperation with the DPRK, we are doing the right thing, sitting upright, and knowing what is going on, but the United States and other NATO countries will not believe the mainland's explanation.

So under the coercion of the United States, the United Nations stepped in.

We have to admit that even though the world pattern is already changing, the United States still has a strong voice in the United Nations, and most of the time we can see the clues, and this meeting is no exception.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

As soon as the United States came up, it stood on the so-called moral high ground and condemned Russia, believing that Russia's actions were aggravating tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

And while accusing Russia, the United States naturally does not forget to bring the mainland.

U.S. Representative Wood once again suggested that the mainland's refusal to condemn Russia and its obstruction of sanctions against the DPRK at the Security Council are undermining the regional security situation.

Anyone who has understood the Korean Peninsula issue can easily come to the correct conclusion, and the United States has begun to fight backwards again.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

It is clear that they tried to use hegemony in the first place, but now they blame China and Russia in turn?

Who maliciously split the Korean Peninsula in the first place? And who brazenly crossed the 38th parallel to attack North Korea? And who signed the mutual defense treaty with South Korea early?

It is the United States that proclaims democracy!

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

The essence of Russian-DPRK cooperation is still self-preservation

It is not once or twice that the United States has engaged in a set of double standards and hegemony, and it is better to say that they will only do this one than that they have engaged in this set of rules.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

Since the end of World War II, the United States has been doing things everywhere in the world, supporting various pro-American forces, drawing blood with dollars economically, establishing US military bases around the world militarily, and then using its super military strength to fight wherever it wants.

If it were not for the Chinese People's Volunteers who won the battle for the founding of the country with a spirit of fearless sacrifice in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, I am afraid that the situation on the mainland would not be very good.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

What is ridiculous is that the United States, which frequently engages in the Asia-Pacific region, has now jumped out and said that Russia, North Korea, and the mainland are raising tensions on the peninsula.

It's ridiculous and there is no way, the hole card of the United States is still many NATO countries, and they are all "led" by the United States and willingly point where to play.

Now, at the behest of the United States, Japan has united with 32 NATO countries to form an alliance of 33 countries to unify the front against China, with the intention of erecturing a naval blockade line in the Pacific Ocean.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes
Japan also plans to hold joint military exercises with Germany and Spain in the Hokkaido region, which is not far north of Russian territory.

You say, this is not a threat, what is it?

In the final analysis, NATO is a military alliance, can the United States organize a military alliance to invade and bully other countries, but not allow the bullied to fight back?

There has never been such a reason.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

At present, Japan is playing the role of luring the wolf into the room, allowing the United States to use the Asia-Pacific region as its backyard and create an Asia-Pacific version of "NATO."

The DPRK has directly pointed out the dark side of the United States, Japan, and South Korea, and that their recent frequent military exercises are naked threats and intimidation, and the DPRK will take all necessary measures to counteract.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

And Geng Shuang, a representative of the mainland, made a stern response at the United Nations General Assembly:

Geng Shuang clearly pointed out that, first, resolutely oppose the groundless accusations of the United States; Second, China has the right to decide its position on the Korean Peninsula issue on its own, and does not need the United States to tell us how to do it. Third, I advise the United States not to habitually shift the blame when it encounters problems, and first look at what it has done!
During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

I have to say that since our waists have hardened, every time I watch the speeches of the national representatives, I have a hearty sense of pleasure.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes


The United States is a double-standard country, they can do anything, but others can't.

Now, the Korean Peninsula may develop into the world's third powder keg region, and once detonated, the consequences will be far more serious than the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

We still maintain a neutral stance and strive to promote stability and development in the Korean Peninsula region.

But in which direction will things go? Nobody knows.

Resources: Russia and the DPRK signed the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty.2024-06-19

China News Network: China: Resolutely oppose the US attack and accusation against China on the Korean Peninsula issue.2024-06-29

During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes
During the fierce confrontation between China and the United States in the Security Council, the Chinese representative directly named the United States and advised him to correct his old mistakes

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