
Does the "Traverser" really exist? A startling prophecy has attracted a lot of attention in recent days.



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Text: Idle Planet Z

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"Life is like a race for the unknown, you never know what will happen in the next second." This sentence echoes in my mind, and whenever I think of the scene in the Asian Youth Stadium in Indonesia, my heart is always mixed. It was a story about Zhang Zhijie, a member of the Chinese team, a moment that made people sigh, and also made me deeply understand the fragility and impermanence of life.

I remember it was the evening of June 30th, around 23:20, and my teammates and I were nervously watching every movement on the field. That night, it was the crucial match between the Chinese team and the Japanese team, and the atmosphere was so tense that you could almost hear the sound of a heartbeat.

Does the "Traverser" really exist? A startling prophecy has attracted a lot of attention in recent days.

At such a critical juncture, the unexpected happened - Zhang Zhijie, the backbone of our team, suddenly collapsed on the field, and his body began to twitch uncontrollably.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze. I vividly remember that the coach almost instinctively wanted to rush forward, but was quickly and firmly stopped by the referee. The referee's gesture made it clear that under the rules of the game, any intervention by non-medical personnel was not allowed.

Does the "Traverser" really exist? A startling prophecy has attracted a lot of attention in recent days.

The coach's eyes were full of anxiety and helplessness, he could only stand in place, his hands clenched into fists, and his mouth kept shouting Zhang Zhijie's name, hoping that he could hear it and hope that he could hold on.

Immediately afterward, the medical staff was finally called to the scene, but at that moment, it felt like every second was being stretched infinitely. I later thought that if they had been a little quicker at that time, if the first aid had been implemented earlier, maybe the results would have been different.

Does the "Traverser" really exist? A startling prophecy has attracted a lot of attention in recent days.

But the reality is cruel, after the medical personnel arrived at the scene, they did not immediately carry out emergency treatment such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and those precious rescue time passed by minute by second.

And all this coincides with a netizen's prediction. On June 23, a week before the incident, someone left an anonymous message on the Internet saying that a badminton player would unfortunately pass away on July 1. At the time, this prophecy was dismissed as nonsense, and no one could have imagined that it would intersect with real life in such a heavy way.

Does the "Traverser" really exist? A startling prophecy has attracted a lot of attention in recent days.

I stood on the sidelines, watching the back of Zhang Zhijie being rushed to the hospital, and I had mixed feelings. It was an indescribable grief and a profound experience of the impermanence of life. The game continued, but everyone's hearts were heavy, and the joy of victory had long been diluted by this sudden turn of events.

In the days that followed, the news spread like wildfire, about Zhang Zhijie's condition, about the game that failed to be rescued in time, about the mysterious prophecy...... Public opinion is surging, and people's attention to medical security and life safety in sports competitions has reached an unprecedented height.

Does the "Traverser" really exist? A startling prophecy has attracted a lot of attention in recent days.

I often wonder if the situation could have been different, if the coach had been able to rush forward desperately, if the medical staff had been more responsive, if ...... But there are no ifs in life, only results.

Zhang Zhijie's fall is not only a regret for an athlete, but also a wake-up call for the entire sports world. It reminds us that no matter how fierce the competition is, no matter how important the victory or defeat, the safety of the athlete's life always comes first.

Does the "Traverser" really exist? A startling prophecy has attracted a lot of attention in recent days.

Time passed slowly, but the memory of Zhang Zhijie became clearer and clearer. His hard training on weekdays, his sweat on the field, and his always smiling face have become indelible images in my heart.

I began to cherish every opportunity to step on the field even more, because I know that every competition is a tribute to life and the best memory of Zhang Zhijie.

Does the "Traverser" really exist? A startling prophecy has attracted a lot of attention in recent days.

Now, looking back on that experience, in addition to grief, my heart is more about awe of life and thinking about the future. That accident is not only the story of one person, but also a profound lesson for the whole society. It teaches us that no matter where we are, no matter what challenges we face, we should not lose sight of the preciousness and fragility of life.

As the classic saying goes, "Life is like a race for the unknown", we never know what will happen in the next moment, but we can choose how to face it and how to cherish it.

Does the "Traverser" really exist? A startling prophecy has attracted a lot of attention in recent days.

Although Zhang Zhijie has left us, what he left us is a profound reflection on life and a redefinition of sportsmanship. In the days to come, may we all take this thinking, cherish every breath and every run more, and let the flower of life bloom more brilliantly in every challenge.

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