
Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

author:The mouth of the National Gate

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, review the history of the party's struggle, inherit the party's fine traditions, keep in mind the party's original intention and mission, and strictly abide by the party's discipline and rules, on the occasion of the "July 1st" founding day, various departments and townships in Hekou County organized a series of theme activities in various forms to encourage the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen their beliefs, take responsibility, and move forward bravely.

Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

County People's Procuratorate

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution......" Party members and cadres of the county people's procuratorate further enhanced the party members' and cadres' awareness of party spirit, land and security by reviewing the oath of joining the party.

Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The scene of the event

"Party members and cadres should deeply understand the hard-won happiness of the current life, always listen to the party's words, feel the party's kindness, and follow the party's ......" In front of the solemn boundary monument, Xiang Chaiming, secretary of the party group and procurator general of the county people's procuratorate, gave a vivid party lesson to all party members and cadres with the title of "deep understanding of the "three" hard-won", and guided party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, understand discipline, and abide by discipline, and truly transform discipline into political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness. In addition, party members and cadres were also organized to watch the red movie "Revolutionary" to carry forward the great spirit of party building and draw strength for progress.

Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

County Bureau of Education and Sports

The Central Primary School of Laofanzhai Township carried out the theme activity of "Pursuing the Red Mark and Sticking to the Original Mission" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Through visits to party members in difficulty, visits to red education bases, etc., the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the school's party organizations have been further enhanced; Hekou County Senior High School organized party members and teachers to visit and study at the warning education base of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and guided party members and teachers to further enhance their awareness of honesty and self-discipline, and build a strong ideological and moral defense line against corruption and degeneration.

Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The scene of the event

Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Bayou Town

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's ......constitution," all party members and cadres in Hekou Town raised their right fists and reviewed the oath of joining the party under the witness of the party flag. Huang Yong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Hekou Town, gave a party lesson to the party members with the theme of "Promoting the Construction of a Clean Government Culture in the New Era, Not Wanting to Be Corrupt", and encouraged the party members and cadres in the town to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and always maintain their advanced and pure nature. And organize party members and cadres to visit the party history education base in Mengzi, Maitreya and other places to jointly recall the eventful years and cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs. In addition, the members of the party committee of Hekou Town went to the homes of the old party members to cordially talk with the old people, talk about changes, talk about development, and recall their original intentions, so that the old party members can fully feel the warmth and care of the party and the government.

Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The scene of the event

Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Nanxi Town

More than 50 people, including the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Union County of Nanxi Town, and the member units of the "Pioneer" Party Committee of the integration of the party, government, military, police and civilians of Nanxi Town, went to the celery pond group of Longbao Village to carry out a series of activities on July 1st "Theme Party Day".

Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Distribution of promotional materials on site

During the event, all party members and cadres faced the bright red party flag, raised their right fists, and reviewed the oath of joining the party. Subsequently, the activity focused on the harm of drunk driving, the protection of minors, civil disputes, etc., combined with real-life examples, and taught a lesson on the rule of law to the villagers in easy-to-understand language. Party members and cadres also interacted with the villagers for law popularization and Q&A, distributed publicity materials and small gifts, and further enhanced the villagers' awareness of abiding by the law. The activity also organized and carried out volunteer service activities such as "knocking on the door" and patriotic health campaigns through the formation of a volunteer service team composed of cadres of the "two village committees", women representatives, party members, and villagers.

Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Qiaotou Township

Qiaotou Township, together with Laofanzhai Township and Qiaotou Township Garrison Police Force, carried out the "July 1st" Party Founding Day and the theme Party Day activity of "Pursuing Red Footprints and Remembering the Original Mission".

Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The scene of the event

"I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China...... Always ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and never betray the party......" In Qiaotou Township, all party members and cadres reviewed the oath of joining the party. Zhang Shaorong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Qiaotou Township, and Yang Minxue, a retired cadre of Qiaotou Township, respectively brought wonderful party lessons to the party members participating in the event around the history of party history learning and education and the historical story of the horse outpost. All party members and cadres also watched the film "Never Tolerate", and went to the Hekou clean government warning education base to carry out clean government practice learning activities, so that everyone sounded the alarm bell of honesty and self-discipline, and resolutely knew and respected, guarded against fear, and kept the bottom line.

Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Lianhuatan Township

Lianhuatan Township organized and carried out the "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony with the theme of "the party's glory shines on the frontier, and the people in the frontier are oriented to the party".

Don't forget the way you came, and forge ahead on a new journey! All departments and townships in Hekou County carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The scene of the special party class

The event kicked off with a solemn flag-raising ceremony. With the sound of the majestic national anthem, the bright five-star red flag was rising, and all party members solemnly paid attention to the salute, expressing their infinite love and high respect for the motherland. After the flag-raising ceremony, all the staff sang "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", expressing their love for the party with their singing voices, and singing their infinite loyalty to the party, good wishes for the motherland, and sincere love for the cause.

Subsequently, Han Zhicheng, secretary of the township party committee, made a speech under the national flag and a special party class on party discipline learning and education, guiding party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, understand discipline, and abide by discipline.

Source: County People's Procuratorate, County Education and Sports Bureau, Hekou Town, Nanxi Town, Qiaotou Township, Lianhuatan Township

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