
A new stronghold for fraud "drainage": short video platform!

author:Shandong Internet Police

I used to be bored and squinted

Now if you're bored, watch short videos

"Surfing" on the short video app

It has become a daily pastime for many people

A new stronghold for fraud "drainage": short video platform!

But you know what

When you browse the short video APP

Scammers may have sneaked their eye on you

A variety of routines, unguardable

A new stronghold for fraud "drainage": short video platform!

Typical cases

A new stronghold for fraud "drainage": short video platform!

Live broadcast to increase fans

Mr. Wang has always had a dream of being an Internet celebrity, and one day he searched for information on how to increase the number of fans on Douyin through the Internet, and there was a message that attracted him, so he added the other party as a friend. After that, on the grounds of one-on-one teaching, the other party asked him to click on the link to download a video conferencing app. After the screen was shared, the other party induced him to transfer a total of 40,000 yuan to the account provided by the other party on the grounds that "the qualifications are not enough, he cannot obtain the quota of high-quality anchors, and he needs to brush the flow to verify his qualifications".

The short video APP broadcasts the gifts

When Xiao Liu browsed the short video APP, he clicked into a live broadcast room, and the anchor Xiao A was connecting with other anchors to PK. In order to let fans continue to brush gifts, Xiao A promised that once he won PK, he would return the gifts swiped by fans at 10 times the price. Suspicious Xiao Liu gave Xiao A a gift of ten yuan, and soon received a rebate of 100 yuan. Immediately afterwards, Xiao Liu received a private message from Xiao A, encouraging him to continue to brush gifts, and he would return more cash back when the time came. Driven by high profits, Xiao Liu swiped a total of more than 20,000 yuan in gifts before and after, but what he was waiting for was blocked by Xiao A and could no longer be contacted.

Short video APP likes to earn commissions

When Xiao Tang was playing with his mobile phone at home, a QQ stranger sent a private message asking him if he wanted to earn pocket money, with the mentality of trying, Xiao Tang added his QQ number, and then was pulled into a QQ group of "liking major software videos to earn commissions". Xiao Tang made 5 orders according to the requirements of the group owner and earned about 100 yuan. Subsequently, the other party induced it to transfer multiple times, totaling 12,000 yuan, on the grounds of advancing funds to increase the amount of brushing orders to earn more commissions. Later, the other party did not return the principal and commission, and asked him to continue the transfer on the grounds of operation error and low credit score, and suspected that he had been cheated, so he called the police.

Cancel a Live Membership

Ms. Wu received a call claiming to be a "customer service of a short video platform", saying that she had opened the "e-commerce live broadcast membership of a platform" service, and if she did not cancel it, she would have to deduct 600 yuan per month. Ms. Wu was worried that she would be deducted, so she added the QQ number of the customer service specialist to cancel the service. After that, the other party asked him to transfer the funds in the bank card to a designated "safe account" on the pretext of verifying the flow status, falsely claiming that the funds would be automatically returned after the verification was completed. After Ms. Wu transferred 36,000 yuan as required, she waited for her to be blocked and deleted.

Enable monthly payment

Lin received a call from the customer service of a platform, saying that he had opened the "monthly payment" function, and if he did not cancel the application before 12 o'clock that night, he would deduct the money, otherwise it would affect his credit. He asked how to close it, and the other party said that it was necessary to transfer the funds under his name to the designated account to obtain a receipt before it could be closed, and promised that the money would be returned in the same way after the closure was completed. He believed it and transferred 50,000 yuan according to the other party's request. After that, the other party asked him to continue the transfer on the grounds that the money had not arrived, and suspected that he had been deceived, so he called the police.

A new stronghold for fraud "drainage": short video platform!

The routine is revealed

Although the above scams carried out by using short video platforms are different, what they have in common is that they use various tricks to find you to "ask for money".

Scammers pretend to be multiple identities, first use various tricks or bait to gain the trust of the victim, and then induce the victim to transfer money to them for various reasons, and then block and delete the victim after squeezing out the victim's money.

A new stronghold for fraud "drainage": short video platform!


Enhance the ability to discern, and don't believe advertisements on short video platforms such as high-paying part-time jobs, PK marketing, and likes;

Be vigilant, don't trust others, don't easily add the contact information of strangers, protect personal information, and be cautious when it comes to transfers and remittances;

If you receive a call claiming to be the customer service of a short video platform, claiming that you can increase the number of fans for the short video account, or if you need to deduct fees for opening the "e-commerce live membership" and "monthly payment" functions, you must be cautious, do not believe the so-called "brushing water", "affecting personal credit" and other words, let alone turn on screen sharing with strangers.

Source: Lanzhou Anti-Telecom Network Fraud Center

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