
"I'm ready to be cheated, I have to transfer the 20,000 yuan, I just want to buy a lesson"

author:Shandong Internet Police


The Chengxiang Police Station of Xiaoshan Public Security received an early warning

Guy Gao (pseudonym)

It is likely that you are experiencing telecommunications network fraud

The police station immediately initiated an emergency stop payment procedure

Online and offline linkage

Contact the person concerned as soon as possible

Tell them not to transfer money

However, Gao said that he was just shopping

There was no scam

Hang up the phone

Follow-up will not be answered

Gao has been moving

Multi-police coordination in police stations

Look all the way

Finally near Gangji Park

Found Gao

"I'm ready to be cheated, I have to transfer the 20,000 yuan, I just want to buy a lesson"

Upon inquiry

Gao saw one when he was surfing the Internet

"Extra money" ads were added to the group

"I'm ready to be cheated, I have to transfer the 20,000 yuan, I just want to buy a lesson"

At first, take on small tasks to test the waters

After liking a couple of web streamers

Sure enough, I received a few dollars in rebates

"I'm ready to be cheated, I have to transfer the 20,000 yuan, I just want to buy a lesson"

The group then posted it again

Tasks such as "Brush Traffic" and "Brush Orders".

"I'm ready to be cheated, I have to transfer the 20,000 yuan, I just want to buy a lesson"

Gao was skeptical

But I can't resist the temptation of high rebates

decided to transfer 20,000 yuan to swipe the order

Moment of truth

The police station dissuaded the police from arriving in time

"I'm ready to be scammed

But I have to transfer this 20,000 yuan

No matter how much you persuade

It's not as good as my own experience

Just buy a lesson

You won't be fooled in the future."

"I'm ready to be cheated, I have to transfer the 20,000 yuan, I just want to buy a lesson"

Seeing that Gao was unmoved

Discourage the police from taking him back to the police station for further work

The civilian police changed their tactics

At the same time as the analysis of real cases

Like a bosom brother

Chat with the guys

Let the other person gradually open their hearts

"I'm ready to be cheated, I have to transfer the 20,000 yuan, I just want to buy a lesson"

After 5 hours of communication and persuasion

The guy finally came to his senses

More than 24,000 yuan of funds in the account were saved

Police remind

1. There will be no pie in the sky, don't be confused by petty profits, credulously believe in part-time jobs such as online swiping, liking and traffic, and anyone who asks you to transfer money in advance and pay the so-called margin and other payments is a fraud!

2. Do not click or scan web links and QR codes sent by strangers, download unknown apps, and pay attention to protecting personal information.

3. If you are unfortunately deceived, please call 96110 in time and keep relevant evidence.

Source: Hangzhou Public Security