
When people get old and do not prepare for the following, they will find that the longer they live, the more painful they become

author:Let's talk about the truth
When people get old and do not prepare for the following, they will find that the longer they live, the more painful they become

Hello, I'm Yang Xiaoqian. A post-80s generation who focuses on personal growth and mental improvement


Life is like a white horse, just suddenly.

Sometimes before you have time to prepare, you find that most of your life has been consumed, and your youth is long gone.

Life after old age has a lot of troubles and troubles, and you often need to face it alone.

When people get old and do not prepare for the following, they will find that the longer they live, the more painful they become.

When people get old and do not prepare for the following, they will find that the longer they live, the more painful they become

01. Without saving money, he will become a burden to his family in his later years

In my hometown, there was a cousin who divorced a few years ago, and his son remarried with his wife and took him away.

In his early years, he made furniture for other people's homes and was a good carpenter. However, when you make money, you go to drink, and when you are old, you don't save any money.

In his later years, he lived alone in a dilapidated house and ate the village's handouts.

His relatives and friends were willing to give him food and drink at first, but when he became ill, they gradually distanced themselves from him.

The disease was not controlled, and he passed away soon.

In old age, if you don't save money, you will find that you will live a very passive life and become a burden to your family.

"When I was younger, I thought money was the most important thing in the world, but now that I'm older, I realize that it is," Wilde said. ”

Money is the most important tool for a person to live in this world.

When you are young, you have the ability, so you can earn more, don't squander it, but know how to save for the elderly.

When you have no one to rely on, money is the driving force for you to live, and it is your armor to protect yourself.

I don't have too much money, and I rely on others to provide for me, even if I have food and drink, my heart is not good.

When people get old and do not prepare for the following, they will find that the longer they live, the more painful they become

02. There is no preparation for old age, and I often live under pressure

Tong Zhi in "Golden Wedding" suffered from "retirement syndrome" after retirement.

He is not used to reading newspapers at home, walking birds, and playing chess with people every day. However, he also did not want to admit that he was old and had lost the ability to work.

He felt that he could still be a factory director all day long, and he would be rehired by the factory.

At home, his temper became very irritable, he quarreled with his wife at every turn, and lived in anxiety.

Some people always feel that they are not old enough and can do a lot of things.

If you put too much pressure on yourself, it will make the family atmosphere very tense.

Writer Rigo said: "Ahead of life, there is endless aging, and we fall straight into it, and there is no other choice." ”

People must know how to constantly adjust their mentality and don't let themselves live under pressure. Learn to do what you can and don't let yourself live too anxiously.

It's good to make the most of your spare heat and do what you can. But, don't let yourself live too tired.

When people are old, they must know how to adjust their own rhythm of life, cultivate some hobbies, and have a good relationship with their families. Smoothly transition to another stage of life and let life settle down slowly.

When people get old and do not prepare for the following, they will find that the longer they live, the more painful they become

03. If you don't take care of yourself, your health is over-consumed

Some people, after retirement, wake up every morning and do not feel relaxed and full of energy, but feel very tired, and the fatigue does not disappear.

If you do manual work often, you will inevitably suffer from back pain when you get old.

In his Essays, Bacon wrote: "A healthy body is the living room of the soul, and a sick body is the prison of the soul." ”

In old age, you must learn to take care of yourself, don't let yourself be in anxiety and depression every day, there is no way to alleviate these symptoms.

When you are young, you always overload your body, and you may not feel too uncomfortable at the time, but when you are a little older, all kinds of ailments will find you.

I don't pay attention to my health and have a lot of diseases on my body.

All the time and energy is spent fighting the disease, and the old age will be difficult.

No matter what age you are now, don't let yourself be tired. We must learn to love ourselves, adjust the rhythm of life that suits us, and experience a better life with our hearts.

When people get old and do not prepare for the following, they will find that the longer they live, the more painful they become

04. Conclusion

On the road of life, you should prepare yourself more and let yourself live more calmly.

When people are old, they will not be able to do many things. Save a little savings for yourself, have a good relationship with the people around you, and save some time and energy to deal with firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Constantly adjust your emotions, even if you are in some pain, you can have an optimistic attitude and have the courage to actively cooperate with the treatment.

Don't overexert your physical strength and don't overestimate your abilities. Be with people who love you, do what you can, and leave more happy footprints in your old age.


Xiao Qian: A writer who loves words, loves words, and codes words for ten years. In his spare time, he will meet friends with words. For the rest of my life, with you by my side, life will be steaming.