
Rice fertilization avoids these misunderstandings and helps to achieve high yields

author:Haihewei low-salt water-soluble fertilizer

Recently, when communicating with rice growers, it was found that many people have certain misunderstandings about fertilization, such as no longer topdressing after a large amount of fertilization; Excessive use of potassium fertilizer will have a certain adverse effect on rice yield. Below, I will share with you a few common misunderstandings of rice fertilization to help you avoid them.

Rice fertilization avoids these misunderstandings and helps to achieve high yields

Rice fertilization - fertile rice for sea meals

After a large amount of fertilization at one time, top dressing is no longer applied

In order to save trouble, many growers often apply too much at one time when applying base fertilizer, and then do not carry out top dressing, which is obviously a wrong practice. Rice has multiple growth periods, among which the tillering stage and booting stage have more nutrient requirements, and directly affect the formation of yield, if nutrients are not supplemented in time, rice yield is easy to be reduced.

Therefore, rice fertilization should be reasonably topdressed according to different periods, such as the use of high-nitrogen water-soluble fertilizer at the seedling stage to promote the growth of seedlings; High nitrogen water-soluble fertilizer was used at the tillering stage to promote multi-tillering and lay the foundation for high yield. High potassium water-soluble fertilizer is used in the booting and filling stage to promote the fullness of grains and increase yield.

Rice fertilization avoids these misunderstandings and helps to achieve high yields

After the lack of fertilizer, fertilizer is applied again

After fertilizer is used, it takes a period of nutrient transformation to be absorbed and utilized by crops, and it is too late to carry out top dressing when there is a shortage of fertilizer in rice. In the process of rice fertilization, there is no shortage of examples of yield reduction due to easy nutrient deficiencies.

Rice topdressing time is fertilized in advance according to the growth situation and fertilizer characteristics, such as 3-5 days after the use of water-soluble fertilizer, it is necessary to fertilize 3-5 days in advance.

Excessive use of potash

Some growers are worried that the lack of potassium fertilizer in the later stage will affect the yield, so they use excessive potassium fertilizer during rice fertilization, resulting in excessive decomposition of some enzymes in rice, resulting in root rot and reducing rice yield.

Rice fertilization avoids these misunderstandings and helps to achieve high yields

Appropriate potassium supplementation can enhance rice photosynthesis and promote the formation of carbohydrates, but we must pay attention to the amount. For example, the amount of high potassium water-soluble fertilizer per mu is 5-10 kg to meet the needs of rice growth and increase the yield, and there is no need to increase the amount of fertilizer, resulting in waste and increasing input costs.

In the process of rice fertilization, these fertilization habits directly affect the formation of rice yield, so these misunderstandings should be avoided.

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