
Guangzhou-Foshan New World|The golden hub empowers the world's manors, and the sales of villas in the Bay Area have set off another boom

author:Guangdong life network financial media

It is reported that the average passenger flow of the whole line is as high as 100,000 people every weekend, and one line, one ticket, and five cities, so that more and more residents of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao have become the real beneficiaries of the one-hour living circle in the Bay Area, and they also have a close perception: the new rail era in the Bay Area has officially started.

The "seamless" transportation experience brings the urban agglomerations of the Greater Bay Area closer together. The "intercity + subway" composite mega network is making great strides towards the "one-hour commuting circle in the Bay Area", and at the moment of speeding up the better life of the cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the golden era of real estate in the Bay Area has truly arrived.

The world-class metropolitan area has been upgraded again, and the era of home ownership in the Bay Area has come

As the Bay Area rail transit enters a period of intensive cashing, the Greater Bay Area is becoming more and more like a "city". In fact, with the operation of this line, the radiation range of the half-hour and one-hour living circle in the Bay Area has changed, and the life scenario is brewing with high energy. Enjoy light travel, arrive in foot, and have a casual outing, banquet and dinner, which has become a breeze.

Guangzhou-Foshan New World|The golden hub empowers the world's manors, and the sales of villas in the Bay Area have set off another boom

The real scene of the new world of Canton-Foshan

In the morning, go to Guangzhou and Foshan to taste the authentic taste of Cantonese and Guangdong, and then check in Lingnan traditional Cantonese opera, lion dance performances or concerts, and shuttle to Shenzhen in the afternoon, and stroll along the coastal promenade in the evening...... It is this magical sense of "time and space" experience and colorful life that redefines the life mode under the hub of the Bay Area, and also attracts high-net-worth individuals who understand life and walk in the forefront of the times, seize the current value storm, and buy a high-quality life circle in the Bay Area.

Break through regional restrictions and take the lead in locating the best coordinates, which is the best opportunity to leverage the abundant life in the Bay Area at a lighter cost!

On top of the gold hub, high-vision Hong Kong people lock in the world manor

Breaking the impact of geographical restrictions, how to choose the era of home ownership in the Bay Area? It can be seen that life, medical care and industrial resources with high gold content are all planned and laid out along the rail transit. Re-integrating the natural ecological resources with the highest living comfort and relaxation, the golden hub links the world-class quality of life, and the new world of Guangzhou-Foshan is naturally hot.

In the context of the recent blockbuster property market policy, as a real "Greater Bay Area Line 1" superstructure property, Guangzhou-Foshan New World broke out in the Bay Area "top stream" fever, visits and transaction volume soared all the way, causing Hong Kong people to go north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen enterprises to visit and other phenomenal crowds, and even some sales brought customers to late at night, and the transaction card was non-stop, which was praised by thousands of Hong Kong people as the "top stream" of real estate in the Bay Area.

Guangzhou-Foshan New World|The golden hub empowers the world's manors, and the sales of villas in the Bay Area have set off another boom

The popular scene of the transaction in Guangfo New World

Taking the lead in perceiving the charm of life in the world's estates, many elite executives in Hong Kong chose to become the owners of Canton Foshan New World. "Leaving Central, Hong Kong, is a life of double speed in the career field, and returning to the manor yard is a relaxing life enjoyment with your family. Play a beautiful round of golf, and then go to Hong Kong on time from the four stations in Foshan West from your doorstep to Hong Kong." For Hong Kong people living in World Manor, it is like a "super access point" for new life in the Bay Area, where they can find the perfect balance between travel, work and life.

Guangzhou-Foshan New World|The golden hub empowers the world's manors, and the sales of villas in the Bay Area have set off another boom

Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong

Hong Kong people, who have always been considered more sensitive to the market, have experienced more cycles of financial and property market fluctuations, and they often act out of anticipation of market cycles and optimism about high-quality potential properties. It is reported that there are currently 500 Hong Kong families in the Canton-Foshan New World.

Why is Canton Foshan New World so popular? Careful analysis is not difficult to get the answer:

Highland of value: The income gap and price difference are visible to the naked eye, and the mainland consumption is more "quality-price ratio".

In 2024, the appreciation rate of the Hong Kong dollar will be close to 15%, the purchasing power will continue to rise, and the consumption enthusiasm of "Hong Kong people in Beijing" will continue to rise, and Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Foshan will become popular consumption cities for Hong Kong people. "Hong Kong and Macao make money, the Bay Area real estate" has become fashionable, a set of 70 or 80 square meters of small apartments in Hong Kong is often tens of millions, but in the Bay Area can easily have a large flat, or even a villa with heaven and earth.

Light travel: the world manor on top of the golden hub Hong Kong people can easily transfer in 1 hour

Occupying the position of the "Golden Hub of the Bay Area", Guangzhou-Foshan New World has 11 important tracks such as subway, high-speed rail, intercity and tram at its doorstep, 20 minutes to Guangzhou, 4 stops to Hong Kong West Kowloon, and light rail to Macau. It is reported that Foshan Metro Line 3 will also be opened, so the value of TOD hub-level super traffic is self-evident.

High-quality life: the growing charm of life in the Bay Area undertakes the "world-class vision" of Hong Kong people

In recent years, compared with Hong Kong-style services, the lifestyle in the Bay Area has shown a catch-up and leading trend, and the property quality, supporting facilities and management services have reached international standards, perfectly matching the world-class vision of Hong Kong and Macao customers.

World Manor has its own New World Chinese Hong Kong enterprise genes and international circle context, bringing together gold-award-level international living facilities and international living fireworks to provide a high-quality life beyond expectations.

Present the highest living ideal with international quality life

Transportation shortens the distance between time and space, and makes it possible to cross the city and pursue a high-level and improved life. Manor life is back at the forefront of the trend of home ownership, which is not only sought after by Hong Kong and Macau people, but also has become the ultimate ideal for more people in Kochi.

The manor life that people are pursuing today is not a medieval European-style castle, but a first residence that combines nature and life, and highlights identity and taste. Guangzhou-Foshan New World, on the other hand, has assembled a set of "all-in-all, all-excellent" world manor life plans, and has done its best to help many high-quality elites in the Bay Area realize their manor dreams.

The high-standard manor paradigm leads the new life of energy in the Bay Area

With its rich experience in creating urban landmarks and complexes, its diversified ecosystem operation capabilities and forward-looking insights from an international perspective, New World China has injected soul into this world estate.

Together with four well-known international design teams, Canton-Foshan New World has carefully connected 35 natural lakes, more than 700 acres of natural forests and 3 kilometers of lakeshore greenways into a natural energy field in the Bay Area. In the high-intensity, fast-paced urban life, it is not difficult to find that modern people are more willing to enjoy a rich and relaxed life, and at a time when a sustainable and healthy lifestyle has become a trend, "poetry" does not need to be in the distance, and the relaxation and healing of the soul are opened at the first moment of entering the new world of Guangzhou-Foshan.

Guangzhou-Foshan New World|The golden hub empowers the world's manors, and the sales of villas in the Bay Area have set off another boom

The real scene of Guangfo New World Ecological Sports Park

There are 108 facilities here, including a 1,100-acre GEO-certified golf course, a 20-kilometer jogging greenway, an infinity outdoor swimming pool of more than 1,300 square meters, and five competition-level courts such as tennis and billiards...... The international gold standard living area, which is composed of the Guangyue International Exchange Center, Foshan Golf Club, and the Heart of Guangzhou-Foshan Exhibition Hall, has built a social platform in line with international standards. The world-class high-standard supporting facilities have laid the high-quality genes of the world manor, which is also the confidence and support for Guangfo New World to lead the living standards of the Bay Area.

More than 20 national university life families, elite circles converge and intersect

People's yearning for manor life comes from the yearning for "high-end circle of manor". According to statistics, Canton-Foshan New World has attracted owners from more than 20 countries to live here, and 4,000+ big living families have gathered the international fireworks of the world manor here and experienced the cutting-edge international lifestyle.

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao International Floral Exhibition, International Dragon Boat Race, Golf European Tour Challenge, ...... With an annual average of 50+ Bay Area events staged here, the relationship between the Bay Area and the world has become an important platform and life gathering place for owners to connect with the Bay Area and the world.

Guangzhou-Foshan New World|The golden hub empowers the world's manors, and the sales of villas in the Bay Area have set off another boom

The real scene of the new world of Canton-Foshan

Prestigious in the Bay Area, the ultimate longing for courtyard life

Villas have been in scarce supply in the Bay Area for many years, not to mention the two extremely rare conditions of a golden hub and estate amenities. For high-end people who pursue quality of life, the villa has a single courtyard, a living experience of heaven and earth, and a sense of ownership of land, which are incomparable to large-level products.

For five consecutive years, it has won the reputation of the champion of the double champion of tens of millions of villas in the Bay Area in terms of transaction area and value, and Guangfo New World has created a truly high-quality villa life for the Greater Bay Area. The building area is about 160-230 square meters, with a low-density arrangement, a single courtyard, a hall out of the garden, a sky, a land, a view, and a courtyard life of a world manor; The villa area with a construction area of about 100-180 square meters, with a small high-rise slab design, is spacious and easy to use for the two-child universe and the three-generation house, providing residents with a long-term happy lifestyle with a sense of relaxation and immersive interest space.

Guangzhou-Foshan New World|The golden hub empowers the world's manors, and the sales of villas in the Bay Area have set off another boom

Real view of the garden of Guangfo New World Villa

"There must always be a set of world estates in life", the new real estate policies in Guangdong and Hong Kong are superimposed on the epic transportation benefits in the Bay Area, and now is the best opportunity to buy a home. With a down payment of 450,000 yuan, you can live in the four-story villa world of Guangfo New World, move your home into the world manor, and then advance to a new life winner!

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