
The breakage of the optical cable caused a large-scale Internet outage, and Xiaohongshu of Station B was affected


On the morning of July 2, 2024, internet users experienced a rare large-scale outage. The incident involved a number of well-known platforms, including Bilibili (Bilibili) and Xiaohongshu. Around 10 a.m., users found the platforms inaccessible, leading to a quick upsurge of discussion on social media about the outage. After an initial investigation, the root cause of the problem was attributed to a broken fiber optic cable from a major operator. The incident exposed the fragility of the Internet infrastructure and raised concerns about cybersecurity and reliability

The breakage of the optical cable caused a large-scale Internet outage, and Xiaohongshu of Station B was affected

According to the announcement released by Alibaba Cloud, at 10:04 a.m., its monitoring system detected an abnormal network access in Zone N in the Shanghai region. This anomaly immediately aroused the high alarm of Alibaba Cloud's engineering team. Subsequent network monitoring data showed that network traffic in the area dropped sharply, and user requests could not be processed normally. At this point, Alibaba Cloud quickly activated an emergency plan to restore normal services as soon as possible. The engineers first confirmed the location and impact area of the cable break, and then developed a detailed traffic cutting scheduling plan to ensure that network traffic in other areas was not affected

After about half an hour of emergency processing, Alibaba Cloud engineers completed the network traffic switching scheduling at 10:35. As a result of this operation, network access in Zone N in Shanghai (Shanghai) began to be gradually restored. However, this is only the first step. To ensure that all affected services were fully restored, the team of engineers also performed a comprehensive inspection and commissioning of the servers and network equipment. At 10:42, Alibaba Cloud officially announced that all products and services affected by the incident have returned to normal. The rapidity and effectiveness of the emergency response demonstrated Alibaba Cloud's professional capabilities and technical strength in handling emergencies

The breakage of the optical cable caused a large-scale Internet outage, and Xiaohongshu of Station B was affected

Although Alibaba Cloud's rapid response effectively controlled the situation, the fiber optic cable break incident still had a significant impact on multiple platforms and users. According to preliminary statistics, Bilibili and Xiaohongshu saw a drop of more than 80% in user visits during the downtime. The user experience has been severely impacted, and many people are unable to watch videos, post content, or interact properly. This situation not only affects individual users, but also causes economic losses to businesses that rely on these platforms for their business activities. In the aftermath of the incident, social media was flooded with user complaints and feedback, further highlighting the importance of the stability of internet services

From a technical point of view, cable breakage events are rare, but they are not unpreventable. Operators and cloud service providers need to further strengthen the monitoring and maintenance of their infrastructure. Especially at key nodes and important lines, more redundancy design and protection measures should be taken to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents. This incident also reminds us that the Internet is becoming more complex and dependent, and that problems in any one link can trigger a chain reaction. Therefore, strengthening network security and stability and improving emergency response capabilities are topics that every Internet enterprise and service provider must pay attention to

The breakage of the optical cable caused a large-scale Internet outage, and Xiaohongshu of Station B was affected

In the process of incident processing, Alibaba Cloud demonstrated its strong technical strength and rapid response capabilities. By identifying problems in a timely manner, formulating response plans quickly, and implementing them efficiently, Alibaba Cloud successfully minimized the impact of incidents. In the aftermath of this incident, Alibaba Cloud said it would further optimize its monitoring and emergency response mechanisms to ensure that it can respond to similar emergencies more quickly and effectively in the future. At the same time, Alibaba Cloud will also work with carriers to improve the maintenance and protection of infrastructure such as optical cables to ensure the normal user experience of users

Overall, although the fiber optic cable break incident has caused some distress to multiple platforms and users, it also demonstrates the response ability and technical strength of Internet service providers in the face of unexpected problems. Through continuous technology upgrading and management optimization, it is believed that similar incidents will be reduced in the future, and the network experience of users will be more stable and reliable. Incident resolution not only depends on technology and emergency measures, but also requires the joint efforts and collaboration of the entire industry, only in this way can the reliability and security of Internet infrastructure be truly improved