
The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

author:The Wisdom of the Yuan Era
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.


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Does the United States think that bombs are omnipotent? Every time a military exercise is conducted, a large number of bombs are dropped to create momentum, as if the bomb is the "master key" to solve the problem?

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

Recently, the situation at Scarborough Shoal has heated up, and the U.S. military and the Philippines have conducted a live-fire coastal exercise called "Marine Corps Aviation Support Activity 2024" in the waters near Luzon Island.

The exercise was full of "gunpowder smell," and the exercise simulated landing and anti-landing operations, and also carried out live firing of missiles and artillery.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

U.S. bombs bombed indiscriminately

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

There was a booming sound far away from Scarborough Shoal, and the source of this sound was quickly identified as the four F35 fighters of the US military playing tricks.

They fired seven precision-guided bombs in a row in the open sea 230 kilometers away from Scarborough Shoal, directly blowing up the target ship to slag.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

The Philippines' unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is really active!

The actions of the two of them have attracted the attention of the whole world, especially us, there are these two people with evil intentions doing things at the door of their homes, and everyone needs to pay more attention.

What the hell are the United States and the Philippines doing so frequently? Today the two of them dare to blow up the virtual target ship, but what about tomorrow? Will you dare to come tomorrow?

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

The role of the Philippines

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

The Philippines first dispatched an unmanned reconnaissance plane to the waters near Scarborough Shoal to conduct a detailed survey operation.

The drones are like the "vanguard" of the Philippine military, hovering over the waters near Scarborough Shoal, gathering all kinds of intelligence.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

This intelligence not only helped the Philippine military better understand the situation near Scarborough Shoal, but also indirectly assisted the U.S. military in its next move.

The calculations of the US military

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

Lao Mei has a good calculation, they think that sending Philippine drones to reconnoiter can make us feel that we can easily deal with it, so that we will relax our vigilance.

Their calculations were wrong, very wrong! Every time the Philippines carries out large-scale provocations at Second Thomas Shoal and Scarborough Shoal, we will not be relentless.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

The 052D destroyer and the 054A frigate are not vegetarians, not to mention the 055 destroyer that once single-handedly ran after the aircraft carrier. This lineup, the old American aircraft carrier can't come.

When the Philippine Navy and Air Force see our fleet, they have no ability to counterattack at all, but they have the United States behind them, and we in China have an idiom "dogs fight people's strength."

The attack plan of the US military

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

It is estimated that the US military wants to use the Philippines to carry out a special plan against islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

They first wanted the Philippine Coast Guard to stir up the situation and lure out our coast guard ships and fishing boats, and then the Philippine drones would search for the location of the main fleet of our navy and then tell the US military.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

Then the U.S. military sent F-35B stealth fighters with guided bombs and anti-ship missiles to sneak attack. This plan is really a trick in Sun Tzu's Art of War, "diverting the tiger from the mountain".

A flaw in the tactics of the US military

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

To be honest, from a tactical point of view, not only did they fail to show their muscles, but also let us see the flaws.

Which of their guided bombs has a range of only 28 kilometers, and the range of missiles installed on our current destroyers and frigates far exceeds theirs.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

Even the most "vegetable" Hongqi-16 missile has a range of 40 kilometers, not to mention, the 055 big drive also has the Dongfeng 41 missile.

Although the name of the American fighter sounds very popular, the combat radius is only 400 kilometers, and it is quite difficult to fly with heavy anti-ship missiles.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

Their drill this time felt like they were playing "playing house".

The weakness of the old beauty

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

In this exercise between the United States and the Philippines, the C-130 transport plane in command was really speechless, it flew slowly, and its maneuverability could not keep up, let alone combat effectiveness.

Maybe in the first wave of attacks, it will become "cannon fodder", and the F-22 stealth fighter will not even have a chance to appear.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

Picture from: CCTV Military

Speaking of transport planes, we have to talk about which of our "fat girls", she is the real powerhouse.

Y-20, everyone affectionately calls it "Kunpeng", this is our independent research and development of China's large military transport aircraft, the manufacturer behind it is Xi'an Aircraft Industry Company!

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

Picture from: CCTV Military

Research on this aircraft began in 2007, and then in 2013, it finally ushered in its first flight, successfully completing its first flight.

The Y-20 is an all-rounder, not only for strategic transportation, but also for transporting large quantities of materials and personnel to where they are needed. It can also airdrop supplies and personnel.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

It's like in the movies, where supplies are dropped from the sky, and even medical evacuations can be carried out to get the wounded to a safe medical point in time.

Its appearance is a huge leap forward for China in the field of large transport aircraft. Directly kill the C-130 transport plane of the US military in seconds.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

History of Scarborough Shoal

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

As early as 2012, China and the Philippines had a confrontation over the Scarborough Shoal issue, which led to particularly tense relations between the two countries at that time.

In recent years, the Philippines has become even more envious of China's assertion of sovereignty in the South China Sea, the construction of various islands and reefs, and the detection of a large number of rich resources in the South China Sea.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

The U.S. military's military deployment in the Asia-Pacific region has become more and more frequent, especially the F-35 fighter, which has made its home in Japan in recent years.

Regional strategic and historical background of the U.S. military

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

In recent years, the US military has become increasingly active in the Asia-Pacific region.

In addition to that advanced F-35B fighter, they also secretly hid the F-22 stealth fighter in Japan. These fighters flew around the Asia-Pacific region and conducted many joint exercises and military tests.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

This strategy is somewhat similar to the "island chain strategy" of the United States during the Cold War. At that time, the United States was trying to contain the Soviet Union, and now it is trying to contain China's influence in the South China Sea.

This joint operation between the US military and the Philippines may sound like a good thing, but the actual combat effect is really indescribable.

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

Their actions, in the face of our powerful air defense system and combat capability, are simply petty fights, and they are completely unable to pose any real threat to us.

Disclaimer: Some of the pictures in this article are taken from the Internet, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

Here are the real sources of information:

Philippine reconnaissance planes appeared, and seven US bombs exploded near Scarborough Shoal: F-22 and F-35 all came

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

U.S. Marine Corps F-35 fighter jets conduct live-fire exercises in the Philippines

The United States "threw bombs and bombed the ship" demonstration, and the Philippine military reconnaissance plane appeared on Huangyan Island.

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