
The case of "two enterprises and three new" contributed to the party building of direct enterprises

author:The world speaks bluntly

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the party building work of mixed-ownership enterprises and non-public enterprises should be strengthened; Strengthen the party building of new economic organizations, new social organizations, and new employment groups. This is also known as "two enterprises and three new".

There are many private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises in the direct selling industry, and the distribution of new employment groups such as dealers is also relatively scattered. As a result, some direct selling enterprises have explored the "two enterprises and three new" party building methods with industry characteristics. The mobile party branch and network party branch established by direct selling enterprises also put forward a feasible solution to the problem of party building of dealers with large mobility and wide distribution; Innovative party building activities have achieved a number of "party building +", and these explorations and innovations also have reference significance.

Green rhyme

Get creative with themed party days

The case of "two enterprises and three new" contributed to the party building of direct enterprises

As early as 2006, Green Charm established a party branch, was approved to establish a general party branch in 2013, and was upgraded to a party committee in 2016. As of March 2024, there are 12 party branches under the party committee of Lvzhiyun Group, with party members accounting for 40% of the total number of the company, the average age is 35 years old, 70% of the party members have a bachelor's degree, and more than 10 party members have been awarded the title of "outstanding party worker" in the province, city and park.

In the work of party building, the theme party day of Green Rhyme has various forms and rich contents, reflecting the creativity of "party building +".

In addition to the presentation of flower baskets and other links, the theme activities such as "Paying Tribute to the Revolutionary Martyrs on the Qingming Festival" carried out by Green Charm also joined the visit to the exhibition hall of Liuyang's ancient history and culture, so that the participants could learn the glorious traditions of martyrs and heroes while also understanding the local history and culture.

On December 22, 2023, at the party day activity with the theme of "Passion and Happy Marathon, Green Charm People Move Forward Together", Green Charm took the 2023 Orange Island Red Half Marathon as the carrier, with the theme of "Counting Merry People, Looking at the Present", set up two major events such as half marathon and 5km happy run, which attracted 5,000 runners from all over the country to participate, and "started" at 9:09 a.m. on the same day, integrating sportsmanship and health concepts into party day activities. It has deepened the understanding and communication between party members. Lvzhiyun Group also organized more than 50 party members and comrades to participate in the competition. Liu Yun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Lvzhiyun Group, said that the holding of the Happy Marathon theme party day activity not only enhanced the physical fitness and health level of party members and comrades, further enriched the life of the party organization, stimulated the enthusiasm of party members and comrades to participate in sports, but also deepened the understanding and exchanges between party members of the branch.

On April 26, 2024, the 2024 Non-public Party Building Work Promotion Conference and Party Worker Training Conference of Liuyang Economic and Technological Development Zone was held. In 2022 and 2023, Green Charm won the "Most Creative Theme Party Day Activity" award.

Mary Kay

The spirit of model workers leads the construction of floor branches

The case of "two enterprises and three new" contributed to the party building of direct enterprises

Mary Kay established a party branch in 2007 and a party committee on June 18, 2020, during which the number of party members grew from 6 to 105. After years of development, Mary Kay has explored a party building path in terms of "branch built on floor" and model worker studio.

"Branches are built on floors" means that Mary Kay has a branch on every two floors, and three Party branches cover all Party members and employees at six levels, so as to strengthen the communication between Party members and Party members, and between Party members and other employees. At the same time, the party organization takes the floor as a unit to carry out party building activities, participate in party building learning, pay close attention to the party building work, and realize the coverage of party building without dead ends.

In the construction of the Model Worker Studio, Mary Kay relied on the Ancongzhen Model Worker Innovation Studio to help the party building work with the spirit of the Model Worker.

In 2022, Mary Kay (China) Co., Ltd. An Congzhen Model Worker Innovation Studio of Jiangning Road Street Federation of Trade Unions in Jing'an District was named the 12th batch of Shanghai Model Worker Innovation Studios. The studio was founded in 2017 and has a total of six members as of early 2023. In years of practice, the studio has promoted the establishment of a learning organization, took the lead in convening the study meeting of the regional party building exchange platform "Ning Hao, Secretary", released the "Mary Kay Party Building Case Collection" and "Mary Kay Party Building Story Collection", and participated in the establishment of the Party Committee (Taiwan-funded) of Dingjie Technology Co., Ltd. and the Party Committee (private) of Lianjia East China Headquarters. An Congzhen Model Worker Innovation Studio also participated in the process of improving the establishment of the party organization in Mary Kay.

The studio is also committed to the cultivation of party building talents, and many party building talents have obtained the title of senior political engineer. The studio leader An Congzhen's paper "An Empirical Research on the Impact of Party Building Work in Non-public Enterprises Based on Psychological Contract on Party Members and Enterprises" won the A-level doctoral dissertation of the United Business School of Belgium (UBI), and the 2021 studio case "Integration, Transparency, Exemplarity, Releasing the Red Kinetic Energy of Mary Kay (China) Party Building" won the National Best Practice Award for Grassroots Party Building issued by the National Non-public Party Building Research Association.

In addition, Mary Kay has also established a mobile party branch mainly composed of dealer party members, and the Shanghai mobile party branch and the Hangzhou mobile party branch have been established in October 2019 and June 2020, respectively.

Sun God

The general party branch of the network innovates the way of party building

The case of "two enterprises and three new" contributed to the party building of direct enterprises

For direct selling enterprises, dealers have the characteristics of large groups, cross-regional, and strong mobility, which is a major problem for party building. Based on the actual operation of direct selling enterprises and based on modern information technology, Sun God has developed a network party organization construction method.

In 2010, with the strong support of the higher-level party committee, the network party branch was established to explore and carry out party building work among the direct selling practitioners. In June 2013, the network party branch was upgraded to the network party branch. As of June 2024, the network branch has three network party branches under its jurisdiction, and one party branch (Chongqing branch party branch). There are 45 registered official party members, 1 probationary party member, 5 party activists, 328 registered party members, and 23 regional party groups, distributed in 21 prefectures and cities in 16 provinces.

In the face of the practical challenges of party building with large groups, cross-regional, and strong mobility, under the guidance and support of the Party Committee of the Group, the Huangjiang Enterprise Working Committee, and the Dongguan Enterprise Working Committee, the party building work of Helios Network has been gradually launched: for the problem that the dealer party members are all over the country and the number is large, it is difficult to organize and learn in a centralized manner, and the organizational relationship is complicated, and the registration system party member management is carried out, which solves the problem of the identity of the dealer's party members; Explore the combination of online and offline party affairs management mode, and solve the problem of party members' communication in different places; The first co-management and co-construction party branch (Chongqing Branch Party Branch) was formally established in June 2017. Regularly go to the front line of the market to carry out party building inspections and research to promote the implementation of network party building work, up to now, the general party branch of Helios Network has carried out party building inspections and research activities in 32 cities in 20 provinces.

After years of exploration, the general party branch of Helios Network summarized and refined the "123456 model" in 2017, 1 is a party building work center: promote enterprise management with party building, and support party building with enterprise management; 2 is the two goals of party building promotion: promoting standardization and development; 3 is the three levels of party building work: the general party branch of the network, the party branch of co-management and co-construction, and the regional party group (decomposition and implementation at all levels to ensure that the implementation is in place); 4 is the four major contents of party building work: party organization construction, self-discipline and norms, public welfare and charity, and corporate culture (around the center, clear direction, rich content, and have something to say); 5 is the five forms of online and offline party building work: party building network publicity, remote video conference, micro-party class, field meetings and activities, and national linkage (in a variety of forms, carried out rhythmically, with points to faces, and to face to surface); 6 is the six party building management system management measures: registration system party member absorption and management measures, party group formation and management methods, party branch management measures, party member file management, party group file management, evaluation and reward system (establish standards, clear systems, strengthen assessment, and strive for excellence).

On June 26, 2024, the General Party Branch of Helios Network and the Dongguan Municipal Committee of Jiusan Society also carried out a party founding day friendship activity in Huangjiang Health Products Factory, promoting each other in the way of party building + united front. The Party branch of Helios Network hopes that through the efforts of both sides, the two sides will achieve more fruitful results in the field of health industry.

Through innovative party building methods, Helios has made outstanding achievements in the work of "two enterprises and three new". The overseas edition of the People's Daily once commented that "the sun god has led the trend of party building in the industry".


The spirit of the Long March is integrated into the brand culture

The case of "two enterprises and three new" contributed to the party building of direct enterprises

In 1999, with the approval of the Wuqing District Party Committee and the Management Committee of the Development Zone, Tiens formally established the Party Branch, and in 2001, it was upgraded to the Party Committee of the Group with the approval of the Working Committee of the Wuqing Development Zone. At present, the Party Committee of Tiens Group has five Party branches, covering all business functional departments and direct sales teams, and Tiens Group has a total of 300 Party members (50% of the Party members of dealers), and nearly 100 employees have actively joined the Party organizations in response to the call of the Party. Tiens Group has also selected a large number of party members to overseas companies and set up a number of overseas party branches.

In 2024, the Party Committee of Tiens Group launched the patriotic education activity of "Re-taking the Long March Road and Building the Chinese Dream Together", with the Long March route as the background, the Group headquarters sank into the business market, linked with various branches in China and Tiens College, and set off from Ruijin, Jiangxi Province on May 16, and then re-walked the Long March Road along the route of the Long March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, ending at Yan'an in northern Shaanxi.

Tiens Group said that the results of the activity were in three aspects: in terms of party building, the Party Committee of Tiens Group always adhered to the leadership of the party, actively played the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress, strengthened the education and organizational cohesion of the party spirit by strengthening the education and management of party members, and promoting the in-depth integration of corporate culture construction and party building work, so that party members could deeply understand their responsibilities and missions as party members, and actively play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members in their work; In terms of the direct selling business market, the Long March road re-walking activities organized by the Party Committee of the direct selling enterprise not only strengthened the party members' party spirit education and team cohesion, but also achieved positive results in business marketing. In terms of public welfare, through donations, material assistance, etc., we helped the party and the masses to build together in the Long March Memorial Site, established a point-to-point connection with it, improved the good business environment, promoted social harmony, established a public welfare brand image of actively fulfilling social responsibilities, and enhanced the company's social influence and reputation.


Four platforms empower party building

The case of "two enterprises and three new" contributed to the party building of direct enterprises

Combined with the actual situation of the company, the party building idea of building "four platforms" was perfectly proposed, and the party building work was fruitful.

The first is to build a grid management platform for party building. The perfect party committee formulates the policy of "grasping the comprehensive headquarters and grasping the characteristics of the branch", and the "big grid" of the company's party committee leads the "small grid" of the party branch to achieve "full coverage, new ideas and results", carries out various forms of party building activities according to local conditions, and cultivates and selects outstanding party members to enter management positions.

The second is to build a learning and education platform for party members. The perfect party committee has innovated to create an "Internet + party building" platform, and through the integration of multimedia platforms and mobile carriers, it has realized the convenient access to party members' learning and education "at their fingertips".

The third is to build an exemplary leading platform. The Perfect Party Committee deeply integrates the party building work with the development of the enterprise, gives full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and promotes the party building work to resonate with the company's high-quality development.

The fourth is to build a platform for public welfare volunteer service. The Perfect Party Committee actively explores the innovative model of "public welfare + party building", and has donated a total of more than 1 billion yuan in China with the mode of party committee organization, party branch mobilization, all party members taking the lead, and all employees and partners participating, and jointly promoting and practicing "public welfare for everyone, public welfare at all times, and public welfare everywhere".

Under the empowerment and efficiency of the four platforms, Perfect Company has planned and organized a variety of party day activities to encourage party members and cadres to forge ahead and strive for first-class.

In terms of cultivating the awareness of ecological civilization, the Perfect Party organization has initiated and organized tree planting activities for many times. On March 6, 2024, the Party Committee of Perfect Company and the Party Working Committee of Shiqi Street held a greening and tree planting activity of "'Qi' welcomes the good season of spring and 'perfect' green party flag is raised", and Perfect Company donated a total of nearly 50,000 yuan in the activity, with a green area of nearly 2,500 square meters. On April 23, 2024, the "12th Voluntary Tree Planting and Building a Perfect Forest" activity was jointly held in Fangshan District, Beijing, initiated by the Perfect Party Branch, Perfect Beijing Branch and the Capital Internet + National Voluntary Tree Planting (Fangshan) Base. Since 2012, the theme activity of "Voluntary Tree Planting to Build a Perfect Forest" has been carried out for 12 consecutive years, with a total of 10,744 trees planted and more than 100 acres of "perfect forest".

In terms of party discipline learning and education, the Party Branch of Perfect Hunan Branch and the Fifth Party Branch of Yiyang Market Supervision Bureau jointly carried out a joint construction activity with the theme of "Reminiscing the Eventful Years, Inheriting the Red Gene, and Party Discipline Learning and Education" from June 13 to 15, 2024. During the period, the party members and backbones of the branch visited the exhibition hall of the former site of the "Madu Investigation" and the 11th Arsenal of the National Government during the Anti-Japanese War, re-walked the bluestone road of the ancient tea horse road passed by the 17th Division of the Sixth Army of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and organized the perfect local partners in Yiyang to visit the former residence of Zhou Libo.

In terms of helping the construction of a healthy China, on February 27, 2024, the Party Branch of Perfect Shaanxi Branch and the community of Hongzhuan South Road in Xi'an City jointly held the "New Year's Month, Troublesome Social Fire" Healthy China Perfect Action Party Member Volunteers Walk into the Community, in which Perfect Volunteers provided free health testing services for community residents and promoted the concept of health.

As of June 2024, the number of party members of Perfect Company is more than 400, and the headquarters has set up the first party committee of an overseas Chinese-funded enterprise in Zhongshan City, with 36 party branches under the jurisdiction of the party committee, and 38 new party activists in the headquarters since the beginning of this year. At present, Perfect continues to carry out party discipline learning and education, and leads the high-quality development of enterprises with high-quality party building.

Author|Lei Kunlun

Source: Knowledge Economy