
Old family bitter vegetables

author:Xiurong Life Information Circle

Every year, the early spring wind gently sweeps through the fields, awakening patches of tender green bitter herbs. Its unique bitter taste is like a gift from nature to human beings, which makes people taste unforgettable. Although bitter herbs are bitter, they are bitter and sweet, just like the hardships and hardships in life, which can always make people understand a different taste in taste. Whenever spring comes, I always look forward to that bite of the tender bitter herbs, which is not only a food, but also a life experience, but also a unique memory.

Old family bitter vegetables

In the fields of early summer, clumps of bitter herbs, like green ripples gently spread over the earth, their wild growth, unreservedly showing the vigor and vitality of life, fine flowers dotted in between, as if the pearls of the earth!

Every year in March, it is the golden season for bitter herbs to be marketed. At this time, I would walk with my family, colleagues, and friends, and go to the vast fields, holding a plastic bag in one hand and a small shovel in the other, and bowed down to the ground. Picking bitter herbs is a very hard job, walking on the fields and searching, picking and digging with a beautiful mood, stained with the remaining soil, those fresh and tender bitter herbs fill the bag. Looking at the crowd of people leisurely digging vegetables, I felt that they got even more pleasure from digging bitter vegetables than eating bitter vegetables. When they have the opportunity to go outdoors and pick bitter vegetables in nature, the joy of this search will make people love nature and life more.

Bitter herb, also known as "defeated sauce grass", it grows in the fields, mountains, roadsides, and is distributed all over the country. Bitter herb is cold, bitter taste, non-toxic, is a kind of medicinal edible wild plant, eat more to help enhance the body's immunity, promote brain development, regular food and weight loss, beauty, heat and detoxification, cool blood and stop bleeding, antibacterial eyes, detoxification, cold, constipation, diabetes and so on have a good prevention and treatment effect.

The most common way to eat bitter herbs is cold salad. Remove the rotten leaves of the bitter herbs, pinch off the old roots and wash them, blanch them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, cool the water, drain the water, cut them into small pieces, add salt, chopped green onions, a little peppercorn noodles, aged vinegar, sesame oil and other seasonings, with mashed potatoes, stir evenly, the taste is refreshing, crisp and tender, the more you eat, the more durable you are. Cold bitter vegetables not only taste delicious, refreshing and delicious, but also can be appetizing and greasy, which is beneficial to health!

Old family bitter vegetables

Another way to eat bitter herbs is garlic bitter herbs. After blanching the bitter herbs (you can't cover the pot after blanching the bitter herbs in water, otherwise the bitter herbs will not be green), add garlic paste, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and sesame oil, mix well, and dip in vegetarian cakes.

Here's a new recipe for bitter herbs. After blanching the washed bitter herbs in boiling water, take them out and put them in cold water to keep the color bright, squeeze out the water, chop them, add various seasonings, and then add peanuts to fry until fragrant, and finally pour the fried peanuts and oil on the seasoning, and stir well! This dish is delicious and perfect for the whole family.

One weekend last summer, a dozen of our female classmates had dinner together. The meal was so hearty! There are dry pot fish, steamed crab, stir-fried meat with chili, sweet and sour pork ribs, eggplant beans, platter harvest, etc., and a very ordinary dish - bitter vegetables. Everyone was full of dazzling choices, and they all picked up chopsticks and ate happily. If you like to eat vegetables, you will sandwich vegetables, and if you love to eat meat dishes, everyone will talk while eating, and after eating for about half an hour, a plate of "ordinary dishes" will be exhausted, and the other dishes will only be partially eaten. At this time, I joked with my classmates, "Why do you love bitter vegetables so much?" Isn't it a bit of a gobble? Before he finished speaking, Guixiang hurriedly said: "Bitter herbs are one of the earliest wild vegetables that people eat. Not only is it refreshing and delicious, but it is also rich in protein and fiber. Gui Ping continued: "Most of the Chinese's nostalgia can find sustenance at the dinner table. In the past, bitter vegetables were eaten to survive the famine, but now they are to taste new things and change their appetite. Born in 1958, I deeply felt that bitter vegetables were my family's life-saving dishes in the era when I was hungry, and today, when there is plenty of food, eating bitter vegetables has gradually become a kind of bittersweet feelings. A dinner party ends unconsciously in conversation, in memories, and in feelings. However, the students could not let go of the aftertaste of bitter vegetables, the value of bitter vegetables, the favor of bitter vegetables, and the feelings of bitter vegetables for a long time.

Old family bitter vegetables

Bitter herbs, bitter herbs! The motherland is developing rapidly, the people's living standards are improving day by day, you are more and more favored by the people, you will be grandly on the urban and rural table, proudly become the delicacy on the tip of people's tongues. Nowadays, you have become a dream luxury for people in the city, and you have become the pleasure of planting in front of the house or by the ditch in the field, and we feel that this is undoubtedly a gift of nature to us human beings.

I love the bitter herbs of my hometown, and the bitter herbs are my lingering nostalgia!