
Whether two people are suitable for being together or not, one thing can be seen, it is very accurate

author:Brother Yuan

Have you ever found that two people are suitable for being together, in fact, one thing can be seen. I swiped a video today, talking about two, if they are together, they must be happier than one person. In my opinion, true love should be a tacit understanding between two people.

Whether two people are suitable for being together or not, one thing can be seen, it is very accurate

Li Ming and Xiaoyu are tacit partners recognized by everyone. Their love has no earth-shattering confessions, nor promises of vows, but in ordinary days, it is full of warmth and sweetness.

Whether two people are suitable for being together or not, one thing can be seen, it is very accurate

Once, Xiaoyu was busy and irritable, and inadvertently mentioned in the circle of friends, "I really want to eat that cake". After Li Ming saw it, he silently remembered it in his heart.

The next day, Li Ming decided to surprise the rain, and he drove dozens of miles by himself to buy the handmade cakes that Xiaoyu likes to eat. When the cake was bought, Xiaoyu was very moved, and of course, she also had a stronger love for Li Ming.

Whether two people are suitable for being together or not, one thing can be seen, it is very accurate

These are just a few of the many stories that "coincide" in their lives. I remember one time, when the two of them went to the mall together, Li Ming fell in love with a delicate tie, and Xiaoyu silently wrote down the style. A few days later, Xiaoyu bought it and put it in Li Ming's bag. When Li Chu took out the tie from his bag, the two looked at each other and smiled, needless to say, the tacit understanding was all in his words.

Whether two people are suitable for being together or not, one thing can be seen, it is very accurate

Their love is like a choreographed dance, every step, every turn, just right fit. They love to watch movies together, travel together, and try new things together. More importantly, in the face of life's trivialities and challenges, they can always find a common direction and move forward hand in hand.

Whether two people are suitable for being together or not, one thing can be seen, it is very accurate

Li Ming is a typical science student, with clear logic and careful thinking; And Xiaoyu is a literary young woman, delicate and imaginative. Such a combination may seem strange to outsiders, but they interpret the true meaning of "complementarity" in their own way. Whenever there is a disagreement or difficulty, they will patiently listen to each other's ideas and then look for that best solution together.

Whether two people are suitable for being together or not, one thing can be seen, it is very accurate

In their view, love is not only a collision of passion and romance, but also a process of mutual understanding, support and growth. They believe that as long as there is love in my heart and that tacit understanding of "coincidence", I will be happy.

Now, Li Ming and Xiaoyu have entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. Their wedding was simple and warm, without fancy pomp or expensive decorations, but every detail was full of love and care.

Whether two people are suitable for being together or not, one thing can be seen, it is very accurate

Many old irons said this:

Netizen A: The romance is never the end of the day, but the road we have walked together, potholes, twists and turns, so what, nine bends and eighteen bends, the Yellow River flows into the sea.

Netizen B: When two people are together, they must be wiser, happier, and more interesting than one person.

Whether two people are suitable for being together or not, one thing can be seen, it is very accurate

Netizen C: Where he wants to go, I also want to go, although for a moment, I think it's so difficult, but it's really cool for two people to be brave together, we want the same way of life, so we will sing and harmonize.

Netizen D: I'm pretty sure that we are happier together than I am alone.