
Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

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Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

You can not believe it, but never blaspheme and disrespect!

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

In order to shoot a video of "anti-feudal superstition", he did not hesitate to throw the statue of Guanyin angrily, and also wore a "shroud" to sleep live, which challenged the folk taboo almost once.

But later, for some reason, he suddenly withdrew from the network when the traffic was at its highest! Disappear for three years! By the time he returned, it would be a different story!

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

Yin Jiuhua was a short video blogger a few years ago, and in order to attract fans to increase traffic, he came up with an idea, which was to shoot a "anti-feudal superstition" video. But the video he shot is not simply promoting positive energy.

Yin Jiuhua began to look for folk taboos, and the video that made him out of the circle for the first time was filmed with the "Pen Fairy" challenge, which has also been remade many times in the movie. I thought it was another tricky video, but I didn't expect an accident to happen during the challenge!

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

The pencil not only turned on its own, but the light also went out, which frightened the netizens who watched the video, and everyone questioned, is it really so mysterious? However, Yin Jiuhua also quickly became popular because of this video, and the number of fans also rose rapidly.

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

Yin Jiuhua, who tasted the sweetness, began to get out of control, and he thought that his previous video was too restrained, so there was no traffic. So he began to take on even more excessive challenges!

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

Not only did he wear a "shroud" and go to sleep in the cemetery, but in order to prove that he was not cheating, he also started a live broadcast. Later, others said, "Insert three sticks of incense on white rice" The challenge he dared to do!

Yin Jiuhua said very disdainfully, I'm not afraid of sleeping in the cemetery, what if you eat a bowl of rice! So he completed it with disdain, and responded that this kind of deception is not worth fearing at all!

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

He felt that these were not enough, and he set his sights on the "Buddha" again. He first smashed the "Hu Santai Grandma" with a stick, and then smashed the Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?
Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

He played almost all the folk taboos that circulated, and broadcast the whole process live every time, as if he was proving his "fearlessness" with his actions.

Yin Jiuhua's more and more arrogant approach has scared fans! Everyone advised him to be more restrained, thinking that there are some things you can not believe, but you can't blaspheme them at will! However, Yin Jiuhua was disdainful at all, and bluntly said that he didn't believe it anymore, so why should he respect it.

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

He even posted his birthday in the comment area, begging those who are not used to him to retribution, as if he is provoking some unknown force with his actions.

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

However, just when Yin Jiu Chinese was popular, he suddenly disappeared from the Internet. All the video content of all social media accounts was deleted, and the accounts were also deleted. This series of operations has caused netizens to speculate, has he really suffered retribution?

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

In fact, in addition to Yin Jiuhua, someone did a similar challenge in 2003, which set off a big storm at that time!

Zuo Yang is a user on the Tianya forum who likes to share supernatural stories. Later, he posted a post titled "Personal Experience of the So-called Horror Game", which attracted the attention of countless netizens. Everyone is curious, what is the gaming experience like?

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

In the following days, he tried five supernatural games one by one, among which the game of "three sticks of incense on white rice", Zuo Yang said that there was no other abnormality except for some discomfort after eating rice mixed with fragrant ash. This disappointed many netizens and questioned that these games were not exciting at all.

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

In response to the doubts, Zuo Yang tried a game called "Four Corners Game", and Zuo Yang, accompanied by his friends, mustered up the courage to start the game. However, there were accidents along the way.

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

There was a person who suddenly disappeared, and they hurriedly turned on the light, and found that this person was just pranking them and secretly ran to the toilet. Although this was a false alarm, in the following attempt, the unusual reaction of a female friend made things confusing.

After playing for a few minutes, the girl suddenly screamed and ran wildly, still muttering in her mouth, there was one more person. But after they turned on the lights, there were still four people in the room, and there were no more people, and no matter how much they tried to appease the girls, it was useless. In desperation, the game could only be terminated.

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

After the end of the five games, the update frequency of Zuo Yang gradually decreased. It wasn't until June 22, 2005, that he popped up, saying that a lot had happened during that time, but didn't want to blame it on the games.

Six days later, he went online again, and then disappeared for three years. Zuo Yang, like Yin Jiuhua, disappeared for several years after doing these things. So what happened to them during this time?

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

After disappearing for three years, Yin Jiuhua suddenly returned to the Internet with a new identity. He registered a new account called "Jiuhua Charity Alliance Release 10,000 Days", and will release videos of fish every day.

This move shocked netizens: How could he, who once threatened not to believe in "ghosts and gods" and want to smash feudal superstitions, suddenly convert to Buddhism?

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

Yin Jiuhua also responded to this incident, saying that his original intention a few years ago was just curiosity, and he also wanted to make everyone believe in science through these challenges.

However, since he filmed those videos, he and his family have experienced some bad things in every way. Although he did not specify what these things were, it can be seen that they had a great influence on him.

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

Later, one day, he met a perennial release man by the river, and the first time they met, the two felt very fateful, and told each other a lot of their own things, and the other party told him that he could go to the Jizo King Bodhisattva on Jiuhua Mountain to repent.

So, he went to Jiuhua Mountain and made a vow there: he would insist on releasing life for 10,000 days. This change has made netizens talk a lot.

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

Some people questioned his motives, believing that he was just rubbing the heat to attract attention; Others expressed understanding of his choice, believing that everyone has the freedom to choose their own beliefs. However, no matter what the outside world says, Yin Jiuhua has already strengthened his belief.

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

Three years after Zuo Yang disappeared, until October 25, 2008, he suddenly logged in to his account and posted a sentence, and then disappeared into the sea of people.

He exhorted everyone not to dabble in things other than cognition, and to be respectful. The shift came as a shock to many fans and sparked more speculation and discussion.

Those Internet celebrities who blaspheme ghosts and gods in order to gain traffic, what happens to them now?

As for what happened to Zuo Yang and Yin Jiuhua in the past three years, we may never get a definite answer.

But their stories undoubtedly leave us with a deep reflection on whether we should also maintain a sense of awe while exploring the unknown and pursuing excitement.

This article is intended to promote belief in science, no bad guidance, and please do not imitate the behavior in the story! Don't imitate!