
Incredible! Roll your face with eggs like this, and the melasma will disappear?

author:Ancient Medicine White Xiao Bai

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) often contains simple but effective therapies. Today, we're going to explore a long-standing but lesser-known method – the egg face rolling method. Not only is this method simple to operate, but it is also rumored to be able to treat a variety of ailments, including melasma, bruises, and bruising. What kind of therapy is this? Is there a scientific basis behind it? Let's explore its mysteries from the perspective of Chinese medicine.

Incredible! Roll your face with eggs like this, and the melasma will disappear?

Among the classic health preservation methods of traditional Chinese medicine, the egg face rolling method has attracted people's attention with its unique curative effect and simple operation method. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that eggs have certain medicinal value, and their taste is sweet and flat, and it has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, nourishing blood and calming the nerves. Through the direct contact between the egg and the skin of the face, it seems that it can inadvertently reconcile the body's qi and blood and achieve the therapeutic effect.

Removes blood stasis and bruises

Hard-boiled eggs are often used and gently rolled over the injured part while they are hot. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, boiled eggs have a strong adsorption effect, and through warmth and rolling, they can promote local blood circulation and help disperse stasis and relieve pain. This method has some effect on relieving local hematoma and pain after bruises.

Incredible! Roll your face with eggs like this, and the melasma will disappear?

Regulates facial qi and blood and removes melasma

Facial melasma is considered to be a manifestation of liver stagnation and qi stagnation and poor qi and blood flow in traditional Chinese medicine. By promoting blood circulation in the face, the egg roll can help to adjust the liver's excretory function, thereby reducing pigmentation. At the same time, the nutrients in eggs, such as protein and vitamins, may also have a certain nourishing effect on the skin, and long-term use may witness the gradual fading of spots.

Deep health care, from the outside in

However, the egg rolling method is not a panacea, and the deeper meaning behind it is to remind us to pay attention to self-care in our daily lives. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes that "not treating the disease before it is cured", and through this simple external therapy, it is actually guiding us to think about how to prevent diseases by adjusting our lifestyle habits. For example, proper dietary adjustment, regular work and rest time, and emotional management are all important contents of TCM health preservation.

Incredible! Roll your face with eggs like this, and the melasma will disappear?

As a traditional health care therapy, although it seems simple or even primitive in modern society, the theory and philosophy of Chinese medicine behind it are far-reaching. Through the discussion of this therapy, we can not only learn about a method that may be beneficial for certain symptoms, but more importantly, re-examine and discover the wisdom of wellness in life. In this fast-paced era, let's slow down and experience the charm of natural remedies with a peaceful heart, and maybe we will inadvertently find the secret of health and beauty.



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