
The daughter's career has a monthly salary of 5,000, the son inherits the father's business, and the children buy a house at the same time, and she gets 200,000 yuan each

author:Elegant beanie storytelling

The protagonist of the story: Yao Yuping Recorder: Elegant Doudou

(The story comes from life, please don't over-interpret it, the original debut, has applied for automatic rights protection on the whole network, plagiarism must be investigated)

Yao Yuping is 60 years old this year, her daughter is 5 years older than her son, her daughter got married last year, and her son has been married for 6 years. Now she lives with her son and daughter-in-law.

The daughter's career has a monthly salary of 5,000, the son inherits the father's business, and the children buy a house at the same time, and she gets 200,000 yuan each

Yao Yuping's son graduated from high school, his son inherited his father's business, and worked in the garage at home, and his daughter-in-law was her son's high school classmate, a beautiful girl. Since Yao Yuping retired, her little granddaughter has been brought up by her. With a retirement salary of about 4,000, she spends half of it on her little granddaughter.

Yao Yuping's daughter graduated and was admitted to the city's career establishment, and now has a monthly salary of more than 5,000. Last year, Yao Yuping's 28-year-old daughter finally had a partner, and Yao Yuping's major event was finally settled.

That day, Yao Yuping received a call from her future in-laws: "Sister-in-law, the children feel good together for a few months, I heard my daughter say that you are also satisfied, let's meet and talk about it, and help the children go further." ”

"Okay, you say where you go, I can do it at any time." The beauty in Yao Yuping's heart has long been looking forward to this day.

"You are reserved, we are the woman's family, no matter how happy we are, we can't show it." Yao Yuping's husband fell into the road.

"Then I'm not happy, my daughter is about to be 30, it's been a few years since I graduated, how many blind dates, and I think it's good to finally have one of her eyes, I can't be happy yet." Yao Yuping couldn't suppress the joy in her heart at all.

Two days later, Yao Yuping's daughter-in-law said, "Mom, I bought you and Dad the laundry, dressed to meet each other, and supported my sister for a scene." ”

"This daughter-in-law, it really doesn't hurt in vain, it's beautiful." Yao Yuping encounters beautiful things every day, and she is happy in her heart, and she looks young in whatever she wears.

The meeting place was selected in a good hotel in the county, the private room was clean and bright, the in-laws were dressed happily, Yao Yuping and his wife were dignified and atmospheric, although the two sides met for the first time, Yao Yuping and her daughter's future mother-in-law talked very happily, both of them were straightforward and temperamental.

The mother-in-law said: "My daughter and my son both work in the city, and we will designate to buy a house in the city in the future. ”

"The problem of buying a house for the children, let them struggle on their own, we are all workers who have worked hard for most of our lives, and now we have finally received our retirement salaries, it is time to rest. house, let them fight on their own after marriage, young people, should work hard. "Yao Yuping has such a temperament, she can't stop when she is happy.

Her husband tried his best to give her a look, she patted her husband and said: "My old man always feels sorry for his daughter, the most important thing in choosing a son-in-law is character, just be good to her daughter, and say everything else." ”

"Yes... Right... It's easy to say, it's easy to say. Yao Yuping's husband looked at Yao Yuping, who was talking, and only echoed it.

The daughter's career has a monthly salary of 5,000, the son inherits the father's business, and the children buy a house at the same time, and she gets 200,000 yuan each

"People who marry their daughters can vigorously give the man a car, a house, and a bride price, you are good, you don't want a house, so you agree to marry your daughter, you don't know what to do, and I think you are in a hurry to marry your daughter." When she went home, Yao Yuping's husband began to nag her.

"I've inquired, the man's family is not short of money and not stingy, the family style is pure, the reputation of brothers and friends is quite good, and if you ask too much, it makes people look down on us. Our family is not short of money, so we want to be a good son-in-law, and our daughter will marry well in the future. You're right? Yao Yuping finished speaking, raised her head and took a sip of water.

"If you don't believe it, wait and see, as far as I say so, our daughter, the future mother-in-law, can appreciate it, and treat our daughter better in the future." Yao Yuping's face was filled with a proud little expression.

"Mom is right, sister's happiness is the most important, you see when I got married, my mother-in-law didn't ask for a house, and now it's not a good life." Yao Yuping's daughter-in-law spoke up and supported Yao Yuping.

Before her daughter got married, Yao Yuping took her daughter to buy 8 sets of bedding, bought three golds, and the man's family bought a car worth 200,000 yuan and wrote Yao Yuping's daughter's name.

Yao Yuping said to her husband: "Look at it, what am I talking about, my in-laws are reasonable people and will not treat our daughter badly." ”

Before the Chinese New Year this year, Yao Yuping said to her son: "When you buy beef and mutton, prepare an extra portion, this year..."

"Don't say it, Mom, I understand, send one to my sister." Before Yao Yuping finished speaking, her son took over.

"No one lacks this thing now, but let's have a heart, you see how good your sister and mother-in-law are to her. Your sister is not in good health, her mother-in-law boils medicine for her every morning and evening, and your sister still works in our house, but now it is good, her ten fingers do not touch the spring water, and she is happier than my daughter-in-law. Yao Yuping said that her daughter-in-law came in.

"Mom, or I'm just like my sister, and I won't do anything in the future to enjoy happiness, hehe." The daughter-in-law said with a smile.

"Okay, young people can do whatever they like, and I will back up and work hard for a lifetime. When I can't do it anymore, send me to a nursing home, my retirement salary is enough. I'm a man who does a lot of work, and I don't even do things that affect people. "Yao Yuping has been with her daughter-in-law for many years, just like her daughter, she comes casually.

The daughter's career has a monthly salary of 5,000, the son inherits the father's business, and the children buy a house at the same time, and she gets 200,000 yuan each

Two days later, before I had time to send beef and mutton to my in-laws, my daughter and son-in-law came back with a trunk of New Year's goods.

"Hey, I also said that my brother should send you some beef and mutton, you can send it first." Yao Yuping said happily.

"My mother-in-law prepared it, I just had a holiday, she was ready, let me send it to you quickly, and you can buy it again." Yao Yuping's daughter said.

When her daughter left, Yao Yuping put the beef and mutton on the car for her daughter and said, "Bring it to your mother-in-law." ”

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Yao Yuping's daughter returned to her parents' house, the family had dinner together, and her daughter and son discussed buying a house together. The daughter and son-in-law plan to buy it in the city, close to the place where they work. The son and daughter-in-law plan to buy it in the county seat, close to home.

Yao Yuping said: "Buy it, buy it, it's a good thing for young people to have pursuits, if you don't have enough money, your mother will give it to you." ”

"Mom, how much money do you have, tell me about it, and see how big we can buy." Yao Yuping's son half-jokingly said mischievously.

"Stinky boy, how much money have I had over the years, and if I have money, I will give my daughter more money, your sister has not spent the family money at other times except for school, and your daughter spends half of my salary every month, and you are embarrassed to ask for money." Yao Yuping said with a knife mouth and tofu heart, and gave her son a good meal.

"It's okay, it's okay, we have saved money, and it's almost enough to buy a house." Yao Yuping's son-in-law said.

"Listen, listen, good sons belong to other people." Yao Yuping said to her son.

"Okay, okay, your money is for your sister, and your daughter is your intimate little padded jacket." Yao Yuping's son said with a smile.

"That's not right, so is the daughter-in-law, and the son is not close." After Yao Yuping finished speaking, the family laughed.

The daughter's career has a monthly salary of 5,000, the son inherits the father's business, and the children buy a house at the same time, and she gets 200,000 yuan each

After the happy and joyful New Year, the son and daughter began to look at the house, and the daughter looked at it, and the original idea of wanting a three-room room was replaced by a four-room apartment, and she originally wanted to buy a suite for 800,000 yuan, but it turned out to be 1.1 million.

The children determined the house and began to raise money, Yao Yuping spoke: "One person will give you 200,000 yuan, it's not enough to talk about it, and keep it for decoration." ”

The son said: "Then I am sure that it is enough, the full amount of the county house is only 500,000." ”

The daughter said: "Then I am enough, my mother-in-law also gave me 400,000 yuan, and we also saved money, and last year my mother-in-law also gave 150,000 dowry, and I took it all out to buy a house." ”

"Ah, my sister's mother-in-law is weird and generous, yes, I didn't find the wrong person, it seems that my mother's vision was right." Yao Yuping's daughter-in-law said.

"That's right, I didn't look away when I looked at my daughter-in-law." Yao Yuping hurriedly answered, and her daughter-in-law smiled from ear to ear.

"Our mother's mouth really adds a lot of blessings to our family, I am too good at saying it, I have to accept it." Yao Yuping's son said, giving a thumbs up.

"I don't have much power as a mother, but I insist on a bowl of water, whether it's a daughter or a son, I hurt, whether it's a daughter-in-law or a son-in-law, I treat it like my own child, everyone is doing well, I'm happy."

Yao Yuping, the patriarch, is really good, not only the mother and son are filial piety, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are harmonious, but also get along with the in-laws generously and reasonably, and she is a model of a good mother-in-law and a good mother-in-law.

The daughter's career has a monthly salary of 5,000, the son inherits the father's business, and the children buy a house at the same time, and she gets 200,000 yuan each
