
Five high-reputation novels completed by great god writers in 2023, readers who are short of books can pay attention to it!

author:Daily Novel Push

The first part, "Mysterious Recovery", Author: Offering Flowers in front of the Buddha, Category: Xianxia Modern Xiuzhen

At the beginning of the novel, when Yang Jian, the protagonist of the novel, was browsing supernatural posts in the forum, he was involved in a supernatural incident in Dachang City, relying on his own calculations to tide over the crisis, and after the event ended, he controlled the ghost eye and became a ghost handler.

After experiencing a number of supernatural incidents, he successively controlled ghost eyes, ghost dreams, ghost fires, ghost buses, ghost blood, and ghost lakes, and became the fourth person in charge of Dachang City and the head of the law enforcement team of the headquarters, revealing many secrets behind it, and returning peace to the world.

The novel was released on July 16, 2018, and ended on May 20, 2023, almost five years to complete, and the book has a total word count of more than five million.

During the period, due to policies and some people's reasons, the main plot has been changed a little, and some things have not been written, which is still a little pity. Sometimes I wonder how far the novel would have come if it had been written along the original plot line.

This novel is in the Xianxia category because of the problem of harmony, but it is actually a supernatural and suspenseful work. The writing plot is excellent, the brain hole setting is novel, and the atmosphere is very good, as if you are in the scene.

The author's depiction of ghosts and suspenseful atmosphere is very good, but the description of the characters is a bit unsatisfactory, which can only be said to be a little pity.

The book depicts a desperate world where ghosts cannot be killed, with a lot of suspenseful plots, a very high concentration of supernatural spirits, and a lot of routine reversals, which are recommended not to be read at night for the faint of heart.

Five high-reputation novels completed by great god writers in 2023, readers who are short of books can pay attention to it!

The second part, "The Other Side of Deep Space", Author: Chen Dong, Category: Urban Alien Superpower

The story is set in the future with a world war, and the whole world is beaten into a wasteland. Human beings discover new planets in the universe, the upper class of society moves to new planets, and the bottom humans stay in the wasteland to survive, and the earth at this time is called "old land".

The protagonist Wang Xuan is a college student living in the old land, with a high cultivation talent, and he cultivates the "old art" and embarks on the path of cultivation. With the ability to enter the interior of the ancient power, not only can you obtain many magical benefits, but you can also get in touch with many hidden secrets.

After many tribulations, he came to the transcendent universe and began a new journey. In the six realms of the human world, the leisurely travel, the health master, the feather immortal, the curtain heaven realm and the imperial path realm, the limit has been broken six times, that is, the whole field has been broken six times. With six Yuan Sacred Relics, he will eventually break through to a new realm beyond the Imperial Dao Realm.

The novel was released on May 1, 2021 and ended on June 1, 2023, and took two years to complete, with a total of 5.34 million words, a collection of more than 3 million, and a recommendation of more than 9 million.

Chen Dong's latest finished novel, Reiki Revival Article, this book is brain-opening, the old and the new, science and technology armor and super warships, the cultivation of immortals and the future of science and technology together, these elements with different styles are mixed together, the story, background, creativity, brain holes, character character, and plot direction are explained very clearly.

The results of this novel are still very good, and the quality is considered a first-class masterpiece. However, the quality and influence of the novel are still inferior to the previous trilogy of covering the sky, and the updates during the period are not very powerful, which has also caused many readers to complain.

Five high-reputation novels completed by great god writers in 2023, readers who are short of books can pay attention to it!

The third part, "Choosing the Day to Ascend", Author: House Pig, Category: Xianxia Fantasy Cultivation of Immortals

The background of the novel is the world of Xianxia, which is in turmoil, not only with a tyrannical court, but also with greedy gods. The main character, Xu Ying, is a snake catcher who accidentally catches a snake demon who speaks to people. In order to survive, the snake demon taught Xu Ying the cultivation exercises.

Seeing the grass head god as a sacrifice, forcing the villagers to death and tyrannizing the children, Xu Ying was hunted down by many parties after killing the gods, and began to go into exile with the snake demon. Get rid of the fate of being a chess piece, uncover the seal on your body, think of your biological parents, reveal the mystery of your life experience, and decipher the truth of Ascension.

The novel was released on April 6, 2022 and ended on November 27, 2023, which lasted one year and seven months to complete, with a total of 4.39 million words, a collection and recommendation of more than one million, and a collection of 100 fine works in the Shanghai Library, starting from the glory of four-star works.

As the starting point of the classic Xianxia masterpiece of the platinum god house pig, the writing is smooth and delicate, the background design is reasonable, the plot is rich and colorful, the style is humorous and funny, the cool points are well controlled, and it is pleasant and easy to read.

The opening is more amazing than many novels, using Liu Zongyuan's "The Snake Catcher Says" to lead to the whole story. The protagonist's IQ is online throughout the whole process, and he is very calm in handling things, and has his own principles and bottom line. The supporting characters are also very charismatic, and everyone has their own personality.

However, there are still some problems in the later stages of this novel, some plots do not follow the original plot direction, the overall quality has also decreased a little, and it has also caused some readers' debates, but it is still a wonderful novel worth watching.

Five high-reputation novels completed by great god writers in 2023, readers who are short of books can pay attention to it!

The fourth part, "The Father of the Han Dynasty", author: the wolf of the history department, category: history Qin and Han Three Kingdoms

The protagonist is Liu Chang, the seventh son of Liu Bang, who integrates the memories of a modern person in his dreams and also knows a lot about historical development. In order to avoid the recurrence of historical tragedies, it is determined to change the course of history in the future.

Relying on his own understanding of history, Han Xin gave up the rebellion, did not let Liu Bang in his later years kill the heroes, prevented Empress Lu from poisoning his brothers, and avoided his relatives from turning against him.

Help Emperor Hui Liu Ying deter the ministers and princes, so that the Han Dynasty can develop steadily. The use of modern knowledge to improve tools, arithmetic and other things that are conducive to the development of people's livelihood, and even to write books and theories, eventually changed the historical development of the Han Dynasty.

The novel was released on January 23, 2022 and ended on June 17, 2023, and took one year and five months to complete, with a total of 4.36 million words, more than one million collections and recommendations, and 100 masterpieces in the Shanghai Library.

This is a very good historical essay of the early Han Dynasty, the writing is delicate and sophisticated, the style is relaxed and funny, the plot rhythm is smooth, the characters are realistic, and the depiction of family and friendship is excellent, rewriting the Han Dynasty into a different look.

The description of the historical environment and social atmosphere at that time is very consistent with the era at that time, and it can be seen that the author consulted a large number of materials. In short, there are warm touches, bitterness and helplessness, layout calculations, and arrogance.

Five high-reputation novels completed by great god writers in 2023, readers who are short of books can pay attention to it!

Part 5, "The Fox of the Forbidden Zone", Author: Lin Hai Tingtao, Category: Sports Football

After playing a football game, the protagonist travels to Earth in a parallel world. The world football pattern is different from the previous life, although the strength of domestic football is still very weak, but it is engaged in youth training, vigorously developing domestic high school leagues, college leagues and professional leagues.

There is a gold finger system, and you can get rewards for completing system tasks, and the rewards can be used to improve your strength. In this world, he started from the high school varsity team, went to the domestic football league, to the Premier League to La Liga, the five major leagues, participated in the World Cup, overcame all the obstacles, led the national football team to win the championship, and finally became a legend.

The novel was released on March 19, 2020 and ended on November 3, 2023, and took three years and eight months to complete, with a total word count of 7.83 million.

The masterpiece of the great god's football text, from another perspective to imagine the development of Chinese football, due to the change of the football environment, there will not be too much abrupt feeling to see the World Cup win. Although the original fictional world has no sense of substitution, it is no longer limited to traditional football routines, allowing us to see the football world with infinite possibilities.

By depicting the main character, Hulai, as well as his teammates, opponents, etc., the story is given a more distinct personality and emotional bond, as if these people are all around us. This book shows the charm of football and the pursuit of dreams, and incorporates the tension and passion of football games, so readers who are not interested in football can read it.

Five high-reputation novels completed by great god writers in 2023, readers who are short of books can pay attention to it!

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