
When will the formalism of the banks, which increases the burden on the grassroots, end?

author:A porcupine that loves to think


Formalism has always existed, and although the banks in the past also had formalism, the good thing is that everyone has money to take it. In today's banks, there are no benefits, and the treatment of employees is becoming more and more stingy and harsh, and the reverse salary bargaining is becoming more and more intense. The more formalism is, the more indiscriminate the money is spent, and the more formalism is, the more it can't make money, and finally it becomes the formalism of "carving on shi".

When will the formalism of the banks, which increases the burden on the grassroots, end?

From bottom to top, it's all a copy-and-paste report. The work report is no longer to check and fill in the gaps, cheer and cheer, and has become a stage for performances. The work must have bright spots, have its own characteristics, and if the work is boring and lacks novelty, you can only continue to package yourself. We must have a sense of the overall situation and stand high. All kinds of month-end deposits, time-point coefficients, are fake. A simple job, complex and tedious repetitive analysis from various angles, wasting all the time on writing materials and revising reports, and the results of the work are all on will. There are dramas everywhere, all rely on acting skills, and it is more important than anything else that leaders love to watch.

The highest end of imagination, the lowest end of reality

From time to time, the leaders participated in an unknown high-end meeting, and they couldn't figure out anything, and their own bank couldn't even afford to use smart devices. I just shouted about digital transformation, agile banking, strategic orientation, and technology review every day, and I only remembered a bunch of terms. In order to brag about saving face at the wine table, he "carved" around the bluffing topics of digital transformation, teller transformation, big retail, and digital finance every day.

When will the formalism of the banks, which increases the burden on the grassroots, end?

Then every day is the discussion of political tasks, rising to the political height, constantly carrying out "retreat meetings" and "brainstorming", and the performance depends on words. You are a company, an enterprise, do not pay attention to profits, go online at every turn, and rely on the personal joys, sorrows and sorrows of the leaders at the political level, who will give you face?

In some companies, employees receive a minimum income every day, and do not consider making more money, so as to improve employees' wages and sense of gain. Engaging in these bells and whistles every day is purely a formalism of "carving flowers on shi". If you have time to spend money to listen to the nonsense of consulting experts, it is better to take off your long shirt and go to the grassroots level to listen to the real opinions. The only thing some people hear from the grassroots is that they have been masturbated and delegated to the grassroots level, and they know that it is not easy for the grassroots level. Money is really hard to earn, unlike when I was in a leadership position, I moved my mouth, received gifts, ate some kickbacks, and got some commissions, and it was not too easy to make money.

When will the formalism of the banks, which increases the burden on the grassroots, end?

The digital transformation of many banks is to add a few more WeChat groups

The digital transformation of many banks is to add a few working WeChat groups, that is, some of the paper forms have become machine orders. All outlets, every day at work, they stare at all kinds of work groups, and every day they either relay or swipe the screen, and then they "receive", "receive", "receive". Occasionally, a few small leaders jump up and down, like and say something, looking for a wave of presence. Then the employees are all kinds of sycophants, what leaders are well-organized, and they command properly. Those who listen are not disgusted, but those who speak are disgusting. But if you reply a little slower, you will be @, if there are individual words that are not positive and sunny, it will cause dissatisfaction among managers, and all kinds of small shoes will follow.

Front-line employees are busy receiving, all kinds of forwarding to the circle of friends, and the middle and back office in order to impose the meaning and value of their existence. Dig out the hollow to pick the bones in the egg, a simple business, the initiator has to form a systematic report, and then hold a meeting to discuss. From the Qin Emperor and the Han Dynasty to the subset of classics and history, from development and operation to compliance risks, regardless of practicality, regardless of cost, everything else is all-encompassing, all-encompassing, and meticulous. In a word, transformation can, transformation can't affect the leader's income, digitalization can, digitalization increases the workload of leaders, and it can't make leaders accountable.

When will the formalism of the banks, which increases the burden on the grassroots, end?

As long as you don't die, you will do it to death, and you won't do it yourself anyway

The things that are paid must be paid immediately, when it comes to sending money, when it comes to business promotion, this is also a problem, there are also difficulties, and there are still changes here, there is no problem there, but you still have to think about it. A report is like playing a ball, no one wants to sign and take responsibility, and only pays attention to retreat and does not care about pragmatism. As long as I don't do it, I can't be wrong. Dragging, grinding, grinding, chirping. As soon as the leader intervenes, complains about this and criticism, why didn't he say it earlier, anyway, it is not his own fault that there are thousands of mistakes. Bureaucracy does not allow others to do it.

It is the front line that concretely implements the task indicators, and it is none of their business. Occasionally, it is publicized that the parents of a certain employee have died, his wife is nine months pregnant, and the child is admitted to the ICU, but he still sticks to his post, and he has not seen his parents for the last time. Craftsman spirit, love as home.

When will the formalism of the banks, which increases the burden on the grassroots, end?

In the final analysis, banks are just a group of grass platform teams, and they are not very tall. Not everyone in the front-line staff can do a good job, as long as the leadership position is an individual, knows how to give orders, the indicators are issued, and the pressure is transmitted, anyone can be competent. It's just a job, and it's not worth your life. Mixed is a decent mixed eating and waiting for death, and being poor together.

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