
In July, the days are booming, and they are very prosperous

author:Open-minded and enthusiastic lucky stars
In July, the days are booming, and they are very prosperous

Time flies, and suddenly it's July.

As long as the rainy season lasts in June, the sun in July is as hot as it gets.

Whether you want it or not, there will be a heat wave rolling in.

July, call it the scorching heat. The climate is hot, the sun is shining from time to time, and the outdoor temperature soars all the way, and the heat is unstoppable.

After a little activity, the body is sweating profusely. Everyone is bitter and hot. Dog days of summer. Summer. It's a bit of a hard time.

"The small fan is slightly cool, and the summer days are long", such poetry and coolness have long been nowhere to be found.

Inexplicably, I like the words "July Ansheng". Not only because of literature and art, but also because of the certainty that the years are quiet, healthy and peaceful.

July, like a period of burning passion, the heart is stirring. And what we need more is to spend the summer safely.


From July onwards, be an emotionally stable person.

To stay away from heat and agitation, we must strive to maintain a state of inner peace. Clean up excess emotions and delusions.

In this way, it does not hurt yourself, but also brings a sense of security to others, why not? So, the breeze and the feeling of coolness came uninvited.


Try to slow down your life and make time to take care of yourself.

In order to live, I have long been accustomed to being busy. Always in a hurry, it is inevitable to be anxious.

I don't know when I started, the days were sloppy, my heart was barren, I ignored myself, and I also ignored the beauty of the details.

"When we are exhausted by life, the real life has left us", this sentence hit me instantly.

What exactly is the dream life? I can't help but ask myself.

I think when we move forward with weight, we must not forget to stop, take a break, adjust the pace, and then continue to walk. Otherwise, it will go the opposite way and get farther and farther away from the original good intention.

Love yourself, be kind to yourself, and take good care of yourself to take better care of others. Take care of the day, and you will also usher in the most beautiful life, with birds singing in your ears, the fragrance of flowers filling, and the luster of hope everywhere.

In July, the days are booming, and they are very prosperous


I hope that the regrets of the first half of the year have turned into surprises in the second half of the year.

Life is bumpy and unavoidable, and regrets are inevitable.

When I was entangled in trivial matters, chicken feathers, and worries, I remembered Li Bai's famous sentence, "Those who abandon me cannot stay yesterday; Whoever disturbs my heart will be troubled today."

Since July, I just want to cut down the complicated and simplify. Moreover, he is tight-lipped and never mentions the past. Let all the sorrow go with the wind.

Even if there are a thousand shortcomings in life, it is worth a hundred. As one poem says, "We are lucky that we are alive, in this dusty life, the wheels of fate have run over the corners of our clothes, but fortunately we are still alive."

To live is to hope, and to have a chance to see the light. Keep looking forward to the surprises and wonders that lie ahead.


It's the second half of the year, get ready to go, always full of sharpness, with its own edge, and the stars shine all the way.

At least half a year left to go all out. Tell yourself, don't rush, plan slowly, step by step.

It is believed that "when the wind blows in July, all efforts will bear fruit".

There are dreams and love in the bottom of our hearts, and all difficulties will be solved, so let us relax our minds, not be anxious or impatient, and live calmly.

Let's live in the hot days, too.

What should come, will come. What belongs to you will definitely make you wait.


In July, love and luck go hand in hand, may you and I be lucky.

No matter how hard we try, luck is important. When the time, place and people are all in place, we will be like a tiger with wings, and there will be no benefit.

Love, of course, is also important. With someone who understands you all the way, you will dispel the darkness, overcome difficulties, and usher in a good day, believing that the future is long and bright.

Those who love out, love return; Blessings, blessings.

At the beginning of July, may God have mercy on us, and we are lucky enough.


Say goodbye to June and welcome July. Finally, may all the good things come as expected. Our days will eventually come to an end.

In July, the days are booming, and they are very prosperous