
The Second Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army (84) ended its combat journey

author:Guarding the terracotta

The day after crossing the border, it was noon, and the sun was at its peak, and the sun gave people a little warmth. A Soviet border officer came to Zhou Baozhong, and the two shook hands warmly. He was even happier when he learned that Zhou Baozhong could speak Russian. He told Zhou Baozhong that Nanning, Guangxi had been recaptured by the Chinese army. According to Mao Zedong's famous exposition on the three stages of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he was convinced that soon the Japanese invading army would be completely defeated by China.

Then, on the third day, the Soviet Far Eastern Military District sent a lieutenant colonel officer to officially receive Zhou Baozhong and his entourage, and told him that the Soviet side had invited the anti-Japanese fighters to camp near the Xiaoheihe border guard station to rest.

Since then, the headquarters of the Second Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Union has crossed the border into the Soviet Union, and the anti-Japanese struggle of the Second Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Union is about to open a new page.

After the 7th Army was reorganized into the 2nd Detachment, Zhou Baozhong, Cui Shiquan, Wang Ruqi, and Wang Xiaoming jointly formulated the 2nd Detachment's guerrilla activity plan for 1940, and decided to adopt the method of dispersed guerrilla warfare to carry out the struggle: the detachment commander Wang Ruqi led the 1st Brigade to the Daqigong, Tongjiang and Fujin borders; Wang Xiaoming, director of the Political Department, led the Brigade and the 1st Brigade of the 2nd Brigade to reconnoiter the enemy situation in the direction of Mishan and Boli and carry out guerrilla activities; Sui Changqing led the 2nd Brigade and 2nd Squadron to stay in the Hurao area and take on the liaison tasks of various departments.

Before detachment leader Wang Ruqi led the team to the big flagpole, he first sent deputy detachment leaders Liu Yanlai and Peng Shilu to lead the team as the advance team to arrive at the place ahead of schedule to create conditions for the follow-up troops to carry out guerrilla activities. The advance team first raised supplies through 40 or 50 local poppy farming families. In May, on the way to the big flagpole with the main force of the 1st Brigade, Wang Ruqi learned that there were more than 40 puppet policemen stationed in the Dadai River, patrolling the vicinity of Bald Mountain every day to monitor the loggers. Wang Ruqi decided to destroy this group of enemies. He led his team to lie in ambush in the woods about five or six kilometers southeast of Bald Mountain, about five or six kilometers away from the Dadai River. On 24 May, 30 enemy soldiers entered the ambush circle, and the anti-coalition ambush soldiers opened fire in a hurry, and after two hours of fighting, 5 enemies were killed, 3 were wounded, 9 were captured, and 1 light machine gun, 17 rifles, and 700 bullets were captured. The 2nd detachment also suffered heavy losses, killing 6 people. The detachment leader Wang Ruqi was seriously wounded and died on the day after the battle. The commanders and fighters of the 1st Brigade buried the body of the detachment leader with grief and indignation, and continued to rush to the big flagpole to meet the advance team.

Wang Ruqi is a cadre who is deeply supported by commanders and fighters, and "all the soldiers and civilians of Fanjidong anti-Japanese war know and respect their people." Zhou Baozhong once wrote a long memorial to Wang Ruqi, saying that Wang Ruqi was "a powerful Bolshevik cadre who could place great hopes on him, and his losses were really deep in remembrance", and "the sudden spread of bad news was very shocking." After the battle, a company of the enemy, led by the traitor Wang Fenglin, gave tail chase to the 2nd detachment. The enemy dug up Wang Ruqi's body in Tuoyao Mountain and transported it to Raohe County to publicize their "victory".

Wang Xiaoming, director of the Political Department of the 2nd Detachment, led the teaching brigade and some soldiers of the 2nd Brigade to carry out activities in Hulin. In September, after Wang Ruqi died, Wang Xiaoming succeeded him as the captain of the detachment, and Liu Yanlai concurrently served as the captain of the 1st brigade. On the 14th, Wang Xiaoming, the leader of the detachment, led the team from the big flagpole to Qixinghe Town, the fifth district of Baoqing, to lead two companies of the 30th Battalion of the puppet army to riot and won a major victory. Yang Qinghai, squad leader of the machine gun company of the 30th Regiment of the puppet army originally stationed in the town, Gao Haishan, Hu Jingquan, Yang Zhenhua and others conspired to organize a mutiny, and sent Hu Jingquan and Gao Haishan to the big flagpole secretly to ask the 2nd detachment to respond. The 2nd detachment launched an attack in three directions, and joined forces with Yang Qinghaili and killed the commander of the town's puppet machine gun company and the Japanese instructor, and the remaining 140 puppet soldiers were all captured, and captured 4 heavy machine guns, 3 light machine guns, 160 rifles, 4 pistols, two boxes of grenades, more than 60,000 rounds of ammunition, 20 military horses, 300 cloths, 40 coats and many other military supplies. Then, the 2nd detachment attacked the mortar company of the puppet army three or four kilometers away from Xinghe Town. The enemy panicked and fled in the direction of Mishan. The 2nd detachment destroyed many enemies in the pursuit, received military supplies and food loaded with 18 wagons, and quickly moved to the marshy area east of Baoqing. The next day, the Japanese army sent several planes to follow and bomb and strafe. The 2nd detachment suffered a slight loss of horses and supplies. Many mutinous puppet soldiers fled in the chaos. The enemy of Baoqing then concentrated more than 200 Japanese cavalry and more than 500 puppet policemen to search for the 2nd detachment of the Anti-Japanese Union in the area of the big flagpole and Qixinghe Town. The 2nd detachment quickly moved from Shuilinzi and Lao's nest to Raohe ditch, getting rid of the enemy's tracking. On the way to transfer, the 2nd detachment also ambushed a platoon of the puppet army in the south of the Dumu River, capturing 1 machine gun and more than 40 rifles.

In the autumn of this year, the Japanese puppet army "crusaded" in the lower reaches of the Songhua River east of Jiamusi with tens of thousands of troops, and the second detachment was in a dangerous situation and had to quickly return to Raohe. In order to cut off the supply of the 2nd detachment of the Anti-Japanese Federation, the enemy has begun to close the mountain. The crops and vegetables planted by the 2nd detachment in three places, including Raohe and Toad, were all destroyed by the enemy. The commanders and fighters relied on the jerky they carried to satisfy their hunger, and the jerky was quickly eaten. The troops had to send people to the fields where the vegetables were stored to find vegetables that could be picked up and eaten. Their stored turnips have been dug up from the cellar by the enemy, chopped into pieces and thrown away. They collected the radish fragments and distributed them to the commanders and fighters. Each person relied on these few catties of radish slices to satisfy his hunger, and he had been eating for seven or eight days, and his individual strength was exhausted, and his face was yellow and thin, but the commanders and fighters still fought the enemy with tenacious perseverance.

In order to get out of the enemy's siege, the 2nd detachment decided to make a sortie to Mishan. At that time, there were many Japanese immigrants in the Mishan and Hulin areas. After the 2nd detachment arrived in the Mishan area, it learned about the local enemy situation through the common people working in the charcoal kilns, and decided to divide into two routes at night to raid the Japanese armed immigrants Tunzi at the junction of the northern part of Mishan and Hulin. However, due to the leakage of information, most of the people in the tun fled. In the night attack, the 2nd detachment killed the leader of the recalcitrant Japanese, obtained a large amount of food and military cotton coats, and then quickly evacuated Mishan with local cattle and horses carrying grain and returned to Raohe.

The teaching brigade, led by Cui Yongjin and Peng Shilu, undertook the task of confusing the enemy and covering the transfer of the main force, and moved to the upper reaches of the Toad Tong River in the direction of Baoqing. After a night's march, the brigade arrived at Toyibu the next day to prepare for camp, but was suddenly attacked by the enemy from two directions. The teaching brigade quickly occupied the nearby hill and stubbornly repelled the enemy's repeated charges, killing and wounding many of the enemy. After nightfall, the teaching brigade wittily jumped out of the enemy's encirclement and moved to Tudingzi, where it was pursued and intercepted by the enemy. Teach the commanders and fighters of the brigade to heroically break through the siege and transfer to the Damu River.

On September 10, 1940, Zhou Baozhong wrote a letter to Wang Xiaoming, instructing him clearly: "In particular, it is necessary to maintain the existing survival activities and strength of the guerrillas" and, if necessary, to "directly seek contact with Comrade Wang Xinlin and his guidance." On 2 November, Zhou Baozhong again wrote to Wang Xiaoming to inform them of the enemy's situation, informing them that "at present, there are Japanese bandit troops constantly searching and blockading the Damu River, Xiaomu River, Qihulin River Estuary, the three-person squad, Tudingzidong, and Yusongdingnan," and "if you have difficulty carrying out the instructions, you can try to maintain the strength of the two detachments in accordance with the principles and guidelines of the instructions letter dated 11 September."

After guerrilla activities in the summer and autumn, the troops of the 2nd Detachment were in a state of extreme exhaustion due to the enemy's non-stop pursuit and hardships and dangers, not to mention the fact that they ran out of ammunition and food, and the number of people who fell behind, died in battle, fled, froze to death, starved to death, and were captured is increasing day by day. By the end of the year, there were only 50 or 60 troops left, and the enemy was still chasing after the "encirclement and suppression," and the 2nd detachment was in danger. In order to carry out the instructions of the commander-in-chief Zhou Baozhong and preserve the strength, the 2nd detachment decided to transfer. At the end of November, Liu Yanlai, the deputy head of the 2nd detachment, led more than 10 team members to continue to collect enemy information in Dayezigou of Raohe; In December, Wang Xiaoming led the main force of the brigade to Bijin in the Soviet Union at the Rao River across the Ussuri River to stand by for training.

When the troops directly under the headquarters of the Second Route Army and the 2nd Detachment were cooperating with each other and carrying out guerrilla warfare in small groups north of the China Eastern Railway, the 5th Army of the Anti-Japanese Union, which had penetrated deep into the Muling and Ning'an areas, and the 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Union, which had been active in Wuchang, Shulan, Yushu and other counties, had not yet been downsized in accordance with the spirit of the meeting of representatives of the two provincial party committees. Not only were they unable to get in touch with the General Headquarters of the Second Route Army, but the 5th and 10th Armies had also severed their ties with each other, and they only persisted in guerrilla warfare in the local area according to their own actual conditions. The teaching regiment of the 5th Army of the Anti-Japanese Federation under the leadership of Chai Shirong and part of the 1st and 2nd divisions lost most of their personnel after the anti-"crusade" operations from the winter of 1939 to the summer and autumn of 1940, and Chai Shirong himself led the rest of his troops into the Soviet Union twice. During this period, he led his troops back to China, and together with Ji Qing's department and the First Front Army of the First Route Army, he attacked the Yangmu Qiaozimu Camp in Dongning. After September 1940, among the troops of the Second Route Army in Daonan, only Ji Qing led the troops of the 5th Army to transfer to the old black mountain valley in Dongning, and continued to fight in the area of Hunchun and Wangqing. The 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance basically disintegrated after the sacrifice of army commander Wang Yachen.

At this point, by the end of 1940, the fighting process of the Second Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Union in the northeast came to an end.