
Protests broke out in Paris, Macron was in a bad situation, and Le Pen said that she was ready to govern, and her attitude towards China was not simple

author:Wu Xinchun

With the far-right leading in the first round of voting, protests erupting in Paris and other places, Macron is in a bad situation at this moment. At the same time, Le Pen claims that she is ready to govern, but her attitude towards China is not simple, and where will the political situation in France go in the future?

Recently, the continued turmoil in the domestic political situation in France has aroused widespread concern in European countries. On June 30, the first round of voting in the French National Assembly election ended, and the results showed that the French far-right coalition party "National Alliance" led the vote in the first round of voting, while the left-wing coalition "New Popular Front" ranked second, and the centrist coalition "Together" led by the incumbent President Macron ranked third, basically in a state of total suppression. Some analysts believe that the emergence of the results of this vote means that Macron's carefully planned counterattack has completely failed, and his next situation may be a "lame president". Some time ago, after the defeat in the European Parliament elections, Macron resolutely announced the early election of the National Assembly, believing that this was "the last effort to save the fate of France", and he was confident that he would defeat his rivals in the elections and regain the initiative.

Protests broke out in Paris, Macron was in a bad situation, and Le Pen said that she was ready to govern, and her attitude towards China was not simple

But in the end, it turns out that Macron overestimated himself and underestimated his opponents, and far-right parties have now become the dominant force in French politics, which means that in the near future, the "core rights" of the French government will fall into the hands of far-right parties for the first time, and there will be a "co-governance" situation. Some political scientists have given their own views on the failure of this political "big gamble", and they believe that Macron's fiasco is not unexpected, because the current domestic situation in France and the international situation are doomed to Macron's failure. First of all, the French economy is still in a sluggish state, and despite a number of stimulus policies adopted by the Macron government, they have had little effect, which has greatly displeased those with low incomes. Second, the tension between the French people and those illegal immigrants continues to grow, and the two sides do not give in to each other. Macron's choice to stay out of the way has directly exacerbated popular discontent.

Protests broke out in Paris, Macron was in a bad situation, and Le Pen said that she was ready to govern, and her attitude towards China was not simple

Finally, in the Russia-Ukraine military conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, France actively cooperated with the United States to implement a series of "favoritism" policies, which not only had a huge impact on France's international influence, but also brought a lot of losses to France itself. To sum up, France under Macron has not lived up to the expectations of the people. In contrast, Le Pen, the leader of a far-right party who "considers" the interests of the people, is more likely to be supported and recognized by the people. She said a few days ago that if her party wins the upcoming French election, there will be mass deportations of illegal immigrants. Moreover, she deliberately emphasized that she was ready to come out to govern, and some people even thought that she was the real "savior". However, if there are those who support it, there will naturally be those who oppose it. After seeing the results of the first round of voting, thousands of Syriza supporters gathered in the Parisian neighborhood, shouting slogans and lighting barricades against the lead of far-right parties. Probably, in their opinion, once the far-right party comes to power, it will be the real "disaster" in France.

Protests broke out in Paris, Macron was in a bad situation, and Le Pen said that she was ready to govern, and her attitude towards China was not simple

It is worth mentioning that Le Pen, the leader of the far-right party, has not only targeted the United States, but also China and Russia. She has publicly claimed that the "Sino-Russian union" could become a "danger of the century" to the security of France and Europe. At that time, it was the French presidential election, and some people thought that Le Pen would take the initiative to play the "China card" in order to get more support. After all, China is France's most important partner at this stage, and the two sides have extensive cooperation in the political and economic fields, so exaggerating and hyping up the "China threat theory" will have a series of negative impacts on the development of Sino-French relations, which is not in the overall interests of France. If in the future, the French far right becomes the core of the government, then Sino-French relations and European politics will usher in new challenges, and Macron will regret his original insistence.

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