
I found that girls who have been lacking love for a long time have a characteristic

author:Yu Xiaoya Y

1. Bad temper and bad temper

A girl with a bad original family, because of the lack of love, has been suppressed and harshly criticized since childhood, then, when she grows up, she will invisibly map this trait to the people around her.

She treats others the way she has endured, no matter how resistant she used to be, she is now accustomed to it.

Just like a person who is often scolded and blamed by her family, then, when she gets married, she will also treat her family with scolding and blame, she does not know that in addition to criticism and accusation, there is also encouragement and praise.

Because she has not felt or experienced the power of warmth and tolerance, she is used to using extreme methods, used to suppressing with force, controlling with aggressiveness, and venting with irritability.

Therefore, she is neither peaceful nor kind.

Because she has not been loved well, she naturally doesn't know how to love people, and the girl who has not been nourished by love has bitter water in her heart, cold on her face, and vicissitudes in her eyes.

I found that girls who have been lacking love for a long time have a characteristic

Some guys often complain about the person next to them: she always loses her temper, she is always hysterical, she is always swearing.

The person who accompanies him day and night is said to be a wicked girl with no merits, but he doesn't understand that when he can't provide financial support, and the emotional value is ignored, the girl will be dissatisfied and resentful, and over time, the temper will get worse and worse.

Being loved makes people sunny, lack of love makes people bleak and depressed, being loved makes people gentle, and lack of love makes people fierce.

If you want to be treated gently, you might as well treat others with love first, if you want to be accepted, you might as well understand the other person first, and if you want emotional stability, you might as well provide the value that the other person needs first.

People tend to make up for their shortcomings, and they are self-consistent in their satisfaction, and people with a bad temper may not be born like this, so when you complain about others, you might as well look at your own problems first.

I found that girls who have been lacking love for a long time have a characteristic

2. Suspicious and insecure

If you often suspect that your character is flawed, suspicious and suspicious at every turn, inferiority complex and sensitivity at every turn, angry and crying at every turn, don't be overly suspicious, maybe it's not that you have a bad personality, but that the person you put on the tip of your heart doesn't love you firmly and doesn't give you enough security.

Girls who have been lacking love for a long time are more eager to be loved than others, and it is easy to cause imbalance in their hearts because of lack of love, always comparing whether he loves me more or loves others more.

If the other person does not meet her expectations, she will question the other person's love, think that the other person has changed his heart or empathize, and then repeatedly argue in uncertainty, so as to look for clues that he is still loved.

On the one hand, she was worried that the other party would leave, and on the other hand, she made the other party unable to stay well, and fell into a twist without knowing it, and a word that didn't concern her could be used as a reason for a quarrel.

I found that girls who have been lacking love for a long time have a characteristic

She is so insecure, she always feels that something is missing, this is not right, that is not good, she can't tell where the problem is, she is uncomfortable.

Because of the lack of spirit and love in her heart, her inner strength is very weak, and a little wind and grass is a big thing, which needs a response from the outside world to affirm, and needs others to provide spiritual nutrients to replenish, so she often cares too much about other people's reactions, and is very disappointed if she can't get the answer she expects.

Girls who have been lacking love for a long time, the more they lack something, the more they value something, and when they encounter a little love, it will be regarded as an indispensable spiritual comfort.

If she meets a loved one, she is likely to be healed, and if she meets a bad fate, she will be hurt even deeper.

Isn't it too unfree to give the weight of love to others, and let others decide their priorities?

So, girls, please remember that whether you are loved or not, do not waver in your determination to love yourself.

If you love yourself enough, then the love of others for you is the icing on the cake, not a necessity.

I found that girls who have been lacking love for a long time have a characteristic

3. Feelings become indifferent

A girl who has been lacking love for a long time, has a cold temperament, thin social interaction, and is silent and silent, she wraps herself very tightly, for fear that someone will be caught off guard and break in.

Compared with optimistic and cheerful girls, she doesn't like to laugh much, doesn't take the initiative to talk to people, is not keen to participate in parties and dinners, is not so curious and enthusiastic about the outside world, and prefers to be alone than lively and prosperous.

She has become accustomed to the lifestyle of being a companion with herself, does not pursue companionship, does not expect someone to care, a book, a cup of tea, a drama, she can immerse herself in it, entertain herself, and treat occasional care and greetings, but also a faint response, rather than an enthusiastic reply.

She won't admit that she lacks love, and she doesn't even realize this problem, many times, she hints in her heart: It doesn't matter if no one loves me, I can still live well alone.

I found that girls who have been lacking love for a long time have a characteristic

The stubbornness and arrogance after the lack of love become more and more obvious, the stronger the performance, once it touches the injured scales, the more fragility comes to mind, and then pretends to be nothing. While not wanting to be seen through, on the other hand, I can't restrain myself, and I can't wait to close myself off from being discovered.

Girls who have been lacking love for a long time no longer believe in feelings subconsciously, treat other people's kindness and temptation, be very vigilant, and no longer open their hearts easily, unless they are particularly trusted and familiar with people, they can say a few more words, as for others, just a few words are the norm.

People who have suffered emotionally are more sober and pragmatic in their view of problems, and pay more attention to material improvement than looking forward to the fall of love.

Rather than indulging in petty love, I care more about self-improvement.

Her focus has shifted from revolving around her sweetheart at the beginning, and gradually shifted to career development, no longer holding illusions about feelings that are out of reality, and she is not confident that she can have a beautiful and long-term relationship.

A girl who has been lacking love for a long time, the armor built with indifference, will only be slowly removed when she meets someone who really understands her.

If she can't, she would rather go to the end of the world alone.