
Teaching by example: the road to the growth of children and themselves

author:Medical care is red and blue
Teaching by example: the road to the growth of children and themselves

In the long journey of life, each of us has good expectations for the future, and for those colleagues who are parents, "hope that the son will become a dragon, and the daughter will become a phoenix" is the most ardent hope in the heart. However, in reality, there is such a thought-provoking phenomenon: some parents are full of expectations for their children to excel and hate that iron is not made of steel, but they have not been active in educating their children. Especially in accompanying their children to do homework, many parents have invested a lot of time and energy, but the results are often unsatisfactory.

We must understand that teaching by example is the core key to raising excellent children. Children are like mirrors, truly reflecting their parents' every word and deed. If parents themselves are unable to set a good example, how can they expect their children to develop good habits and noble morals?

For example, in ancient Ouyang Xiu, his family was poor when he was young, and his mother Zheng taught him to read and write. Under the words and deeds of his mother, Ouyang Xiu worked hard and eventually became a generation of literary masters. Zheng's education style has set an example for Ouyang Xiu to be tenacious and hard-working.

There was also Mencius, whose mother moved many times in order to create a good learning environment for him. Mengzi's mother's good intentions made Mencius understand the importance of the environment to growth, and also taught him to focus on learning and cultivating morality. There are other stories as well.

  • Zengzi kills him: Zengzi's wife goes to the market, and her son follows and cries. The wife said to her son, "Go back first, and when I come back, I will kill a pig for you to eat." When his wife returned, Zengzi wanted to catch a pig and kill it. The wife stopped saying that it was just joking with the child. Zengzi believed that children should not be deceived because children learn from their parents and listen to teachings, and now to deceive a child is to teach him to deceive. In the end, Zengzi boiled the pig and gave it to the child. This story shows that Zeng Tzu leads by example and teaches children to keep their word with practical actions.
  • Professor Fan Jinyan: She taught at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and worked on the front line of teaching for a long time, and when she injured her foot, she still insisted that her husband carry her back to the classroom. She is good at explaining abstract and complex mathematical problems thoroughly and interestingly, and integrates cutting-edge research results into teaching, which is very popular with students. Outstanding achievements have also been made in scientific research. At the same time, she uses her personal experience to educate students, cultivate their scientific research ability and academic attitude, and her hard-working and innovative qualities have a profound impact on students.
  • Moyer and Fang Qianqian: Moyer is a revolutionary female writer, who lives a frugal and simple life, does not take a penny from the public in her work, and insists on creating even when the conditions are difficult. Her tolerance and optimism also deeply influenced her son Fang Qianqian. For example, Moyer lost a child in an accident at work, but asked his superiors not to hold the young man responsible. Fang Qianjin was infected by his mother, learned to be self-reliant, worked hard at all stages, and inherited the red gene and fine family style.
  • Mr. Xiong's family: Mr. Xiong and his wife from Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, have been climbing mountains and picking up garbage with their children every weekend for 9 consecutive years. In 2013, Mr. Xiong came up with the idea of doing environmental protection and public welfare when he started climbing the mountain with the donkey group, and later his 3-year-old son joined in. They hope that through words and deeds, children will love nature and protect the environment from an early age.
Teaching by example: the road to the growth of children and themselves

Xiao Li of our unit, he is conscientious in his work, always takes the initiative to undertake important tasks, and constantly learns new professional knowledge in his spare time to improve his ability. When he got home, he never indulged in entertainment, but insisted on reading and studying. Under his influence, his children have been full of thirst for knowledge since childhood, have always performed very well in their studies, and have developed a good habit of independent learning.

There is also Lao Zhang, who never flinched when he encountered difficulties at work, and always tried to find solutions, and this tenacious spirit was also passed on to his children. When children encounter setbacks in their studies and life, they can also face them bravely and work hard to overcome them. Lao Zhang's children have excelled in various school activities, actively participated in various competitions, and won many awards.

For another example, when Xiao Wang accompanies his children to write homework, he is also working on work documents on the side, focusing and serious. Seeing that his father worked so hard, the child also focused more on his homework, not only did he complete his homework quickly and well, but also gradually developed a high degree of self-discipline.

Xiao Zhao read his favorite books when he accompanied the child to write homework, and the child was affected and developed a strong interest in reading. Now, Xiao Zhao's children have developed a good habit of reading every day, and their writing and thinking skills have been greatly improved.

As a parent, your own serious efforts are the best example for your children, and their influence goes far beyond a thousand words of preaching. A parent who loves to study business, his child will see him thinking hard to solve work problems; A parent who is good at self-improvement, the child will witness his persistence in attending training and refresher courses. This subtle influence will make children understand that hard work is a normal state of life and the only way to realize self-worth.

For each of our colleagues, if we want our children to be excellent, we must first reflect and examine our own behavior. In our work, are we honest and trustworthy, and do our best and fulfill our responsibilities for every task? In the face of difficulties and setbacks, have we shown perseverance and perseverance, not giving up easily, and moving forward bravely? Do we have good communication skills in communicating with colleagues and customers, are good at listening, understanding others, and able to express our opinions and ideas effectively? Only when we continue to improve ourselves and present ourselves with a positive and positive image in front of our children, will children be inspired and encouraged unconsciously, so as to strive for excellence and continue to grow and progress.

Teaching by example: the road to the growth of children and themselves

Education is never a short-term act that can be achieved overnight, but a long and arduous journey. As parents, we are the first teachers of our children's life, and the role of words and deeds is irreplaceable. Let us prove to our children with practical actions that hard work and growth are the pursuit of a lifetime, and only by becoming an excellent role model can we lead our children to a more brilliant future.

In the unit, we work hard and strive for the cause; When we returned home, we let go of our tiredness, picked up books, and learned and grew together with our children. We must use our own persistence and dedication to light the light for children to move forward, so that they can take fewer detours on the road of life and be more firm and confident. I believe that under our words and deeds, children will grow up and become outstanding talents who are responsible, effective and contribute to society. And we ourselves will continue to make progress in this process, realize the sublimation of self-worth, and harvest a more fulfilling and fulfilling life.

Let's work together, while pursuing career success, we also manage the family with heart, create a growth environment full of love and wisdom for our children, and write a wonderful chapter in life together!