
Managers, please speak these three sentences well

author:Medical care is red and blue
Managers, please speak these three sentences well

Over the years, I have met many managers who talk about execution when they open their mouths and close their mouths. Take execution as a master key to solve all problems. The team performance is not good, and they will complain about the poor execution of employees; If the goal cannot be achieved, the poor execution will be used as an excuse. But in fact, 80% of the so-called poor execution is not a problem with the implementation itself, but a problem with management. We can't take it lightly that the poor execution of employees is their problem. You have to think about whether you are talking and communicating when you assign the work. That is to say, if you want employees to understand, figure it out, and finally implement it in place, you must learn to speak these three sentences well: talk about results, cause and effect, and consequences.

Managers, please speak these three sentences well

Speaking of results, "What is the result we want?" ”

Many managers, when assigning tasks to employees, always like to say, "I don't care what you do, I only look at the results." ”

When employees encounter difficulties, they always say, "Don't tell me so many excuses, I just want results." ”

But have you ever wondered if you really made the results clear?

This kind of sentence structure sounds quite refreshing. But in practice, not only does it not work, but it will have a negative effect.

Many times, employees don't perform well, not because they don't work hard, but because they don't know how far they have to go to meet your requirements.

As a manager, it's important to be clear about the results you expect when assigning work.

Let's take a simple example. If you ask an employee to buy apples today, if you just say "go buy some apples," the employee might buy back a bunch of apples.

Sour, sweet, big, small, and possibly rotten apples.

But if you make it clear to employees today, "You want to buy five catties of red Fuji apples, they want to be sweet, and each one is well-proportioned", then the implementation of employees will be much smoother.

At this time, you only need to check regularly that the apples he bought do not meet your standards.

Therefore, when you assign work, you must speak with the results and make it clear what the results you want.

Don't always say "don't tell me the process, I just want the result", it's useless.

Explain the results clearly, which is the basis for improving execution. So how can we talk about the "results"? There are two principles.

First, the goals should be clear and measurable.

Many managers will always make the following mistakes when assigning tasks and communicating goals:

They cherish words like gold, and they expect employees to understand a few words.

As the saying goes, "a small miss is a thousand miles". Many times, what you think is simple may not be easy for employees to do.

Your cherishing words are like gold, and you will only let employees do it, purely relying on their own blind guessing, just like a blind man touching an elephant, where to touch.

Therefore, when assigning work, it is important to be clear and measurable. The further down, the clearer it becomes.

What is Clarity? Speak with specific numbers or dates. For example, how much performance to be completed this month, and how many customers to get back.

What is measurable? Ditch unquantifiable goals, such as improving product satisfaction, which are too broad to measure.

Secondly, the target should be shouted out and posted.

With clear goals, will employees follow them?

In most cases, no. Because he still doesn't recognize it, it's his own goal.

But most people are willing to keep their promises, and they will follow what they say.

As long as he doesn't finish it, he will feel ashamed, so he will self-discipline himself and make himself an honest person.

So, the target, be sure to shout it out, post it. There should be a public commitment to say it, not only to say it, but also to stick it on the wall, to have a sense of ceremony.

The sense of ritual is the atmosphere. A high-pitched atmosphere can excite employees and stimulate their desire to fight.

Managers, please speak these three sentences well
Managers, please speak these three sentences well

Speaking of cause and effect, "Why are we doing this?" ”

I'm often asked:

"Why is it that the goals I set are always chicken feathers and the team is always unsuccessful?"

The root of the problem lies in the fact that employees have no sense of participation or recognition of the goal, which ultimately leads to the inability to effectively achieve the goal.

When you tell your employees that they need to go the extra mile for the company, most of the time, they will retort:

"Why should I work overtime? Why should I do this? Why should I work so hard? ……

I feel like I'm giving all this for the company. ”

The goal you set will only give the employee the feeling that this goal is yours, not mine, and he does this job for the company.

How to solve it? By strong pressure? Employees won't buy it.

There is a saying that is true, "Know what it is, but also know why it is." ”

As a manager, you should not only tell your employees what to do, but also explain why you want to do it.

Plant melons and get melons, plant beans and get beans. Explain the cause clearly, and then you can get the desired effect.

There is a law of unworthiness in management, when an employee thinks that it is not worth doing, then he will not do it seriously.

Only by explaining the ins and outs can employees fully understand and thus perform better.

So, how can we talk about "cause and effect"?

1. Explain why you want to accomplish this goal.

When Li Yunlong took over the independent regiment, Kong Jie said:

Who the hell are you fighting for? You are fighting for your father, your mother, your brothers and sisters.

As managers, we want to tell our employees who they are fighting for.

Employees are not required to fight for the company, nor are they required to fight for the team, only for themselves.

Ren Zhengfei, at Huawei's oath meeting, talked about the goal of their hard work.

Not for the development of the company, but for the rejuvenation of the country through science and technology, so that no one dares to bully us anymore.

Behind the goal, there must be some kind of meaning and value.

Managers must make it clear to employees who he is fighting this battle for and what he is getting, and what will happen if he wins.

The core is to deliver, and the goal is closely related to everyone.

2. Encourage employees to "bargain" in their approach.

At work, we can always see such battles:

This month, you want to complete the performance target of 100 million, but the person below says: "Boss, we can't do it, 50 million is almost enough." ”

Numerically, the two sides are constantly haggling. But in fact, even if you quarrel until dawn, nothing will come of it.

The worst outcome is that employees are passively accepting on the surface, but in fact they have begun to retreat.

The real bargaining is to "bargain" on the method and negotiate the strategies and tactics that are mutually agreed upon by both sides.

At the same time, employees should be encouraged to ask questions, and the information in the hands of employees must not be as comprehensive as yours, so their doubts and questions should be answered in a timely manner.

What I am most afraid of is that you only talk about the goal, not the method.

When an employee asks you why you're doing this or why you're doing it, you'll just say, "You don't have to worry about this, just do what I say."

Managers, please speak these three sentences well
Managers, please speak these three sentences well

Talking about the consequences, "What happens if it doesn't work?" ”

In Marx's quotations, there is a saying that is very true,

"Everything that people struggle for is related to their interests."

In many cases, employees may not necessarily do what you want, but they will do what is relevant to their own interests.

An employee will only work overtime for his future, he will not work hard for the company, he will work hard for you, he will only give everything for what he wants.

Many employees, when they accept a task, will think in their minds:

"Why should I work overtime? Why should I do this? Why should I work so hard?

I feel like I'm giving all this for the team leader and for the company. ”

Employees come to your company, he may be to make money, or he may be to realize personal value......

When you ask employees to work overtime to complete a job, if you only say, "This job is very important, you have to work overtime to complete it", most of the time, employees will be resistant.

But if you can tell him clearly:

"If this job is successful, the company can get a huge market, you will also get additional bonuses and promotion opportunities, you can make money, and you are one step closer to your dream."

In this way, employees will spontaneously go to work overtime for their own benefit.

Therefore, after clarifying the results and cause and effect, it is necessary to "put ugly words first".

Make it clear to employees what they can gain by completing the task and what are the disadvantages of not completing it.

How do you say that? I would like to share 2 points of my opinion.

First, the rules are clear, and the rewards and punishments are clear.

The so-called rules are the values, bottom lines and standards of work.

In daily work, when communicating with employees, you can speak softly; But when doing things, we must make sure that the rewards and punishments are clear, and we must deal with them according to the rules.

When assigning tasks, you should take the lead in ugly words, dare to say cruel things, inform employees of what the consequences will be if they fail to achieve their goals, and urge the team to be loyal to the goals.

In the process, rewards and punishments should be clear, so that there are rewards and punishments.

When you do well, you have a prize. The award is full of joy, making everyone scream, passionate, and motivated.

If you don't do it well, you will be punished. The punishment should be frightened, the punishment should be severe enough, the punishment should be until the employee is in pain, and the punishment should be severe enough to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

Second, fairness and justice, worthy of good people and sorry for bad people.

In the distribution of benefits, it is necessary to be inclined to the contributors, worthy of the good people, and sorry for the bad people. Under the heavy reward, there will be brave men.

The big pot of rice seems to be the same amount of money for everyone, which is very fair. But in fact, this is the biggest unfairness, because those who do well suffer and those who do not do well take advantage.

True fairness is to protect the interests of the strong and let the strong not be wronged.

For those who have made achievements conscientiously, they must not be allowed to suffer.

There should be a kind of trust between the employee and you - I will do a good job, and you will not treat me badly.

For the low-productivity people in the team, don't always be the "good guy", dare to be the "bad guy". Only by daring to give up on them can the team stand out in the fierce competition.

Finally, to sum up. If you want to become an excellent manager, you must first talk about these three sentences: results, cause and effect, and consequences. Talk about results and clear goals; Talk about cause and effect, and clarify the meaning; Stress the consequences and strengthen implementation.

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