
The situation at Scarborough Shoal was not right, the Philippine fishing boat exploded, and the Philippine coast guard rushed to the rescue

author:See the world in the vernacular

The situation at Scarborough Shoal is not right, a Philippine fishing boat exploded in the waters near Scarborough Shoal, and before the Philippine Coast Guard arrived, the Chinese side first rescued people, why did the Philippine ship explode? What's wrong with that? What did the Philippines do to China's rescue of people?

Recently, with the Marcos administration of the Philippines making a series of provocative moves against China on the South China Sea issue, the current situation in the South China Sea has been quite turbulent. In this context, as long as there is some turmoil in the South China Sea today, it will attract the attention of public opinion from the outside world. No, on June 29, there was such a situation in the waters near Scarborough Shoal on the mainland, when a Philippine fishing boat suddenly exploded 12 nautical miles away from Scarborough Shoal on the mainland. According to the Philippine side, the Philippine fishing boat was hit by an explosion in its engine, and there were eight crew members on board at the time, two of whom were burned.

The situation at Scarborough Shoal was not right, the Philippine fishing boat exploded, and the Philippine coast guard rushed to the rescue

Why is there something wrong with the explosion of the Philippine ship? First of all, the location of the Philippine ship at the time of the accident happened to be in the waters near Scarborough Shoal on the mainland. You must know that for some time, the Philippines has been doing a lot of things in the waters near our Scarborough Shoal, and before that, the Marcos government also joined forces with the Philippine non-governmental organization "This is ours" in a vain attempt to forcibly break into Scarborough Shoal, but in the end, it ended hastily under the strong deterrence of the Chinese coast guard, and the Philippines did not do less to let fishermen take the lead. Who knows if this time is another "bitter meat plan" deliberately staged by the Philippine side. It cannot be ruled out that this time, the Philippine fishing boat will systematically break into Scarborough Shoal within 12 nautical miles, and then a so-called "accident" will occur, which can then allow the Philippine side to take follow-up actions, for example, under the pretext of so-called "rescue" to forcibly enter Scarborough Shoal.

The situation at Scarborough Shoal was not right, the Philippine fishing boat exploded, and the Philippine coast guard rushed to the rescue

Not to mention that there is no such possibility, after all, it is not that the Philippine side has never done such a thing, otherwise, where would the Philippine wrecked ship that is still "beaching" on the mainland's Ren'ai Jiao come from? However, what the Philippine side did not expect was that the Philippine fishing boat would "have an accident" in advance, and the engine exploded 12 nautical miles away from Scarborough Shoal, which made it difficult to implement the "follow-up" plan. There is another reason for such speculation, that is, when the Philippine fishing boat had an accident, the movements of the Philippine coast guard ship involved in the rescue were very suspicious, because the Philippine fishing boat had an accident on the 29th, and the Philippine coast guard ship had just set sail from Subic Bay in the Philippines on the 26th and headed straight for Scarborough Shoal. This makes one wonder if this was just a coincidence or a premeditated act.

The situation at Scarborough Shoal was not right, the Philippine fishing boat exploded, and the Philippine coast guard rushed to the rescue

It is worth mentioning that when the Philippine fishing boat was in danger, two Chinese coast guard ships, 3302 and 3105, happened to be patrolling nearby. Although the Philippine side has repeatedly attacked and provoked China in the waters off Scarborough Shoal recently, when the Philippine ship had an accident, before the Philippine rescue boat arrived, our side still stood from a humanitarian perspective and provided rescue assistance and rescue facilitation to the injured Filipino fishermen.

However, China's kind move has been used by some sinister people in the Philippines to make a big fuss and maliciously smear and slander China. Some media in the Philippines have slandered China's goodwill rescue as "obstructing the rescue" and "erecting obstacles" on the Chinese side. In addition, the Philippine Coast Guard's so-called spokesman for South China Sea affairs, Tariera, maliciously edited the video of China's normal supervision and assistance in the rescue operation at the scene, and then issued a false claim that "the Chinese coast guard is not assisting in the rescue, but hindering the Philippine rescue". This shows the sinister nature of his intentions. However, the plan failed to happen as the Philippine side expected, so the Philippine side could only use this indiscriminate means to slander and smear the image of the Chinese coast guard.