
Big S's investment losses and crying Uncle Wang hung pearls and ate dog food, causing 80,000 people to be suspicious

author:Qingqing said entertainment

Toutiao-kun has recently been troubled by a strange incident!

It turned out that Da S was crying and fainting in the toilet of a hotel, which frightened countless passers-by. Netizens have speculated whether the hotel invested by Big S is so crazy that it will collapse like this?

Big S's investment losses and crying Uncle Wang hung pearls and ate dog food, causing 80,000 people to be suspicious

It didn't take long for someone to point out that there was an oversized pearl necklace hanging on the outer wall of this hotel, which resembled the Taipei hotel that Wang Xiaofei used to run in partnership with Big S! I'll it, this is Uncle Wang stumbling, right? Or does he have a soft spot for pearls?

Just when everyone was focusing on this old relationship, the figures of Da S and Wang Xiaofei gradually drifted apart, and there was no follow-up. Let countless melon-eating people sigh again and again, thinking that this drama will be more exciting! The result is good now, but I can't even afford to live in my favorite seven-star hotel, so I can only squeeze into the same economic chain hotel with me and other Fengshang Xiaomin.

Big S's investment losses and crying Uncle Wang hung pearls and ate dog food, causing 80,000 people to be suspicious

Some netizens ridiculed: "Big S used to be a local tyrant, but now he has fallen into our small hotel, it's pitiful." "

I think what happened to Big S is empathetic. Reality is often skinny, with big ups and downs, and it is cloudy and uncertain. So whether you are rich or poor, you should be humble about money, always keep a clear head, and don't wait for a loss to start regretting it.

Big S's investment losses and crying Uncle Wang hung pearls and ate dog food, causing 80,000 people to be suspicious

Having said that, this farce between Uncle Wang and Big S has temporarily fallen into an embarrassing pause. But I'm packing the ticket, as long as either of them is out of line again, the plot will be upgraded with full firepower! Then we spectators will have to fasten our seatbelts and be pleasantly surprised!

Big S's investment losses and crying Uncle Wang hung pearls and ate dog food, causing 80,000 people to be suspicious

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