
Fu Jiaming left Xiao Loli a 2 billion inheritance, and his ex-girlfriend was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot?

author:Qingqing said entertainment

The big bang in the entertainment industry! The battle for the legacy of "The Story of Rose" has caused a bloody storm

In the finale of the much-anticipated "Story of the Rose", the huge inheritance of the actor Fu Jiaming was all left to a little Lori Fang Taichu, who slapped his ex-girlfriend Rose in the face! This wave of operations was too burning and burning, and it melted the hearts of netizens on the spot. The data shows that the number of readings on the topic of roses being slapped in the face by Fu Jiaming has exceeded 890 million, and wild fans have sprayed roses angrily:

Fu Jiaming left Xiao Loli a 2 billion inheritance, and his ex-girlfriend was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot?

"Sister, why don't you go to heaven? "Is there still a man who treats women like this, if he doesn't do it, he won't die!" "

Even the pre-rose subject was anxious: "Fu Jiaming is so willful, I am so scared!" Then some big names in the industry came forward to say that they had a pertinent analysis of the merits of the incident.

Fu Jiaming left Xiao Loli a 2 billion inheritance, and his ex-girlfriend was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot?

Everything started when Fu Jiaming's life was about to end. According to sources, Fu Jiaming has always been very fond of the little little person Taichu before his death, and regarded it as his own. There are many pictures of Fang Taichu's care of Fu Jiaming in the play, which is moving.

"That scene is as tearful as a movie. A veteran film critic said.

Fu Jiaming left Xiao Loli a 2 billion inheritance, and his ex-girlfriend was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot?

It's no wonder that Fu Jiaming was so eccentric and gave all his savings to Fang Taichu. After all, compared to the cold and alienated roses, Fang Taichu was really a mother and filial piety to Fu Jiaming, and he took care of him 200 percent.

Once upon a time, Fu Jiaming was still busy like a cow for his music dream, and Fang Taichu was his biggest spiritual pillar. Even before she finally died, she held Fu Jiaming's hand tightly and said in a choked voice: "Go all the way." Tears flew wantonly on his face, poking the tears of countless viewers.

Fu Jiaming left Xiao Loli a 2 billion inheritance, and his ex-girlfriend was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot?

"If I had such a sweet little padded jacket, I would have given her all my belongings! Many netizens sighed after watching it.

What is puzzling is that in the face of such a sensational plot, Rose still has the leisure to play the trick of "lost and regained". She first expressed her extreme shock at Fu Jiaming's practice of sacrificing his life: "My God, this hairstylist's technique is too ruthless, right?" "

Fu Jiaming left Xiao Loli a 2 billion inheritance, and his ex-girlfriend was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot?

Later, he offered the trick of "making an appointment to step on the pot", and begged Fang Taichu to return the inheritance: "I have prepared takeaway, can you give a big face, baby?" "

Looking at it, Fang Taichu's fans finally couldn't bear it anymore and fought back hard:

Fu Jiaming left Xiao Loli a 2 billion inheritance, and his ex-girlfriend was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot?

"Rose, you're too rampant! "People are Fu Jiaming's last confidant lover, how old are you!" "

Just as the two sides were torn apart, an unexpected turnaround began to appear. It turned out that Fang Taichu never dreamed that she would receive such a huge inheritance, she silently observed for a long time, and when Rose was disheartened, she suddenly burst into laughter three times:

Fu Jiaming left Xiao Loli a 2 billion inheritance, and his ex-girlfriend was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot?

"Hahaha, I knew you were still so greedy! "Okay, isn't it a legacy? Hugs both of you give me! "

Hey, this wave of operations is calm enough to completely defeat Rose. Immediately afterwards, Fang Taichu took out a letter written by Fu Jiaming before his death: It turned out that Fu Jiaming gave the inheritance to Fang Taichu to make up for his indifference to his younger brother.

Fu Jiaming left Xiao Loli a 2 billion inheritance, and his ex-girlfriend was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot?

This extraordinarily unknown secret calmed down the atmosphere on the spot. Some netizens sighed:

"Fang Taichu is really a reasonable and good boy, he understands things better than some adults! "

Fu Jiaming left Xiao Loli a 2 billion inheritance, and his ex-girlfriend was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot?

And Rose, after being taught a hard lesson, finally ended up crisply. She still loves music, but she no longer rests on her laurels and is trying new musical paths. In this way, an uproar over the inheritance battle came to an end, and everyone involved also received valuable life lessons.

In general, although the legacy setting of this drama is a bit bloody, the plot is full of tension and reasonableness, and it is an excellent inspirational drama worth cheering!

Fu Jiaming left Xiao Loli a 2 billion inheritance, and his ex-girlfriend was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot?