
Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class

author:Take you to see the Forbidden City

Summer events continue to be broadcast!

Every open house from July 3 to 28,

The event will be held at the Palace Museum Education Center,

It will continue to be open to visitors for free on a per-session basis!

What are the exciting courses in July?

In addition to the "Painting Butterflies into Life" and "Motuo Millennium" that have been launched in June, there will be new theme activities of "Divine Craftsmanship: Impressions in the Hand" and "Divine Craftsmanship: Thousands of Portraits" in July! Check it out!

Permanent events in July:

Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class

New Events

"Miracle Works: Impressions in the Hands" theme activity

The mudras of the Buddha statue, i.e., the various gestures of the statue. The "Five Seals of Shakya" are often referred to as the Dharma Seal, the Fearless Seal, the Wish Seal, the Demon Subduing Seal, and the Meditation Seal. The mudras convey a wide range of meanings and can also represent the different identities of the statues. The gestures of the exquisite sculptures displayed in the Forbidden City Sculpture Museum are different. Participate in the activity, learn about different Buddha handprints, and you will unlock a new experience of visiting the sculpture gallery!

Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class

"Thousands of Faces" theme activity

The characteristics of Chinese sculpture pursue the unity of spirit, rhyme and qi. Sculptures from different eras and regions present different stylistic characteristics. Some are primitive and simple, some are abstract and exaggerated, some are vivid and realistic, and some are freehand...... Experience the "Thousands of Faces" project, through the fun handmade materials, you will feel the beauty of this different style of statues!

Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class

Past Events

"Painting Butterflies into Life" theme activities

In ancient times, because "butterfly" and "耋" (耋: refers to the age of seventy or eighty years old, generally referring to the elderly) homonym, butterflies are often used as a symbol to refer to longevity, and the "Painting Butterflies into Longevity" experience project is based on the Palace Museum's old collection of "Hundred Butterflies Shou Zi Tu" developed and developed, the picture is painted with a longevity character composed of more than 100 flying colorful butterflies. The style of the picture is delicate and neat, with a clear meaning of birthday celebration. If you also want to show your unique creativity in the hollow black and white line drawing, come and experience it!

Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class
Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class
Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class
Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class

"Motuo Millennium" theme activity

The art of spreading has a history of more than 1,000 years in the mainland. The so-called "Chuantuo" is actually a technique of covering rice paper on the words or patterns on the surface of oracle bones, bronzes, stone carvings and other utensils, and hammering them out with ink. Through the extension process, many documents, profound Chinese calligraphy, beautiful paintings, and ingenious engraving art can be made into rubbings and preserved.

"Motuo Millennium" is an immersive experience activity, in the form of inscriptions, to experience the multiple processes of the transmission of skills. Including cleaning utensils, paper, ink, uncovering, etc., come and experience it!

Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class
Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class
Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class
Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class

Event Easter Eggs

There are also special benefits for the Forbidden City Summer Public Welfare Experience Class!

The Palace Museum's large-scale immersive family musical

"Lu Duan" is being performed at the OCT Grand Theater in Beijing

During the public welfare experience class in July

A number of viewing invitations will be given away!

Invitation Ticket Distribution Rules

1. Children aged 3-8 years old will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

2. 2 invitation coupons will be given out for each public welfare course, while stocks last.

Event Notification | The July schedule of the Palace Museum Education Center's summer public welfare experience class

The invitation ticket is for children only, parents need to purchase a separate ticket.

Children of the right age, hurry up and pay attention!

Viewers who are interested in "Luduan".

Enter the mini program to buy tickets and watch by yourself!

Editor-in-charge: Li Yingchong

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