
Liu Xinglong "Phoenix Piano"

author:Qi Lu Qingwei is gone
Liu Xinglong "Phoenix Piano"

In the ninth month of the solar calendar, the sun still did not recall the soft beauty of its winter, and from the moment it came out of the mountain, it showed a red face that made people sweat all over it, and it had been hanging arrogantly above people's heads, and finally when it set again, it still had to stretch out its half-wheel tongue and lick the sky into scarlet. In this way, the roasted and wilted moisser came to his senses, and a dog slid out a flock of chickens from the bamboo forest, and the clumps of yellow things were so startled that they were full of clucking, and the old cow who returned at dusk snorted dissatisfiedly, and the chimneys of each family quickly spit out a cloud of black smoke. The black smoke rolled quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was up the mountainside, and at this time, the chimney began to slowly and slowly emit a cloud of green clouds.

When it got dark, Zhang Yingcai sat under the big camphor tree by the wall and read the last page of the novel he was holding. The novel is called "Young People in a Small Town", and it was written by a cadre of the county cultural center, and he liked it very much. When I came home from high school in early July, I stole it from the school library as well. That time stealing books was a big action, a total of six participants, all of them were screened out during the college entrance examination pre-selection, others picked up books on household appliance repair, mechanical repair, breeding and planting, etc., he only picked this one, and then went outside to watch the wind and sentry. Zhang Yingcai didn't remember how many times he had read it, and when he heard that his uncle was coming, he would hold the book and wait at the edge every day. I watched it for two or three days, and the more I watched, the more I felt like I was dying in the city

It's also better than living in the countryside. In the past half a month, he saw at least twice a man who looked like his uncle walking far away, and every time he reached the fork in the road in front of him, he changed direction and walked to the adjacent pit. Today was the third time, and before the sun went down, he saw the man who looked like an uncle at that fork in the road, and parted with his gaze. Chang Yingcai closed his eyes and sighed inwardly. As soon as it was dark, the wild mosquitoes all came out, and a few of them pounced on his face with great agility, biting him to the flesh, and slapping himself to the pain. He got up, picked up his book, and walked home.

When he entered, his mother looked at him and said, "I was about to call you to carry water." Zhang Yingcai put the book aside and said, "I picked it in the morning, and I ran out?" The mother said, "It's not that you are too particular about it, but you don't want to wash the vegetables in the pond because the water in the pond is dirty, and you have to wash it with well water at home." Zhang Yingcai had nothing to say, so he had to go to fetch water, and only half of the water tank was filled with two loads of water, so he stopped talking to his mother and said, "I saw my uncle go to the next wall." The mother was stunned: "Don't talk nonsense." Zhang Yingcai said: "I didn't make a sound before. I've seen him three times. The mother was even more stunned and said, "If you see it, you should not see it, and do not tell anyone else, nor your father." Zhang Yingcai said: "Mom, what are you panicking about, my uncle thinks that he won't do bad things if he thinks so good." The mother smiled bitterly: "It's a pity that your aunt is too unvirtuous." Otherwise, I would have gone to his house, so that you would not have waited there every day for death. Zhang Yingcai said: "She didn't rely on her uncle to be a big official outside. The mother said: "It's also to blame your uncle for not being resolute, if he marries Aunt Lan next door, he won't be able to hold his head up in front of women like he is now." It is better for people not to climb others. Zhang Yingcai was very sensitive: "Are you telling me not to go through my uncle's back door?" The mother hurriedly said, "Why did you guess so much that you guessed your uncle's head?" ”

Zhang Yingcai gritted his teeth and said: "I'm not afraid of climbing high and standing unsteadily." I said the ugly thing first, you don't let my uncle help me find a job, and I don't even help the family move a grass. As he spoke, he picked up his flat shoulder and went out with a bucket, and at the door, he tripped and almost fell, and he scolded: "Holy shit! The mother was angry: "Lei Gong in the sky, Uncle Mother in the ground, who do you dare to scold?" Zhang Yingcai said: "I dare to scold anyone, I don't believe you wait to listen." Sure enough, when he came back from carrying water, he scolded again. His mother came up and slapped him lightly, but she cried first, saying, "When your father comes back, let him clean you up."

Zhang Yingcai didn't eat dinner because of this, and he was already asleep when his father returned. Lying on the bed, I heard my father asking why, my mother said that he suddenly had a headache just now, and my father said, "Fart, I'm too lazy to study." "Saying that, the anger came, "Seventeen or eighteen men, there is no use for fart, last year's preselection was three points short, and after repeating a year, I lost the book, and this year I lost four points." Zhang Yingcai covered the quilt and didn't listen, and plugged his ears with his fingers. Later, his mother came into the room, put a bowl of eggs in front of his bed, and whispered: "No matter what, you still have to eat, it's okay to get along with others, but if you can't get along with yourself, it's better than a lot." And he said, "You are really, you have not grown after a year of study, even if you are one point less than last year, and it is better to explain it in front of your father." After a while, Zhang Yingcai sweated, he lifted the quilt and saw that his mother was gone, so he got out of bed, latched the door, and wrote to a female classmate on the table, he wrote: I am reading a book of "Young People in a Small Town", which is called "The Ninth Kiosk", which is very well written! And you are like the girl named Yujie in it, you are as beautiful as her heart.

After writing a call, he suddenly felt that he had nothing to write, and after thinking about it, he wrote: My uncle is the head of the township cultural and educational station, and he helped me find a job that suits my personality very well, and I will report to work in two days, and there are many college students in this unit. As for what the unit is, I won't tell you now, I'll write to you after I get to work, and I'm sure you'll be surprised when you see the address on the envelope. After he finished writing, he read it again, and he didn't feel a fever in his face, and he picked up the pen and was about to cross out the following paragraph, but after hesitating for a long time, he still left. Turning around, he went to eat eggs, and said to himself as he ate, "All women in the world love to listen to lies." Halfway through the eggs, he suddenly remembered that he didn't have a penny, and he had to reach out to his parents to ask for money for such a trivial matter as sending a letter to buy stamps tomorrow. He barely ate two more bites, couldn't eat any more, pushed the bowl open, fell on his back on the bed and cried silently.

When Zhang Yingcai woke up, he realized that he had slept all night, and he hadn't even put down the mosquito net, and his body was full of red blisters, itching to death. He sat up and saw the remaining half bowl of eggs he had eaten last night, and felt very hungry, and he remembered that the hygiene tips on the school newspaper said that eggs should not be eaten overnight, so he retracted his hand that was already next to the bowl. At this time, the mother was pushing the door. He didn't bother to open the door, he knew that the latch was loose and could be pushed open with a few pushes.

After a few pushes, the door really opened, and his mother came in and whispered to him, "Your uncle is here, you should be more relaxed, and don't treat me and your father like you." The mother glanced at the half bowl of eggs and Zhang Yingcai, sighed, and ate the bowl in three or two bites. Zhang Yingcai wanted to remind his mother, but the words stopped in his mouth. He got dressed and walked to the hall, and politely called uncle to the man sitting across from his father.

The uncle said, "Yingcai, I'm here specifically for you. The father said, "Fool! Thank you not yet. Zhang Yingcai glanced at his uncle's feet, there were more than 20 miles from the township to here, the dew in the early morning was very heavy, but his uncle's leather shoes were clean, he felt that he knew it in his heart, and he still thanked him. My uncle said, "I'll get you a substitute teaching spot." There are only two vacancies in the township this semester, but there are dozens of substitute teachers, so it was not implemented until yesterday. You hurry up and clean up, and after breakfast, I will send you to Jieling Primary School to report. Zhang Yingcai listened to it and pricked up his ears: "Jieling Primary School? The mother didn't believe it either: "There are so many schools in the township, why do you send Yingcai to that big mountain?" The uncle said, "It is precisely because everyone is reluctant to go that there is a shortage of teachers and there is a need for substitute teachers." The father said, "Isn't there still a place?" The uncle was stunned for a moment before replying: "There is a vacancy in the Township Central Primary School, and after studying it in the station, it was given to Lan Fei from the next door." ”

Seeing that her father's face was changing, the mother hurriedly said, "It is not easy for Aunt Lan to raise a child by widowhood, and it is also appropriate to take care of it." The father turned to his mother and said, "Then you can get me a bowl of pesticide to drink, and see who will sympathize with you." The uncle was unhappy: "Don't be too fat, just say something if you don't do it, I can invite other people's children, so as not to affect the education of the whole township." When my father heard this, he softened: "I still want to be the emperor after becoming the prime minister, why don't people want to be better and better, we are just talking." The mother seized the opportunity and said, "Yingcai, don't hurry up and pack your things!" Zhang Yingcai, who had been silent, said: "Clean up a fart!" I don't go substitute-teaching. ”

The father immediately went to the house and took out a dung bucket, put it in the hall, and asked Zhang Yingcai to go all the way to the town with the dung truck to pull the dung. Zhang Yingcai stared at the dung bucket and was silent. The uncle moved the chair, kept the dung bucket away from him, and moved closer to Zhang Yingcai, and said as he moved: "You don't have a town hukou, and it is very good to be able to substitute for education as soon as you graduate, and besides, if you don't suffer a little, how can I have a reason to help talk on it?" The father urged on the side: "I don't want to teach, so as not to have a helper at home." Zhang Yingcai raised his head and said, "Father, can you be civilized?" Uncle is a guest and a leading cadre, do you dare to put the dung bucket in front of the village chief's seat? The father was stunned and carried the dung bucket back.

Mother had already gone into the room to help Zhang Yingcai pack her luggage. Only two uncles and nephews were left in the hall. Zhang Yingcai also moved his chair, got closer to his uncle, and said close to his ear: "I know, you came yesterday, and you went to the next door first." After a pause, he continued: "What if I go to a place where there is no heaven and no ground, and you are dismissed?" The uncle came back to his senses: "You boy, guess everything, I'm almost fifty people, and I don't know how to arch a pawn?" Let's go first. I stayed there for a whole ten years before I settled the hukou and became a regular. That place is a good place to cultivate talents, and I became the head of the cultural and educational station as soon as I became a regular person. ”

The uncle took out a pair of myopic glasses from his arms and asked Zhang Yingcai to wear them. Zhang Yingcai is very strange, he is not short-sighted, and wearing a pair of glasses is not asking for trouble. After his uncle explained for a long time, he realized that his uncle was using his so-called high myopia as a reason, and the other people in the station agreed to let him come out to substitute for teaching. Uncle said: "If you want to do something, you have to have a reason, if you don't have a reason, no matter how ruthless the relationship is, it's difficult to do it, don't be afraid of a small reason, as long as it can be established." Zhang Yingcai couldn't see anything clearly after putting on his glasses, and he was very dizzy, he wanted to take them off, but his uncle didn't let him, saying that he was going to send them a few days earlier for him to put them on and adapt to them, but he was delayed, so now every second counts. He also said that no one in Jieling Primary School wore glasses, and if he wore glasses, they would value him more, and in addition, he looked much older when he wore glasses.

Zhang Yingcai stood up and walked a few steps, and shouted: "No! No way! The parents didn't know the reason, so they came out of the room and said, "When is it, it's still calling!" The father also scolded: "You were born by a camel, and you were born with a sinful character." Zhang Yingcai touched his glasses with his hand and said, "You don't know anything except eight characters." After saying that, he went into the room, and after a moment came out with the novel in his hand, and said, "Uncle, let's go!" The mother said, "I haven't eaten breakfast yet!" Zhang Yingcai said: "I went to work today, and my uncle invited me as a guest." The uncle nodded very happily, much to the surprise of Zhang Yingcai's parents, and said almost at the same time: "This is not ass pee--is the opposite!" ”

When Zhang Yingcai went out with his luggage, several young people in the wall came to persuade him not to go, saying that our territory is compared with Jieling, just like the city is compared with us. Zhang Yingcai didn't listen, saying that everyone has their own ambitions, and everyone has their own lives. The father was very happy to hear this, and thought that his son had grown a lot, and the repetition of this year was finally not in vain. When I broke up with my family, my mother cried, but my father didn't think so, and said on the side: "It's not like I'm going to be a soldier, what are you crying about!" On the way, Zhang Yingcai kept thinking about this question, how can you cry when you go to be a soldier, aren't everyone rushing to go?

Uncle was a guest who sincerely invited Zhang Yingcai, and he went in to ask about the places where food was sold along the way, but everyone sold fried dough sticks overnight. The last shop before going up the mountain was still like this, and my uncle had to buy ten fried dough sticks and stuff them into the net pocket he was carrying, but he stuffed ten preserved eggs into Zhang Yingcai's satchel.

The mountain road is more than 20 miles away, so steep that the road in front of you is almost touching the tip of your nose. The road is not easy to walk. Wearing very awkward glasses, Zhang Yingcai rarely bothered to talk to his uncle. When he was resting, he asked about the basic situation of the school, and his uncle asked him not to worry, and when he saw it, it would be clear, and he asked what he should pay attention to as a primary school teacher. My uncle said that if I saw other teachers beating students, I didn't see anything. Zhang Yingcai saw that his uncle was not interested in this kind of talk, so he stopped asking these questions, and turned around to ask Lan Fei's mother if she was young and beautiful, and after waiting for a long time without movement, he felt a little strange in the haze, and took off his glasses to see that his uncle was rubbing his eye sockets.

After that, I didn't rest again, I climbed the boundary ridge in one breath, a national flag in front of a row of old houses fluttered in the mountain wind, there was a sound of reading in the old house, and two red pieces of paper pasted on the wall had two slogans written on it: Welcome superior leaders to the school to guide the work! Welcome new teachers! After Zhang Yingcai took off his glasses and read the slogan, he was a little excited. At this time, a middle-aged man came out of nowhere, and shouted loudly: "Stationmaster Wan, why did you come so early, this is killing us by surprise!" Uncle smiled and said, "I don't want to come to breakfast yet!" As he spoke, he introduced himself to Zhang Yingcai and said that this person was the principal, surnamed Yu. Zhang Yingcai was also introduced to President Yu.

Principal Yu beckoned them into the house to get breakfast. Principal Yu personally fried two bowls of oil and salt rice and brought them up, and while he was eating, two younger men came in. After introduction, I knew that one was the vice principal, named Deng Youmei. The other is the teaching director, named Sun Sihai. Zhang Yingcai pretended to wipe the mist on the lenses, wanting to observe them more clearly, and after watching them for a long time, he had no special impression except that he felt that they were very thin and ordinary.

After eating at this time, my uncle wiped his mouth and said, "It's okay, all the teachers and staff of the school have arrived, so I'll say a few words first!" Zhang Yingcai was surprised when he heard this, he didn't see the students rest after class for a long time, he thought there were other teachers in the classroom. What my uncle said was nothing more than some clichés such as new improvements and breakthroughs in the new semester, which were very energetic and serious, and Zhang Yingcai didn't hear it at all. He pretended to pee and walked outside, only to find that there was not a single teacher in several classrooms, and he couldn't guess what grade it was, and how did three classrooms fit six grades? I can't tell it on the blackboard, it's all Chinese class, it's all composition, new words and sentence formation. When he went back, his uncle finally finished speaking, and the next thing was Principal Yu.

Principal Yu spoke a few words, and his voice became hoarse. Deng Youmei saw it and said unceremoniously: "If you have a sore throat, just rest, I'll report to the stationmaster." As he spoke, he opened the small notebook in his hand, and as soon as he said the two figures of enrollment rate and dropout rate, his uncle interrupted him, saying that these reports were all there, and that there were some situations that were not on the report. Deng Youmei's eyes rolled, and he said a few things about how he mobilized school-age children to go to school, and also said that he advanced dozens of yuan to buy textbooks for students who couldn't pay the tuition. Next was Sun Sihai who said in a low voice: "The village hasn't paid us wages for nine months." And then there was no words.

Uncle didn't ask, got up and went to the classroom to see, to the first classroom Principal Yu said that this was the fifth or sixth grade, Zhang Yingcai saw that most of the students did not have textbooks, and they were holding a mimeographed booklet in their hands, and they were about to ask, but they heard his uncle say: "These mimeographed textbooks are your masterpieces again, right?" Principal Yu said, "I can't carve steel plates with my hands anymore, I let them carve them themselves." Zhang Yingcai saw his uncle holding Principal Yu's big knuckle hands and sighed softly. The second classroom is for the third and fourth grades, and it is for Sun Sihai, but the students are using all new textbooks. When asked, the students all said that Mr. Sun bought it for them. When asked again, Sun Sihai said that this was the income of the students' own labor. Zhang Yingcai saw that his uncle wanted to ask, Principal Yu hurriedly diverted the conversation and asked them to go to see the first and second grades, there is no doubt that this class was led by Deng Youmei, so as soon as he entered the classroom, he picked up the topic of the report just now, and pointed to the students one by one and said that it was difficult for him to mobilize them to enroll.

As he was talking, his uncle suddenly interrupted him and asked, "How many new students have you recruited this year?" Deng Youmei said: "Forty-two." The uncle said, "If you count them, there are only twenty-four." Deng Youmei said: "Everyone else has taken leave. The uncle said, "Even the tables and chairs are on leave?" Lao Yu, I am about to carry out the inspection of the implementation of the "Compulsory Education Law", don't make you and me unable to get by! Deng Youmei blushed and didn't speak. Principal Yu nodded repeatedly. There was a sneer on the corner of Sun Sihai's mouth. Zhang Yingcai saw all of this in his eyes. When he went back to tidy up a dormitory vacated for him by Principal Yu, he looked into the air and asked his uncle if there was a discord between the three of them. His uncle told him to take care of these things and to remember the relationship between class contradictions and national contradictions, and he said that here he was not a nation with them, he was an outsider, and they would see him as an aggressor. Zhang Yingcai didn't seem to understand this.

A long, flat wooden box hangs on the wall of the room. After Zhang Yingcai took it down and opened it, he knew that it was a piano, he had never seen this kind of piano, a row of keys with 12345671 written on it, and a few metal strings underneath, he plucked it with his fingers, and his voice was a little hoarse, like Principal Yu's noise. He asked, "Uncle, what kind of piano is this?" The uncle didn't look at it, and said while hanging the mosquito net, "That's written on it!" He took off his glasses and took a closer look, and sure enough, the three words Phoenix Qin were printed on the lid, and there was a row of small characters: Made by Beijing Dongfeng National Musical Instrument Factory. After the room was cleaned up, Zhang Yingcai took out the book "Young People in a Small Town" and placed it squarely beside the bed.

Just when Principal Yu came, he looked at the book and said, "I know this author, he used to be a private teacher, and I had a meeting with him. Thankfully, he changed his career, otherwise, I'm afraid he would be similar to what I am now. Zhang Yingcai was about to ask something, but his uncle said, "Lao Yu, aren't you pouring cold water?" Principal Yu hurriedly said, "I still dare to fiddle with cold water?" If I get cold water from rheumatism, I'm afraid that even my hair will grow big bones. ”

At this time, school is out. Zhang Yingcai only became familiar with the rules of this school later, because the students lived scattered, came late, and left early, so there were only two classes a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Some students ran to the recess, some to the mountain. Zhang Yingcai didn't understand, Deng Youmei told him that he was going to pick mushrooms and pull weeds. Principal Yu told them to go to dinner. While eating, the students all returned, putting weeds and mushrooms into the pigpen and kitchen of Principal Yu's house, respectively. Zhang Yingcai looked at it and wondered, isn't this exploiting students and bullying teenagers? Just as he was thinking about it, Principal Yu got up and left his seat and walked into the kitchen. Listening to the movement, it seemed that he was cooking for the students inside, and sure enough, many students came out of it with rice bowls, went to another room, and followed Principal Yu out with a pot of vegetables in both hands. The uncle opened his mouth and shouted: "Lao Yu, you wait. As he spoke, he turned around and asked Zhang Yingcai to go back to the house and bring those fritters, give them to Lao Yu, and let Lao Yu give them to the students. Zhang Yingcai saw the students gulping down the half-fried fritters they had been distributed, and he felt a little uncomfortable. The uncle asked Principal Yu which children were his own, and Principal Yu pointed three times, and Zhang Yingcai thought of the hungry people in Africa on TV three times in a row. After tasting the students' dishes, the uncle said with a gloomy face: "Lao Yu, your wife has been dragged down, and I am afraid that your whole family will collapse if it is delayed for a few more years." Principal Yu sighed and said: "I'm not a party member, I don't have party spirit, but I talk about my conscience, how can so many children not study?" If it drags on for ten years and eight years, maybe the economic situation in the village will not improve? Then be blessed! ”

Zhang Yingcai listened for a long time and finally understood that there were twenty or thirty students in the school who were too far away from home to go home for lunch, and there were more than a dozen students who could not go home at night, and all stayed at Principal Yu's house. Parents come every three or four times to send some fresh pickles, and there are also rape planted in May and June every year, with a bottle of vegetable oil in a wine bottle. And then there's the rice, which every student has to bring.

After eating, Zhang Yingcai's uncle wanted to go into the room to see Principal Yu's wife. Principal Yu stopped and resolutely refused to let her in, claiming that whoever saw her like that would be disgusted for three days. After a while, the movement was loud, alarming the people in the room, and the woman wilted inside and said: "I have received the leader's kindness, please don't come in." After giving up, Principal Yu persuaded Zhang Yingcai's uncle to go down the mountain, otherwise he would not be able to catch up with the sun, and it would be difficult to deal with it when it was dark. The uncle said, "It's time to go, you all accompany me, you don't go to class, and the students have released ducks." After a pause, he said, "My nephew is a fledgling, so I will entrust it to the three." Deng Youmei rushed in front of Principal Yu and said: "I have studied it, and I don't know how high or low it is, just in the middle, let him follow Director Sun for two months, and then take over Director Sun's class, and Director Sun will take over Principal Yu's class, and Principal Yu will free up to grasp the overall work and the literacy work of the whole village." Uncle laughed for the first time. Deng Youmei saw the stitches and asked suddenly: "Stationmaster Wan, is there still a quota for private teachers to become regular this year?" Zhang Yingcai was stunned when he heard this, he saw that Sun Sihai next to him also pricked up his ears and waited for an echo, his uncle didn't think about it, and replied resolutely: "No!" Everyone was very disappointed when they heard it, and even Zhang Yingcai was a little disappointed.

Seeing that his uncle was lucky, Zhang Yingcai suddenly felt lonely. Deng Youmei next to her suddenly said, "Go, your uncle is greeting you!" Seeing that his uncle was beckoning, he hurriedly ran over, and when he got closer, his uncle said, "I forgot something, they want to ask you how many degrees these glasses are, and you can say that they are 400 degrees." Zhang Yingcai said: "I thought you were talking to me about some secret things?" Uncle ignored it and left.

When he was left with the three of them, they asked him how many degrees his glasses were, and he was embarrassed to say, but in the end he still said that it was 400 degrees. Sun Sihai borrowed it and tried it, and then said, "Yes, it's 400 degrees." Zhang Yingcai couldn't help but be a little scared when he saw that he was really short-sighted, and at the same time admired his uncle for thinking so thoughtfully, such a person would not let others notice if he made a mistake.

There was still only one class in the afternoon, and Zhang Yingcai stood with Sun Sihai for more than two hours. He had no impression of how Sun Sihai gave a lecture, and he had been thinking about how to teach this class in three classes in the sixth grade. In the middle, Sun Sihai threw down the chalk and went to the toilet, he followed and took the opportunity to ask about it, Sun Sihai said, our school recruits new students once every two years. When I returned, there was an extra pig in the classroom. Zhang Yingcai went to pick it up, and the students shouted together, saying that this was raised by Principal Yu, and it likes to eat chalk ash, Sun Sihai walked in at the door and said, don't pay attention to it. Going down, Zhang Yingcai couldn't concentrate even more, he looked at the pigs, looked at the students, and felt a little sad in his heart.

It was dark early on the mountain, and it looked like dusk, but it was actually only about four o'clock. When the school ended, the dozen or so students who stayed at Principal Yu's house without leaving, led by a taller boy, walked jaggedly to a nearby mountain recess. There are no students in his eyes, only pigs, and Zhang Ying feels very empty. He took off the phoenix, unscrewed the cap of the pen, held the plucked strings in his left hand, pressed the keys with his right hand, and tried to play a tune, which was not good, it was just passable, and after playing it a few times, he was not interested. After he paused, he was stunned: Why is the music still playing? Listening again, he realized that it was the sound of the flute, Zhang Yingcai leaned on the window and looked, and saw Sun Sihai and Deng Youmei leaning back to back on the flagpole outside, each holding a bamboo flute horizontally, and was blowing hard.

The fog rises under the mountain, along the canyons, rolling into clouds one by one, the slopes of the back sun are paved with patches of gloomy green, the early-maturing rice fields are exposed to a layer of light yellow, a group of black goats are haunted in the clouds, and there are red schoolbags jumping in it, very much like the brilliant peach blossoms in the spring rain. The sun is setting helplessly, and the first gust of mountain wind at dusk blows away its luster, becoming like a hydrangea, and the mountain in the distance is a lion, which is viewed vertically and horizontally, it is the appearance of a dragon.

The song I blew out felt very familiar, and after listening to it, I realized that it was the song "Our Life is Full of Sunshine", but the rhythm was twice as slow. The two flutes, one high and the other low, slowly blew out a lot of sorrow. Zhang Yingcai hummed a sentence in his heart, and the rhythm made him hum the words "happy song" for a long time. He also walked to the flagpole and said, "This song needs to be cheerful." They ignored him. Zhang Yingcai corrected it with a slap on the side. But it didn't work. Zhang Yingcai became melancholy, and couldn't help but think about a question: Where you can see this flag, will you hear this flute?

Suddenly, the whistle sounded, and Principal Yu walked under the flagpole with a whistle in his mouth, followed the dozen or so students back from the recess, and stood in a neat row in front of the flagpole. Principal Yu looked at the sun, shouted to stand up for a while, and then walked over and straightened the torn coat on the student who took the lead. There was a big hole in the shoulder of the gown, and Principal Yu couldn't pull the cloth around him after a few pulls, covering the exposed black and thin shoulder. Zhang Yingcai stood at the back of the line, and he saw that his thin and dry calves were not wearing shoes. Here, Principal Yu saw that there were still a lot of ragged coats waiting for him, so he gave up. By this time, the sun was already on the mountain. Principal Yu shouted violently: "Lizheng - play the national anthem - lower the national flag!" In the sound of the national anthem played by the two flutes, Principal Yu pulled the rope on the flagpole, and after the national flag slowly fell, the students hugged Principal Yu and walked towards Principal Yu's home with the national flag.

This scene really surprised Zhang Yingcai. When I thought of the scene of raising and lowering the national flag when I was in middle school, I felt a little funny. Deng Youmei came over and asked him, "Is there a place to eat at night?" Zhang Yingcai replied: "I am at Principal Yu's house." Deng Youmei said: "Do you want to return to the old society?" Let's go, go to my house for a meal, get used to it, let's just partner up in the future. Zhang Yingcai pushed a few handfuls, and agreed when he saw that he couldn't get rid of it.

The road is not far, just to climb two mountain bags. Deng Youmei's wife is very sturdy, and she has a scar on the left side and an eye. Seeing that Zhang Yingcai always looked at her, he said: "She was originally a Danfengyan, I didn't come back to a meeting at school the winter before last, she came to pick me up at night, and was licked by a wolf on the way, and she was left disabled." Zhang Yingcai said: "Do my uncles understand such a bitter matter?" Deng Youmei said: "It's all Principal Yu's strict words, he doesn't say anything about his suffering, he never reports to the above, and he also said that Stationmaster Wan has been here for ten years, doesn't he know the details here?" Don't say that people will remember it in their hearts, and if they say too much, people will be anti-accounting. Zhang Yingcai said: "My uncle is always worried about you, so he specially let me come here to exercise." Deng Youmei said: "You can walk after exercising for a while, I am a native of China, even if I turn positive, I can't leave here." As he spoke, he suddenly changed the topic: "Stationmaster Wan must have told you the bottom, when will there be a positive indicator down?" Zhang Yingcai said: "He really didn't say anything, he is an old leftist and very decent." Deng Youmei's wife interjected: "It hurts my nephew, I hurt my heels, and there is always a layer of things between my uncle and nephew." Deng Youmei glared: "You know a fart, quickly prepare the meal and serve it." Fu said: "I have inquired, my age, teaching experience and performance all meet the requirements for regularization, and now everything is waiting for your uncle's grace." ”

A fragrant bowl of bacon noodles was brought to Zhang Yingcai. Deng Youmei said: "Didn't you let you make wine? The wife said: "It's too late, it's too late, anyway, it's not like to come and leave, it's long, as long as Mr. Zhang doesn't like it, I'll get another table of wine another day." Deng Youmei said: "Okay, for Xiao Zhang's sake, I won't fix you." Zhang Yingcai heard that this was a play, and when he was at home, he was a guest, and his mother often performed like this. Ordinary people can only eat a small half of the meat in this bowl and keep more than half of it, Zhang Yingcai was very hungry, and knew that Deng Youmei had a request for him, so he ate all the bowl. I was sweating profusely until I remembered that it was summer. It's very cold in the mountains, and the sweat that just comes out doesn't need to be wiped and dries immediately. Zhang Yingcai sneezed, he caught a cold, so he got up and said goodbye. Deng Youmei took a flashlight and sent it to him.

On the way, he suddenly introduced Sun Sihai's situation, he said that under the guise of work-study, Sun Sihai asked students to pick some herbs on the roadside every day after school, such as honeysuckle or something, and handed them over to a woman's house named Wang Xiaolan, and then sold them after piling them up. Sun Sihai didn't get married because he had been stumbling with Wang Xiaolan since he was seventeen or eighteen years old, Wang Xiaolan's husband had a cucumber swelling disease, that is, chronic jaundice and hepatitis, and he couldn't do anything, everything depended on Sun Sihai. Deng Youmei finally said that if she heard the flute in the middle of the night, it must have been Wang Xiaolan who had slept there and just left.

If there was no latter sentence, Zhang Yingcai would definitely hate Sun Sihai. With the latter sentence, Zhang Yingcai felt that Sun Sihai lived like the young man in the small city in his novel, romantic like a poet. There is a sentence, he weighed it before saying: "Principal Deng, my uncle doesn't like others to make small reports in front of him, he said that this is to lower his personality." Deng Youmei listened to the sentence he made up, so she didn't talk about Sun Sihai anymore, and turned around and said what her shortcomings were. At this time, they climbed the mountain bag in front of the school, and Zhang Yingcai asked Deng Youmei to go back.

I went back to the house and lit the lamp, picked up the novel and read a few lines, but the words didn't go to my head. Putting down the book, he picked up the piano and played "Our Life is Full of Sunshine" again, and there were a few notes that he couldn't remember accurately, so he tried several times. When I played it for the fifth time, I popped up a little taste, the mountain sky was silent at night, as if I was out of the world, I played it and listened to it, which was quite lyrical.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. After opening it, Principal Yu stood outside the door, looking like he wanted to speak and stopped. Zhang Yingcai asked, "Is there something wrong?" Principal Yu said, "It's okay." It's cool on the mountain, so wear more clothes. Zhang Yingcai remembered one thing: "I was about to go over and ask you, who is Comrade Caritas Fen written on this piano box?" The piano box reads: Farewell to Comrade Caritas Fen in August 1981. Principal Yu waited for a while before answering, "It's my wife." Zhang Yingcai said: "With her piano, will she be angry?" Principal Yu said coldly: "You just use it, everything is superfluous to her." If only she could be angry. She is not angry, she just wants to die, die early and live early. Zhang Yingcai was taken aback.

He couldn't sleep, and he couldn't think of what kind of address to write to his female classmates. In the middle of the night, a low, long flute suddenly sounded. Zhang Yingcai got up from the bed and stood at the door. Sun Sihai's window was not lit, only two black shiny things. He regarded this as Sun Sihai's eyes. The flute is still playing "Our Life is Full of Sunshine", blowing like a cry, very poignant, very harmoniously with the night breeze blowing over the hillside, fluttering and drifting away.

I didn't dream at night, and when I was sleeping soundly, I heard the flute again, and it was the "National Anthem" that was blown. Zhang Yingcai opened his eyes and saw that it was already dark, so he hurriedly climbed out of bed, put on his clothes and rushed out of the door. He saw Principal Yu standing at the front, pulling the flag rope one by one, behind Principal Yu were Deng Youmei and Sun Sihai, and then behind were the dozen or so primary school students from yesterday. The morning breeze in the mountains in September was strong and cool, and the two children at the end of the group wore only tank tops and trousers, and their four thin black legs were swaying in the wind. Zhang Yingcai recognized that these were Principal Yu's two children. The national flag, along with the sun, rose from Principal Yu's arm.

Zhang Yingcai said: "I'm late. Why didn't anyone remind me yesterday? Principal Yu said, "This matter is voluntary. Zhang Yingcai asked, "Can these children understand?" Principal Yu said, "At least when you grow up, you will understand." As he spoke, tears suddenly welled up in Principal Yu's eyes. There was one less, and he was still here yesterday, but someone came at night and took him away, and his father was sick and dead, and he had to go back to live on the beam. He was only twelve years old. I really didn't expect him to say something like that to me. He said that he could see the red flag in his house, and when he saw the red flag, he knew that there was a motherland and a school, and he was not afraid of anything. Principal Yu rubbed his eye sockets with his big knuckle hand. Sun Sihai said on the side: "It's the eldest kid in the lead, named Han Yu, who is the smartest one in the fifth and sixth grades. Zhang Ying knew that this was for herself.

Zhang Yingcai was moved and said, "Principal Yu, you should report these things to my uncle and them, and let the country come forward to care about these children." Principal Yu said: "This mountain is very big, and many people can't even eat enough, so how can they take care of education." He also said: "I heard that the state has sent a science and technology poverty alleviation group, so it is good, and to engage in science and technology, we must engage in education." There is hope for the children. Deng Youmei interjected: "I also hope that a few of us can turn positive." Zhang Yingcai's mood was destroyed, and he turned his head and went into the house to brush his teeth and wash his face.

I grabbed a towel and toothbrushed toothpaste, walked to a stream next to the house, moistened my mouth with a handful of water, and put the toothbrush on the gum and pulled it back and forth vigorously. Suddenly I felt that there was someone around me, and I saw that it was Sun Sihai. Sun Sihai carried a small wooden bucket to draw water, and after scooping it up, he was not in a hurry to leave, but stood on the side and said, "You shouldn't touch that phoenix qin." Zhang Yingcai didn't hear clearly: "What did you say?" Sun Sihai said again: "We never touch the phoenix qin." Zhang Yingcai wanted to ask again, and hurriedly rinsed the white foam from his mouth with water. Sun Sihai left.

Liu Xinglong "Phoenix Piano"

Breakfast was eaten at Principal Yu's house. It's the leftovers from last night and the wild celery cooked together, and then put a little salt and pepper to taste. There were no vegetables, and some students reached into the pickle jar to scoop up a cabbage stalk, hold it and chew it. The person next to him wanted to learn from him, so he reached out and fished a few times but didn't catch it, the tank was too big, and the others couldn't reach the bottom of the tank, so he got angry, saying that the previous students ate more and occupied more and he wanted to tell Principal Yu. Zhang Yingcai stood in the middle of them and barely ate a few bites, then walked out, returned to the room, found two preserved eggs, put them in his pocket, and went to the stream again. He poured out the pig-like stuff in the bowl, cleaned it, and sat alone on the bluestone by the water to peel the preserved eggs. While peeling and humming a song, he had just sung the phrase "Don't pick wildflowers on the side of the road" when a shadow appeared on his face. He was taken aback, and said to Sun Sihai, who was walking closer: "What's wrong with you, yin and yang are weird, like a boneless yin ghost." Seeing that it was a preserved egg rolling into the stream, Sun Sihai said unceremoniously: "I'm too self-indulgent, seeing that you can't get used to eating Principal Yu's food, I left a few red potatoes for you, but I didn't expect you to have delicacies from the mountains and seas." He threw the red taro in his hand to the ground, pulled his leg and left.

Zhang Yingcai picked up the red taro, came to Sun Sihai's door, and intentionally ate it to show him. Sun Sihai didn't speak when he saw it, and buried himself in chopping wood. The red taro was eaten up, and Zhang Yingcai had to open the door of the classroom. Sun Sihai shouted behind his back: "Teacher Zhang, today's class is up to you." Zhang Yingcai was not modest: "I will talk about it." "I didn't even look back.

The children in the mountains are honest and rarely ask questions, Zhang Yingcai reads according to the book, and feels that it is not difficult to be a teacher in a lecture. Sun Sihai didn't come to take a photo from beginning to end, and he didn't feel panicked at all. First teach the students new words, then read the text aloud three or five times, then divide the paragraphs, understand the gist of the paragraphs, the central idea of the text, and finally use words to make sentences or simulate the text to make an essay. Principal Yu turned around the window a few times, Deng Youmei pretended to borrow chalk, went into the classroom, he took two pieces of chalk and said: "Teacher Zhang must have obtained the true biography of Stationmaster Wan, and the class is very good." ”

After going to school, Zhang Yingcai saw Sun Sihai covered in mud, coming down from the back mountain, and going to the house to cook on the fire. He also followed into the house, and when he saw that Sun Sihai ignored him, he said curtly: "Director Sun, why don't I come to you to join you?" Sun Sihai said coldly: "I don't want to shoot anyone's ass, and I don't want others to say whose fart I'm shooting." Actually, you don't have to partner with people, just build a stove in your own house. Zhang Yingcai said: "I don't know how to build a stove." Sun Sihai said: "Want to ride? I told Ye Biqiu in the class that her father was a mason, and asked him to come tomorrow. Zhang Yingcai said: "This is not appropriate, right? Sun Sihai said: "If you do it yourself, it is really inappropriate, and your parents will think that you look down on him when they know about it." A girl came next to him.

The girl has clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, which is very attractive, and although the clothes on her body have been mended, they look natural. The girl smiled and walked until the back of the stove to help light the fire. Zhang Yingcai asked: "Whose daughter is this?" Sun Sihai replied: "Her name is Li Zi, and her mother is Wang Xiaolan." When he said that, he swept his eyes straight at Zhang Yingcai, as if he wanted to ask anything. Zhang Yingcai was embarrassed to hear Deng Youmei talk about Sun Sihai and Wang Xiaolan, and saw that Sun Sihai was so straightforward. So he changed the subject and said, "If the stove is not set up, I will eat at your place, and you can't take mine away." Sun Sihai blamed himself for having a bad idea, and said, "Let you catch the handle." First of all, as soon as the stove is ready, it will be separated. Zhang Yingcai nodded hurriedly, Sun Sihai was chopping vegetables, and instructed Li Zi to add a handful of rice to the pot.

During the meal, Sun Sihai and Li Zi sat on the side, and the more Zhang Yingcai looked, the more he felt that the two looked very similar. He remembered that there was a sample essay on the learning column in the classroom that seemed to be written by Li Zi, so he took his rice bowl and walked to the classroom while eating, and the sample essay was indeed written by Li Zi.

It's called "My Good Mother." Li Zi wrote: Every day, my mother washes and dries the herbs that my classmates hand over to my house, then sorts them and puts them away, and when I gather them, my mother picks them up and sells them at the purchasing department at the bottom of the mountain. The mountain road is very difficult to walk, and when my mother comes home, she often has a blood stain here and a scar there. This year, the weather is bad, the herbs are rotten a lot, the people in the acquisition department are always deducting the scales and lowering the price, the new semester is coming again, and there is still not enough money to buy books for the classmates, and my mother later sold a coffin for my father, so I scraped together the money and handed it over to Mr. Sun to buy books for the students. My mother's heart was very bitter, she was always afraid that I would hate her when I grew up, and I promised her many times, but she always shook her head and didn't believe me.

After Zhang Yingcai finished reading, he didn't return to Sun Sihai's house, Sun Sihai called him to send the bowl to be washed, and he came out of his room, with the remaining eight preserved eggs in the bowl. He said to Li Zi: "Bring this thing back to your mother after school, and say that there is a new teacher Zhang who asks her how to do it!" Li Zi refused to take it. Sun Sihai said, "Take it." Thank you on behalf of your mother, Mr. Zhang. After Li Zi thanked her, Zhang Yingcai couldn't help but stroke her forehead a few times with his hand.

In the afternoon, he did not take math at all, copied Li Zi's composition on the blackboard, read it aloud himself, and asked the students to read it ten times in unison. The school classrooms are dilapidated, with many holes and no sound insulation. Chinese in the morning and math in the afternoon are arranged by the whole school to avoid the noise of reading Chinese and disturbing the silence required for math class. The loud reading of the third and fourth grades disturbed the peace of the first, second, fifth and sixth grades. Deng Youmei ran over and wanted to speak, but when she saw the composition copied on the blackboard, her face turned a little pale, so she went back without saying a word. Principal Yu didn't enter the classroom, so he walked around the outside twice and didn't say anything.

After school, the flute started again. Old tunes. "Our life is full of sunshine". Zhang Yingcai stood aside and beat the beat with his feet, but he still couldn't suppress the rhythm, the melody was awkwardly slow, and he didn't understand how the two flutes worked together so well. Later, he simply recited the composition of the plum to this melody. His Mandarin is very good, and he is very emotional in such an evening, which makes Sun Sihai's tears come out at once. After lowering the national flag, Zhang Yingcai stopped Deng Youmei and asked, "Principal Deng, what do you think of Li Zi's composition?" Deng Youmei blinked and replied: "First of all, you are good at reciting, why is it not easy to say in composition, what do you say, Director Sun?" Sun Sihai did not evade at all: "Just say one word: good!" Deng Youmei forced: "What's good?" Sun Sihai replied: "There is a sense of truth." At this time, Principal Yu paced over and said, "Director Sun, I see that the drainage ditch of your Poria land is still not good, if it rains a little harder, it will be dangerous." Sun Sihai said: "It's too hard to dig underneath, so I plan to call a few parents of students to help dig for a day." Principal Yu said, "It's okay, the red taro in my field doesn't grow well, so I just dug it up in advance so that the students can taste it fresh." The parents came and told them to do it along with them. He also said, "Principal Deng, is there anything going on in your family?" lest you call your parents a second time. Deng Youmei: "I have nothing to do with others." As I said, we are not familiar gentlemen in the old society-" Before he finished speaking, Sun Sihai turned his head and left, slamming the saliva in the flute as he walked.

Li Zi went home, and someone in the wall passed by the school to take her back after school, and in normal times, Sun Sihai sent her off. Zhang Yingcai squatted behind the stove to light the fire, and wanted to talk to Sun Sihai several times, but he couldn't help it when he saw the yin on his face. Until eating, neither of them spoke. The meal was almost finished silently, and the oil lamp jumped, and Principal Yu's youngest son came into the door: "Director Sun, Teacher Zhang, my mother has a headache to death, and my father asks if you have any painkillers, so borrow a few." Sun Sihai said, "I don't, Zhi'er." Zhang Yingcai hurriedly said: "Zhi'er, I have it, I'll bring it to you." Before leaving the door, he turned around and said, "Sun Sihai, you are like a man." Back in the house, he gave Zhi'er a small bottle of painkillers as a precautionary measure.

At night, Zhang Yingcai had nothing to do, so he played the phoenix piano again. Occasionally, he felt that something was unusual, and between the two lines of words written on the piano box to say goodbye to Comrade Caritas Fen and August 1981, several words were scraped off with a knife. There was no ink left, leaving a knife mark.

The moon outside was fine, and he moved the phoenix piano into the moon field and tried to play it a few times. I couldn't play well, the moonlight was dim, and I couldn't see the scales on the keys. He was not disappointed, so he plucked the strings violently with the cap of his pen, making a cacophony of harmonies. Suddenly, a woman in Principal Yu's room let out a scream, and the students who were staying in Principal Yu's room cried in panic. Zhang Yingcai hurried over, the door was bolted, and he couldn't knock open, so he called: "Principal Yu!" Principal Yu! Is there something wrong? Do you want someone to help? Principal Yu replied in the room, "It's okay, you go to sleep!" He leaned in the crack of the door, and heard Principal Yu's wife sobbing quietly. After thinking about it, he went around to the back of the house and said to the students in the room through the window, "Don't be afraid, I'm Teacher Zhang, and I'm guarding the window for you!" As soon as he finished speaking, two pairs of small green lanterns lit up on the hillside, and he did not hold back his screams, and did not dare to hesitate at all, and fled back to his house as quickly as possible.

After entering the house, I remembered that I forgot the phoenix qin outside, and I forgot to pee. He didn't dare to open the door and go out, so he found a hole in the root of the back wall, put his body clean, and went to bed to catch mosquitoes and sleep. Phoenix Qin spent the night outside, and it doesn't matter if you take it tomorrow morning.

After catching mosquitoes and reading a few more pages of the novel, sleepiness came up, which was due to the fact that I didn't sleep well last night. He was about to blow out the lamp, but he pursed his mouth, but changed his mind again, stretched out a hand from the mosquito net, and twisted the kerosene lamp small. A gust of wind blew in through the window, and the arm was cold. He thought that his parents must still be enjoying the cool at this time, and there was only one benefit on the mountain, and no matter how hot the day was, it couldn't be hot.

Although I am sleepy, I always feel like I can't sleep steadily. In a daze, I heard movement in the window, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a thin white hand, shaking on the table in front of the window to catch something. The hairs on Zhang Yingcai's body stood up a few inches high, and there was nothing next to the pillow, only a collection of novels, he grabbed it and smashed it at that hand through the mosquito net, and shouted at the same time: "Catch ghosts!" The hand trembled for a moment, and then someone spoke: "Teacher Zhang, don't be afraid, it's me, Lao Yu." Seeing that your lights are not out, I want to help you blow them out. I slept and lit the lamp, wasting oil, and I was afraid of causing a fire. At the end, he added: "It's not easy for students to pay some tuition and fees!" As soon as he heard that it was Principal Yu, Zhang Yingcai was angry: "At this age, I am still so sneaky in doing things, just call me no!" Principal Yu replied clumsily: "I'm afraid I'll delay your sleep." ”

Not long after this incident, Zhang Ying had just found his old dream, and Principal Yu made a fuss in front of the window again, shouting a little anxiously: "Teacher Zhang, hurry up and help me." Zhang Yingcai was irritable: "Is there a fire in your well?" Principal Yu said:

"No, Zhi'er can't do it, I can't do it alone." Zhang Yingcai hurriedly got up and followed Principal Yu into his wife's room. Before the front foot is stepping in, the back foot is retreating. Caritas Fen was half naked, lying upright on the bed, and the house was filled with a disgusting smell of feces. Principal Yu said inside: "Teacher Zhang, I really can't, so I'll wronged you!" Zhang Yingcai saw that he had no choice but to go in.

At first glance, Caritas Fen only breathed out but did not take in, and her face was like a purple eggplant. Principal Yu analyzed that she must have swallowed something in her throat, and briefly counted the tiles, stones, small bricks and other things she had swallowed before, Zhang Yingcai's heart moved, her face was stunned, thinking that this woman was really alive after committing suicide several times. Principal Yu briefly discussed with him, and decided that one person would hold Caritas Fen and the other would pat her on the back to see if she could spit out something. Caritas Fen's incontinence was very dirty, and Principal Yu was used to it, so he went up to help him, revealing his vest for Zhang Yingcai to shoot. Zhang Yingcai didn't dare to use force, and after a few shots to no avail, Principal Yu asked him to practice on the edge of the bed, and Principal Yu was dissatisfied with the several shots in succession, and asked him to work harder. His heart was crossed, thinking about whose black hand this was, and he slapped it down, and hit the bed with a shake. Principal Yu said, "That's it. It has to be this way to get out. Zhang Yingcai saw that place and slapped it down, only to see Caritas Fen's neck stalk, and spit out a small bottle. It was just when it was dark that Zhi'er went to borrow medicine, and Zhang Ying gave it to him. Principal Yu settled Caritas Fen and watched her fall asleep. Caritas Fen grunted in her throat and said a dream word: "If I die, I will turn positive." ”

When he got out of the house, Principal Yu took Zhi'er from the room where the students slept, lifted him to the hall, slapped him on the ass a few times, scolded him for how old he was, and gave his mother what he shouldn't have been given. Zhi'er didn't cry, and her whole body shrunk into a ball. Zhang Yingcai went up to ask for bail, and Principal Yu sent him back to bed, and said to the students who were scared to wake up: "It's okay, Teacher Ming is sick again, everyone can sleep in peace; I have to get up early tomorrow to raise the national flag! ”

On the way back to the house, the two stood in the moon and talked for a while, and Principal Yu explained that this kind of thing happened in his family in the past, and he never invited others to help, and now he is rheumatized and can't make it hard to beg him. Zhang Yingcai was very strange, why didn't he ask Sun Sihai to help him in the past, Principal Yu said that he never went to Sun Sihai's house after dark, for fear of encountering inconvenient things. After saying that, he declared that Sun Sihai is a rare good person. Zhang Yingcai asked him to rest assured that Sun Sihai's affairs were his own business, and no one would tell him. Zhang Yingcai asked Deng Youmei how she was doing, and Principal Yu said that this person was actually a good one. Zhang Yingcai then said: "You are really a peacemaker." Principal Yu asked, "Who told you?" Zhang Yingcai confessed that it was Deng Youmei, but Principal Yu was happy when he heard it and said: "I'm afraid he will have a big opinion on me!" ”

Zhang Yingcai seized the opportunity to ask: "Then who sent your lover Teacher Ming to the Phoenix Qin?" Principal Yu asked rhetorically, "Why are you asking this?" Zhang Yingcai said: "Just ask!" Principal Yu sighed: "I also want to find out, but Teacher Ming doesn't explain it." Zhang Yingcai didn't believe it: "You two have lived in the same school for so long, and you don't know it?" Principal Yu said, "I came later than her, and it was her and your uncle Wan Stationmaster at the earliest. Before that, I was a soldier in the army. ”

Zhang Yingcai believed this a little, and after breaking up, he picked Phoenix Qin into the house by the way. When I went to the lamp, I saw that the strings of the phoenix piano had been cut by someone in unison.

As soon as it was dawn, there was a knock on the door. Zhang Yingcai thought that Principal Yu asked him to get up and raise the national flag, opened the door, and the timid Ye Biqiu stood at the door. Ye Biqiu said, "Teacher Zhang, my father is here. Only then did I see a man standing next to him who looked very vicissitudes. Ye Biqiu's father said very respectfully: "Teacher Zhang, I'm here to disturb." Zhang Yingcai hurriedly said: "I'm really sorry to exploit your labor." Ye Biqiu's father hurriedly replied: "Teacher Zhang, don't say that, you can only use a stove for ten years and eight years at most, you teach you a word, but it can be used for generations." Zhang Yingcai was puzzled: "It's good to be able to use it for a lifetime, how can it be used for generations?" Ye Biqiu's father said: "In a few years, she will find her in-law's family, and after she gets married and has children, she can pass it on to the next generation. Zhang Yingcai was moved when he heard this: "You child is smart, don't deal with the marriage matter early, let her develop for a few more years." Ye Biqiu's father said: "I am ready to respond to the call and let her do a good job in family planning." ”

It is insincere to hear this. Ye Biqiu's father put down his tools, didn't stop, drew a circle on the ground, and began to build a stove. He had been working in a house elsewhere, putting aside other people's affairs for a day, and rushed here first, and when the two flutes played the national anthem outside, the stove was already waist-high. Zhang Yingcai suddenly remembered that he hadn't prepared the pot yet. He asked Sun Sihai where there was a pot to sell, and Deng Youmei listened and answered, saying that it was useless to have a pot at home and be idle, so just bring it to him. When it came to class, Deng Youmei really came with a black pot. Zhang Yingcai only thanked and accepted.

It was about ten o'clock in the morning that Zhang Yingcai saw his father walking on the mountain road through the window. His father brought him a letter and a jar of lard, as well as a porcelain jar of pickles. He said to his father, "I was worried that there was no oil to stir-fry, so you brought the rain in time." My father said, "I thought there was a cafeteria at the school, so I brought some oil and planned to let you eat the vegetables." He asked, "Is my mother well?" The father said, "She's not in danger of life for three or five years." Zhang Yingcai saw that his father said something very gentle, so he said, "Father, I didn't expect your level to improve." The father said, "My son is a teacher, and I can't smear dung on your face." Zhang Yingcai thought that his father's last sentence was too unlevel, so he went to open the letter and read it.

The letter was written by a female classmate named Yao Yan, and it took me half a day to read the three pages of the letter. The front is all nonsense, like a window for three years, brotherhood, etc., the key is the latter sentence, Yao Yan said in the letter that after graduation, except for this time, she has not written to any male classmates. Although this salute is followed by these words, Zhang Yingcai still reads many other meanings. Yao Yan's singing is particularly good, every year on New Year's Day, Lantern Festival, 38, 51, 54, 523, 71, 81, 11 and so on, as long as the county cultural center holds a singer competition or party, she will sign up to participate, which affects her learning, but she always says that she does not regret it. Yao Yan is not pretty, but she looks very sweet and cute. Therefore, Zhang Yingcai didn't want to think about it, so he quickly wrote a reply, saying that it was the first time he wrote a letter to a female classmate, etc.

When I thought of Yao Yan singing, I thought that I could use the phoenix piano to accompany her in the future. He moved the phoenix piano only to remember that the strings had been cut. I don't know who is so lacking in virtue. After Zhang Yingcai opened the piano, he put it outside the windowsill, and let the broken strings hang to stimulate the person who was a thief.

Because it was the first time to come to school, Principal Yu insisted that Zhang Yingcai's father go to his house for dinner. The stove hasn't been set up yet, so there's no reason not to go. When he came out of dinner, his father sighed that Principal Yu was a good person, his family was burdened with such a heavy burden, and he still raised more than ten or twenty students, and said: "If your uncle's stationmaster let me be the stationmaster, I will transfer his entire family's household registration." Zhang Yingcai said: "You don't say anything, my uncle's little official can pee out three feet of urine?" The county public security chief has to nod his head to transfer the hukou. ”

As he was talking, someone on the hillside suddenly shouted that Principal Yu would send someone to the wall below to collect his salary. Principal Yu took Zhang Yingcai as his companion. When I arrived at the wall, I found out that when the accountant of the township cultural and educational station gave the teachers of the schools in this area salaries and private teacher subsidies, he was almost robbed on the road, but fortunately he ran fast, but a hole was smashed in his head, and a lot of blood was shed, and he could no longer walk after walking into the wall. Principal Yu signed to receive subsidies from several people, and when he left, he comforted the accountant and said: "This case is easy to solve, you just need to ask the people from the Public Security Bureau to go to those households where no one is studying." After Zhang Yingcai took the money, he asked casually: "Is there any level of subsidy?" Principal Yu said, "There are just as many of them. Zhang Yingcai tacitly calculated that there was an extra person's money, and he wanted to ask again, but he was afraid of inconvenience. After returning to school, he wrote a letter to his uncle, asking him to find out why there were only four private teachers here, but Principal Yu took the subsidy from five people.

Both letters were handed over to the father. He also instructed his father to send Yao Yan's letter to registration, for fear that his father would make a mistake, he said that the postage had increased in price, and now the registered mail would cost five jiao. His father asked him for money. He was a little angry and said, "Between father and son, what are you doing with this accounting, and I will give you money in the future." The father heard the words: "Well, who told the water to go up, and grace to flow down!" ”

When his father left, he was in class. I heard my father shouting outside, "I'm gone!" He walked to the classroom door and waved his hand back. Just a while, Ye Biqiu's father set up the stove and was about to leave. Zhang Yingcai put down the chalk and went to send him, and he said to Zhang Yingcai: "Your father asked me to tell you that he gave that bottle of lard to Principal Yu, and he was afraid that you would be angry, so he didn't dare to tell you directly." He said that he had dinner at Principal Yu's house at noon, and it took him half a day to find a few oil stars. ”

It was a very lively day, after school, the national flag had just been lowered, and a large group of parents came to the scene. There were always more than a dozen, and they didn't drink tea, so they divided into two groups, one to dig the drainage ditch in Sun Sihai's Poria land, and the other to help Principal Yu dig red taro. Everyone was very busy, no one noticed Zhang Yingcai, and no one noticed the broken strings of the phoenix. Zhang Yingcai went to Sun Sihai's poria field and walked around, and everyone was talking. Sun Sihai's Poria cocos in this land has been harvested, and there are many half-inch-wide cracks on the ground, which is the Poria cocos under the bottom is extraordinarily large and rising. Sun Sihai said with a smile for the first time that the poria he planted in the first few years was fragrant. Zhang Yingcai asked what it meant to run away from incense. Sun Sihai said, Poria cocos is very strange, you here under the fragrant wood fungus, after digging up a year, the fragrant wood is rotten very well, even a Poria cocos can not be found, and far away, will grow a cellar of Poria cocos for no reason, this is because the incense ran there, sometimes, the incense will turn over the mountain, run to the back of the mountain. Zhang Yingcai didn't believe it, thinking it was superstition. Everyone was immediately dissatisfied with him, and they just buried their heads in digging a ditch and stopped talking. Zhang Yingcai felt bored, so he walked to Principal Yu's red taro field. A few adults dug hard with hoes in front, and more than a dozen elementary school students followed behind, and when they saw the hoe turning out red taro, they surrounded it and grabbed it, and then sent it to the basket on the ground. It's true that the red taro was not planted well, and it was dug early, and the largest one was only the size of a fist. Principal Yu said that it won't grow much anyway, and you can grow a season of cabbage if you dig it early. Zhang Yingcai saw the primary school students lying on the ground with their buttocks tossed, at first, he laughed in his heart, and then saw that their faces were sticky with snot and mud, and their hair was full of dead red taro leaves, and he thought that Principal Yu was going to wash them one by one like washing red taro. He shouted: "Students, don't make trouble, pay attention to hygiene and safety." Principal Yu didn't follow him, but said: "Let them make trouble, it's rare to be so happy, and the mud girl is even cuter." Principal Yu twisted the red taro with his hand, and most of the soil on it fell off, and he brought it to his mouth and bit off half of it, saying that it was sweet and tender, and asked Zhang Yingcai to come too. Zhang Yingcai took one to wash by the stream, and Principal Yu said: "Don't wash it, it's not fresh to wash, and it smells of white water." He pretended not to hear, but still went to the stream to wash up, and he could not go back again, so he had to go back to the house to make a fire and cook.

Walking to the middle of the playground, I heard a child's voice calling Teacher Zhang, and I saw that it was Ye Biqiu. He asked, "Why didn't you come home?" Ye Biqiu replied: "My aunt lives in the lower wall, and my father asked me to go to her house to order oil for Mr. Zhang's stir-frying." Sure enough, half a bottle of vegetable oil was handed to him. Zhang Yingcai was really a little angry: "I didn't take care of more than 20 people like Principal Yu alone, why would I ask you to help me beg for food?" Ye Biqiu was so frightened that she wanted to cry. Zhang Yingcai hurriedly changed his tone: "Forget it this time, don't be smart in the future." Ye Biqiu hurriedly put down the oil bottle and turned around to leave. Zhang Yingcai grabbed her and said, "You do me a favor and ask Principal Yu's Zhi'er if he knows who broke the strings of the Phoenix Qin." Seeing that Ye Biqiu nodded, he sent her back to Aunt Xi's house. After entering the wall, I learned that her aunt lived next door to Deng Youmei.

When Deng Youmei saw it, he left him for dinner, but he lied that he had eaten it and resolutely declined. When he walked back, Zhang Yingcai remembered the way Ye Biqiu looked when he walked just now, much like the female classmate Yao Yan who wrote to him, and he was a little worried that his father would lose his reply. He thought again, it's a pity that Ye Biqiu is much younger than Yao Yan.

The weather is getting colder day by day, the things in the school are familiar in a few days, a few old things a day, it is very lonely to do, and the broken strings of the phoenix have become a real big event. After waiting for a few weeks, Ye Biqiu didn't see Ye Biqiu reporting the situation to him, but kept avoiding him and ran home as soon as school ended. As soon as class started on Saturday afternoon, Zhang Yingcai announced that Ye Biqiu would stay for a while after school. Ye Biqiu really didn't dare to rush to run.

Zhang Yingcai asked her: "Have you asked Yu Zhier?" Ye Biqiu said: "I asked, he said that he did it, and he asked me to tell you." Zhang Yingcai said: "Then why don't you say it for a long time?" Ye Biqiu said: "He said that he knew that I was a spy traitor sent by you." If I say it, I'll really become a spy traitor. Zhang Yingcai said: "Then why do you still say it? Ye Biqiu said: "My father said that it was you who asked me and asked me to say that it would be different. He said, "I don't believe it was Zhi'er who did it." Ye Biqiu said: "I don't believe either, Zhi'er is pretending to be a hero." He said, "Then go and ask him again." Ye Biqiu said: "I don't dare to ask." Last time, he said that he had eaten an earthworm, and I said I didn't believe it, so he caught an earthworm in front of him and ate it. Seeing that the discussion was inappropriate, Zhang Yingcai let Ye Biqiu go.

The flag was lowered earlier on Saturday because teachers were sending students home who had traveled far away. Although all the students of the school participated in the lowering of the national flag, because the sun was still high and the sky was still bright, Deng Youmei and Sun Sihai's flutes could not play the affectionate at dusk, and the atmosphere was not as solemn as before. After lowering the flag, Deng Youmei, Sun Sihai and Principal Yu each led a road team and walked outside the school. The school was very deserted. Zhang Yingcai has tried this taste a few times, and on Saturday and Sunday, it was like a big temple on the top of a mountain, and it was so lonely. Principal Yu always said that he was not familiar with the road and left him to watch the school. Zhang Yingcai played a cautious eye this time and quietly followed Sun Sihai's way. It wasn't until I walked two or three miles away that I came up from behind to say hello. Sun Sihai was a little surprised to see him, he didn't say anything, he still held Li Zi's hand, walked steadily step by step, and kept asking some questions in class for Li Zi to answer. If Li Zi goes to the roadside to pick hawthorn, Sun Sihai must be by his side to guard it tightly. There were six students in the group, and by the time they reached the first student's home, they had already walked nearly ten miles. Zhang Yingcai got hot, took off his shirt and wore only a vest, and said: "This ten miles of road can reach our twenty miles below." Sun Sihai said: "The difficult thing is still to come!" ”

The road is indeed getting harder and harder. There were more and more snakes in the grass, and Sun Sihai took out a plastic bag from his trouser pocket and carefully packed the snake he picked up. Zhang Yingcai saw a snake molting, plucked up the courage to stretch out his hand, and as soon as he touched the rough milky white thing, he felt a pimple in his heart. Li Zi said beside him: "Teacher Zhang is afraid of snakes!" Sun Sihai said: "Plum, you use an idiom to describe it." Li Zi thought for a while and said, "Cup bow snake shadow." Sun Sihai gently stroked the slightly yellowed hair. Zhang Yingcai couldn't help but feel embarrassed. There are many snakes, and the plastic bags are full. Sun Sihai didn't let the students pick it up and told them to walk quickly. Zhang Yingcai stood on the mountain beam and thought that it would be a while before dark, and once he reached the ravine, it would be difficult to see the road clearly.

The students arrived home one after another, and only one plum remained. Eventually, the plums arrived home. Lizi's mother was standing at the door of the house, looking like she had been waiting for a long time. Sun Sihai handed over the plastic bag, and Li Zi's mother also handed over a bag full of them. After all the exchanges, Sun Sihai said: "Li Zi has been coughing a little at night these days. He also introduced: "This is the new teacher Zhang, and he will take the plum class in the future." Zhang Yingcai didn't know what to call it, so he only nodded. Plum's mother was also nodding, nodding deeply, as if she was bowing. Then he asked, "Why don't you come into the house and sit down?" Sun Sihai replied gloomily: "Don't sit anymore." In the dark, Zhang Yingcai seemed to see that this woman was a cold beauty who was mourning.

A man's call came from the room behind the woman: "Is Plum back?" Sun Sihai immediately said, "Let's go." The woman didn't say anything, but took Li Zi and leaned against the door and looked at the departing black shadow.

From a distance, there is a place on the hill that looks like a school. When I asked, it was. Zhang Yingcai wondered: "Didn't Li Zi go home for an extra ten miles?" Sun Sihai said: "The road is a little detoured, but she can pick more herbs, she is willing." If she doesn't go around other students, she has to go around. After Zhang Yingcai strengthened his courage, he suddenly said: "Li Zi's mother shouldn't marry her father." Sun Sihai was stunned and said: "Who called her poor family, this man was a cadre of the brigade at that time, and he liked her sincerely, she couldn't resist." Who knew that after engaging in the responsibility system, he went up the mountain to collect medicine to earn money, and broke his waist. Zhang Yingcai was even more bold and asked: "Then why didn't you marry her in the first place?" Sun Sihai sighed: "It's not because I'm poor, as soon as I heard that I was a private teacher, her mother's family kicked the matchmaker I invited out of the door." ”

Just as they were about to ask again, someone in front of them groaned and called them. Listening to the voice is Principal Yu. As they walked closer, they saw Principal Yu leaning on a roadside stone with a branch. Principal Yu explained how he got to be like this. It was dark when he returned from sending the students off, passing by a field, obviously saw a person walking in front, and holding a cigarette butt, the sparks flashed, he walked a few steps faster to get a companion, to the closer, he patted the man's shoulder, felt very cold, like a stone, he looked carefully, and sure enough, it was a stone, not only a stone, but also a tombstone. He panicked, his feet were in chaos, and he fell several times in a row, breaking his knee to pieces. Principal Yu said, "I want to wait for an acquaintance to be my companion and go back to see what is going on." Sun Sihai said: "It's too coincidental." Let's go see if you leave anything behind. Zhang Ying only knew about this custom, people were frightened when they went to the dark road, and they must hurry back to find it, so as not to lose their spirit or soul, otherwise they will become seriously ill sooner or later. Zhang Yingcai doesn't believe this, he is very timid, and his family always says that this is because he was frightened and couldn't find it in time, so sometimes he believes it a little.

When I went back to look for it, it was indeed a tombstone. Looking at the inscription, I know that it is the old branch secretary of the village. The school was built by the old branch secretary and asked the whole village, called the brigade at that time, to tighten their belts. In the past, Principal Yu often sighed that if the old branch secretary was alive, the school would not be as dilapidated as it is now. At this time, Sun Sihai opened his mouth and said: "Old branch secretary, we all know that you love education and school, but if you do this, you love too much, if you surprise Principal Yu, things will be bad." If you want to love right, please bless a few of us to turn positive as soon as possible! Principal Yu said on the side: "Director Sun, don't be like Principal Deng, in order to turn positive, whether it is a god or a ghost, burn incense and kowtow when you see it." Sun Sihai smiled bitterly: "Principal Yu, don't worry, I'm joking." ”

Everyone talked about the tombstone again, and they all agreed that Principal Yu was dazzled, and there was another possibility that he encountered phosphorus fire and was too nervous in his heart, which led to hallucinations. In the end, Principal Yu said that this kind of thing often happens in the mountains, so there is no need to make a fuss. While talking and walking, walked to Deng Youmei's house, shouted outside the door, his wife came out to answer, only to know that he had not come back, Deng Youmei sent the student the farthest way, there was a student from the school is twenty miles, back and forth for forty miles, three people went into the house to talk about a conversation, Deng Youmei called the door outside. When they opened the door and entered the house, the four of them couldn't help but be startled, not because Principal Yu had encountered something strange, but because Deng Youmei had hit a group of wolves. It was a coincidence that they all happened to go together, Deng Youmei just went around a mountain mouth, and the wolves rushed towards him, he was so frightened that he didn't know what to do, standing in the middle of the road and not moving, the wolves were also strange, like rushing to something, one after another passed away, and he didn't even smell him.

At the end of the day, everyone laughs. Deng Youmei's wife rubbed her teary eyes and said, "It's really an old saying, a poor egg also has a poor blessing." Principal Yu added: "The lives of the poor are big and small. ”

Liu Xinglong "Phoenix Piano"

On Sunday, Zhang Yingcai got up and rushed home. Walking down the hill is almost a trot. After walking twenty miles of mountain road, the people below the mountain began to eat breakfast. I met Lan Fei on the way, and he also went home on Sunday to have a look. The two just met and knew each other, and naturally broke up when they came to a fork in the road. As soon as he entered the house, he asked, "Mom, where is Father?" The mother said, "Your father went to the town early in the morning to pull dung." He was about to ask her if she knew if her father had sent a registered letter, but he glanced at it and found a letter addressed to him on the stove, also registered. When I opened it, there was only one sentence: waiting for you to knock on the door all the time. He was stunned at first, but soon understood the meaning, and said happily in his heart that he didn't expect Yao Yan to be so romantic and poetic.

His mother made him a bowl of bacon noodles, and while he was eating, his uncle walked in from outside, and when he met him, he said, "I heard that you are back, so I hurried here, and there was a notice, I was worried that it would not be delivered in time, so you should take it back to school quickly." Zhang Yingcai said: "Just arrived home, are you going to return?" My uncle said, "This is a big deal, and I will carry out the spirit of the compulsory education law, and I will come to you next week to carry out the acceptance of the literacy work, and I can't do it for a day." Zhang Ying knew that his uncle must be at Aunt Lan again, and when he heard Lan Fei say that he was back, he ran over to catch him. However, after receiving Yao Yan's letter, even if the main purpose of going home has been achieved, it is the same to return to school early and return to school late. He took the notice from his uncle, turned around and finished picking up the noodles and bacon in the bowl, picked up some food that his mother hastily packed for him, and went on the road.

The road up the mountain was not slow, when he was breathless, he couldn't help but take out Yao Yan's letter to read, there was a unique fragrance of girls on the letterhead, he put it on his nose and smelled it for a long time, so it was delayed, and he was still halfway up, and he saw a single-family family on the side of the road starting to eat lunch. He was not in a hurry, he took out two hard-boiled eggs from his bag, peeled the shell and swallowed them, still walking and stopping. Walking to the back hill of Deng Youmei's house, he abandoned the right road and plunged down the path taken by the woodcutter.

In the dung in front of Deng Youmei's house, several people were busy, picking up the soil and dung in the dung into a piece of land, and a black and oily earth pile had been piled up on the ground. Zhang Yingcai recognized two of them, who were among the parents who helped Sun Sihai dig the drainage ditch in Poria last time. Deng Youmei also walked around with her trouser legs, but there was no black soil above her instep.

Seeing Zhang Yingcai coming, Deng Youmei said embarrassedly: "Autumn sowing is coming soon, I'm afraid I won't be busy by then, I talked casually with the parents yesterday, but I didn't expect them to come automatically." In fact, this manure is more fertilized after a while. Zhang Yingcai said: "Now you and Principal Yu and Sun Sihai are settled." Deng Youmei said: "Actually, I didn't make it clear that day. Zhang Yingcai grabbed the white and said: "That day, you wanted to say that the private teacher was originally the gentleman who taught the private school, didn't you?" Deng Youmei said: "Don't you have any opinion of me!" Zhang Yingcai said: "You are not afraid of me, you are afraid of my uncle." You wash your hands! Deng Youmei raised her eyebrows: "Is there a quota for regularization?" Zhang Yingcai said: "You can't confide first, and it's not too late to wait for everyone to talk in person." ”

Deng Youmei walked in front, happy and happy, this appearance made Zhang Yingcai feel very funny. Principal Yu was not at home, and led Zhi'er and them to water the vegetable field, only Sun Sihai sat at the door and played the flute, and the song was Huangmei Opera "Husband and wife both return home", and it blew happiness into sadness. Deng Youmei shouted at him: "Director Sun, come to Teacher Zhang's house for a meeting." Sun Sihai put down the flute: "What's the meeting on Sunday?" In this place, no matter how tightly you grasp it, you can't reach the well-off level in advance. Deng Youmei said: "Come on, come on, I can't lose you this time." While waiting for Principal Yu, Zhang Yingcai divided the hard-boiled eggs between the two of them, and he ate one himself. While eating, he said, "I have a proverbial couplet, see if you can match it: always waiting for you to knock on the door." Deng Youmei and Sun Sihai thought for a while, thinking that this was nothing, and they could figure it out if they thought about it again. At this time, Principal Yu came, and his hands were not covered with dirt. Deng Youmei said that the meeting was held. Zhang Yingcai was not in a hurry, and asked Principal Yu to help with the couplet. When Principal Yu heard this, he said: "This Shanglian is difficult to get right, mainly because of your words." Deng Youmei hurriedly interjected: "There are too few words you can be right, only me and him." Principal Yu said: "It is one of the reasons, the main one is still in the second, this you word is used here to indicate that the two are looking forward to each other, and the next link can only use one of my words, that is, this I word is very reluctant, so it is difficult to have a good lower link here." Everyone was convinced, and Zhang Yingcai felt inconvenient to say it, so he said: "My uncle asked me to bring a notice to you, and asked you to implement it as soon as possible and make preparations according to the requirements of the notice." ”

Principal Yu took the notice and looked at it, then handed it to Deng Youmei, who stretched her neck out, and asked him to read it. Deng Youmei took it, coughed, cleared her throat and read loudly: "Xihe Township Cultural and Educational Station Document, Xiwen No. 31, an urgent notice on welcoming the inspection and acceptance of the county's literacy work. As soon as she finished reading the title, Deng Youmei's face changed color, and she could almost hear some crying in the last few words. Principal Yu asked, "Principal Deng, what's wrong with you?" Deng Youmei couldn't help but be frustrated: "I still think it's a document to notify the regularization, and the first few documents are always sent this season." Deng Youmei didn't want to read it again. Sun Sihai didn't need to be called, he took it himself and read it by himself. Reading Principal Yu's face was serious.

As soon as Sun Sihai closed the document, Principal Yu said: "There are only ten days left to complete the calculation, there is no time to discuss and study, today I will dictate once, from Monday, the four of us will do such a division of labor, Teacher Zhang officially took the third and fourth grade classes, Director Sun took the first, second and fifth and sixth grade classes, and took out Principal Deng and I to raid the literacy work." Zhang Yingcai interrupted Principal Yu's words: "I don't understand, how can I eradicate illiteracy in ten days?" For the first time, Principal Yu said in an unceremonious tone: "There are a lot of things I don't understand, I can learn slowly in the future, I don't have time to explain now, this matter is related to the future of the school, and I can't relax at all." Principal Yu also announced several disciplines: everything for the cause of education in the mountains, everything for the children in the mountains, and everything for the future of the school. Zhang Yingcai didn't understand what discipline it called, he wanted to say that it was like an oath. Principal Yu's seriousness seemed like a leader, which made Zhang Yingcai a little afraid and didn't dare to interject.

Principal Yu didn't say much, so he asked everyone to add after he finished speaking. Deng Youmei proposed that the village send a principal cadre to participate in the preparatory work. Sun Sihai said: "If someone can't help with homework or change homework, it's better to take the opportunity to ask the village to make up the arrears of wages to us." Deng Youmei applauded. Principal Yu smiled bitterly: "I have no choice but to make this decision." However, you also have to have some blood, so I take this opportunity to invite the secretary and the chief to come to the school for dinner. Ten dollars per person, how about it? Deng Youmei said: "Yes, in whose house do it?" Principal Yu looked at each of them a few times before hesitantly saying, "It's at my house, Teacher Ming can't cook, so I'll ask another woman who can cook to help." Sun Sihai whispered: "I have no opinion, and I can also let the village cadres feel the difficult atmosphere in the school." "As for who to invite, only Wang Xiaolan is suitable for a long time, and the food she cooks is economical and refreshing. Once it was all settled, it was dark.

After eating, Zhang Yingcai lay under the kerosene lamp and pondered how to write a sentence in order to add icing on the cake to Yao Yan's sentence. He flipped through the collection of novels from beginning to end, and every sentence about love in it was carefully savored, and there was no ready-made reference at all. After sitting until midnight, Principal Yu looked out the window again, and when he saw that he hadn't slept, he said hello and walked back. He had an idea, and he came up with a sentence: Knocking on the door is too time-consuming, I want to go straight to your window. After writing this sentence, Zhang Yingcai was very excited, and he was not afraid of the darkness outside, so he ran to knock on Sun Sihai's door. As soon as he knocked it, Sun Sihai hadn't woken up yet, he felt bored, how could he say such things to Sun Sihai, and there would be no common language when he said it. He quietly retreated, and Sun Sihai woke up behind him and asked, "Who?" Zhang Yingcai learned a cat meow: "Meow-"

The village head, the party secretary and the accountant came to the school on Tuesday, plus Wang Xiaolan and the four people from the school itself, just at the same table. Wang Xiaolan's dish is actually not very good, that is, the condiments are heavy, and they all say that this dish is very good. Before the meal, the cadres first told the good news: despite the economic difficulties in the village, they decided to pay the arrears of teachers' salaries for five months, and at the same time hoped that all the teachers could win glory for the village party branch and the people of the whole village in this literacy eradication work. Everyone applauded for this, and Principal Yu's wife, Carita Aifen, also applauded in the back room. Then eat and drink.

When the wine is half-drunk, it begins to tease. The accountant held Wang Xiaolan's hand and insisted that Wang Xiaolan have a drink with him. People at the school begged for her, saying that she really couldn't drink. The accountant didn't agree, he could drink on her behalf if he didn't drink, and she had to kiss him if he had a drink. Without waiting for Wang Xiaolan to argue, the accountant picked up Wang Xiaolan's wine glass, drank it dry, and then put his old face on Wang Xiaolan's mouth. Sun Sihai's face suddenly swelled like a large piece of pork liver, Principal Yu was afraid that something would happen, so he pulled the corners of Sun Sihai's clothes with his hand, Deng Youmei saw that the situation was not good, and got up to relieve him. Zhang Yingcai had nothing to do with this matter, and he had very hard relatives as backstage, so everyone was very polite to him. He saw that the accountant was making a little too much, so he shot out and killed the two of them, separated Wang Xiaolan with one hand, turned the wine bottle upside down with the other, filled the empty wine glass on the table, and said, "I will toast three glasses with you on behalf of Sister Wang." Regardless of whether the accountant agreed or not, he drank the wine glass three times in one go. The accountant is almost sixty years old, and when he saw Zhang Yingcai's bloody appearance, he hurriedly bowed down. Sun Sihai's face also began to calm down. Zhang Yingcai was willing to drink three glasses in vain, and the accountant screamed dizzy during the pull, and said, "I took you, but I don't dare to drink the wine, I crawled under the table to do it." Zhang Yingcai agreed, and the accountant really fell to the ground. The village chief saw it and said, "Okay, that's it, just get the meaning." Zhang Yingcai had an opinion on the village cadres in his heart, and he had been teaching here for a long time, and no one had come to see him. He didn't speak, but walked around the back of the accountant, put his hands on the accountant's buttocks, and pushed them under the table. Sun Sihai, who was sitting opposite, moved himself and the stool back, revealing a gap, and asked Zhang Yingcai to push the accountant to the table. The accountant was annoyed and angry, and when he got up, he was holding a meat bone in his hand, and he wanted to smash Zhang Yingcai, but the branch secretary hurriedly hugged him and said, "Drunk!" Half in the bag! Stop drinking and get out of the seat. Don't let the kids see us laughing at us! ”

After sending off the village cadres, Zhang Yingcai saw Wang Xiaolan sneaking into Sun Sihai's house while people were not paying attention. He pretended to walk and gently went out the window, where he heard the cries of the women inside, like the cries of two people hugging each other in a movie shot. That night, Sun Sihai's flute sounded for a long time, and he couldn't figure out when it stopped.

The next morning, when I saw Sun Sihai, he was obviously much thinner, and the places under his eyes were all concave. After raising the national flag, Principal Yu instructed that the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades each draw ten students with poor grades and hand them over to him and Deng Youmei for arrangement. According to the report card, Ye Biqiu should be in the top ten, and the top ten in the bottom ten can't take her turn. Zhang Yingcai did not understand what was the use of Principal Yu's literacy work to draw students with poor grades. asked and couldn't get an answer, so he had an extra heart and sent Ye Biqiu.

The next day, he asked Ye Biqiu: "Have you done all the arrangements made by Principal Yu?" This time he learned the lesson of the last time and took a detour as he spoke. Ye Biqiu replied very frankly: "Principal Yu arranged for me to replace Yu Xiaomao's first-grade homework, and I did it very seriously, and Principal Yu also praised me. Zhang Yingcai asked: "Do you know Yu Xiaomao?" Ye Biqiu said: "Know." The year before last, he and I signed up for the first grade together, but he didn't come back after two days of class, but this year, Principal Yu mobilized him to come again. I just signed up and went back. His family can't afford to read! Zhang Yingcai said: "How many students in our class do you have to do homework on behalf of students who can't sign up for school?" Ye Biqiu said: "Principal Yu said that one classmate is responsible for two people. At the end of the work, each student will be awarded a pencil and two workbooks. Zhang Yingcai said: "When school ends tomorrow, you give me the homework book you did for Yu Xiaomao, and I will change it for you." Ye Biqiu didn't doubt it at all, and nodded in agreement.

One day later, Ye Biqiu really brought the homework book and handed it to him. At first glance, he looked exactly like the homework he had already done in the first and second grades. Due to poor grades, even if you are a senior student, you still often make mistakes in your first-year homework. Zhang Yingcai didn't understand what the purpose of this was.

In the blink of an eye, my uncle came with the inspection team. When the inspection team came, Principal Yu asked Sun Sihai to hand over the fifth and sixth grade classes to Zhang Yingcai, on the grounds that Sun Sihai also had to participate in part of the reception work. Therefore, Zhang Yingcai was so busy that he didn't even have time to greet his uncle. He just felt that there were many more first- and second-year students than usual, but it was rare to have time to think about it.

The inspection team stayed at the school for a day, and when they were summing up in the afternoon, Zhang Yingcai assigned the same essay question "When the National Flag Rises" to the students in the two classes, and the third and fourth grades were required to write 500 words, and the fifth and sixth grades were required to write 800 words. The report was delivered by a section chief of the county education commission, who believed that under such poor conditions for running a school, Jieling Primary School could reach an enrollment rate of 96.0 percent! What a miracle, he patted the stacks of homework books on the table. Zhang Yingcai only understood after listening to the report. The inspection was only to check the most pressing issue in literacy: whether school-age children were enrolled in school. Zhang Yingcai's uncle, who was just an ordinary member of the inspection team, spoke: "I'm not afraid that everyone will talk about engaging in self-centeredness, and if Jieling Primary School is not rated as advanced this time, I won't be the head of the cultural and educational station." Principal Yu took the lead in applauding, and the members of the inspection team also applauded.

There was no place to live on the mountain, and the inspection team watched Principal Yu command the students to lower the national flag, and then stepped down the mountain in the dark. Before leaving, Zhang Yingcai said to his uncle: "Uncle, I have a situation to reflect. The uncle said as he walked: "I know your situation, and when I go home for the New Year, let's talk about it again!" When his uncle walked two hundred meters away, Zhang Yingcai remembered that he had forgotten to hand over the letter he had written to Yao Yan to his uncle and take to the post office at the foot of the mountain to send it. He shouted twice, and chased after him. After running for a hundred meters, he saw his uncle waving his hand desperately there, he stopped, looked at the group in a daze, and disappeared in the dark and gloomy mountains.

After the inspection team left, the more Zhang Yingcai thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, he had seen a lot of deception and deception everywhere, and those things had nothing to do with him, and he pretended not to see them when he saw them. This time is different, not only is he the party concerned, but so is his uncle, and other people in the school are clearly colluding, afraid that he will reveal the mystery, so they guard against him everywhere, and play him and his uncle, just like he played Ye Biqiu. He couldn't help but pick up the pen and write two letters with roughly the same content to his uncle and the person in charge of the county education commission, detailing in detail some ugly tricks of Jieling Primary School and Jieling Village, stealing beams and changing pillars during this inspection, and Zhang Guan and Li Dai. When the letter was written, he stood on the side of the road next to the school and waited for the postman, who came every three days. After waiting for four days, the postman came, and I don't know if I missed it, or if the postman didn't take this route this time. He didn't want to wait any longer. Stopped a student's parent who was going down the mountain, and took him down the mountain to send out two trusts. However, he did not give Yao Yan's letter to him, he would only entrust it to people who were extremely reliable like his father and uncle.

In the past few days, the atmosphere in the school is very good, and the village cadres have come several times, and everyone has carefully inspected each room together, where to repair and where to repair. The village chief said that the village would not keep a penny of the bonus issued, and all of it would be used for repairs to the school, so that teachers and students could have a warm and comfortable winter. Principal Yu announced this to the classes, and the students cheered at the holes in the roofs and the cracks in the walls. Principal Yu also promised that if the repair cost could be saved, some students from poor families could be exempted from tuition fees.

About ten days later, in the afternoon, Zhang Yingcai did not have class, went to the stream to wash his hair and change his clothes at night, whistling while washing, and also blowing the song "Our Life is Full of Sunshine", and while thinking about Sun Sihai and Deng Youmei's flute, this paragraph finally had some joyful tunes floating out, I heard someone shouting behind him, looked around, and saw my uncle standing on a very high stone bank, he shook the foam on his hand, and was waiting to go up, and my uncle had jumped down. The uncle came over, his face was blue, he didn't ask about thirty-seven twenty-one, and he slapped his head and face with a few slaps, which made Zhang Yingcai almost roll into the stream.

Zhang Yingcai covered his face and said aggrievedly: "Why did you beat me as soon as we met?" The uncle said, "It is still light to beat you, but if you were my son, I would strangle you with one claw!" Zhang Yingcai said: "I have not violated the law and discipline. The uncle said, "If that's the case, I don't have to worry about it." Why are you writing a complaint? Are you decent in the world? Can you see the world clearly? Are we all hypocrites? Blind? Zhang Yingcai said: "I didn't write anything else, but I just explained the truth." My uncle said, "Do you think I don't know that the actual enrollment rate here is only about 60 percent?" Do you know how much it took me to get into school when I was teaching here, and it was only 16 percent, stinky boy! I'm telling you, don't think you're better than them, if the actual enrollment rate here can reach more than 90 percent, all of them can be national model teachers. "My uncle told him to go back to the house after washing his clothes, and not to come out of the school, no matter what happened.

Scared of a few slaps, Zhang Yingcai honestly stayed in his room, before dark, the flute did not sound, until Principal Yu shouted in a strange voice: "Play the national anthem!" The flute sounded heavily. After that, Sun Sihai began to chop firewood desperately, smashing the firewood with an axe, smashing it into pieces, and cursing in his mouth: "Dog's day! Dog day! "Until Principal Yu asked him to discuss something.

Uncle arrived in Zhang Yingcai's room very late, his face softened a little under the light, and he sighed and said: "You spent two cents to buy a ticket, and you lost the school's advanced and 800 yuan bonus, and Principal Yu has long counted on this money to repair the school building." In fact, the situation here is completely clear, it is more difficult to grasp the enrollment rate here than to grasp the college entrance examination promotion rate elsewhere, and they all agree that Jieling Primary School should be advanced, and you will not be able to do it after you stab it, and the window paper has pierced the air leakage! Zhang Yingcai wanted to argue a few words, but his uncle didn't let him say: "Find Principal Yu to write a report on the situation of school-age children in the mountainous area to be admitted to school, make a remedy, and avoid being criticized by the circular." I talked to them so that they could talk about the difficult process of each student when they entered the school, and you should also listen carefully and get more education. As soon as he finished speaking, the man fell asleep.

The uncle's loud voice was very loud, and the noise made Zhang Yingcai fall asleep late. When I woke up in the morning, there was no one on the other side of the bed.

After breakfast, Zhang Yingcai walked to the classroom with his textbook, met Sun Sihai halfway, and said to him: "You rest, I'll go to class!" Zhang Yingcai said: "Didn't you say that I will take this week's class?" Sun Sihai said lukewarmly: "Isn't it good to let you rest!" Zhang Yingcai was unhappy when he heard this: "Rest is rest, I'm tired, I'm still trying to ask for leave!" He turned around and left. The next day, I met Sun Sihai again in the same place almost the day before, and Sun Sihai said, "You didn't ask for leave, why are you still looking to the classroom!" Zhang Yingcai was speechless, but he was really angry in his heart.

After his uncle left, it was obvious to him that everyone was disgusted with him. When Sun Sihai saw him, as long as he opened his mouth, there were always a few thorns in his words that were neither soft nor hard. Deng Youmei simply didn't face him. When they saw him coming, they hid aside. Principal Yu was even more annoyed, Zhang Yingcai reported to him, saying that Sun Sihai had deprived him of his right to teach, and he actually pretended to be deaf, and explained that his ears had problems as soon as they arrived in autumn and winter. In the first few days, Zhang Yingcai thought that it was just Sun Sihai who had lost his temper, and a few days of awkwardness had passed, and he still didn't let him go to class after two weeks. Principal Yu and Deng Youmei did not intervene, he thought that this must be a plan set up by them in a concerted manner, and its purpose was to make him walk.

At night, he saw a flashlight heading into Principal Yu's house. When he arrived at the bright place at the door, Zhang Yingcai recognized that it was Deng Youmei, and then, Sun Sihai also went. He guessed that it must be a black meeting, otherwise why would he be the only one! The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he couldn't help but push the door and break into the venue. When I entered the house, I shouted: "The school has a meeting, why don't you let me attend it alone?" Sun Sihai replied: "How old are you?" This is a meeting of school leaders. Zhang Yingcai was stunned for a moment, he couldn't retreat, he couldn't enter. In the end, Principal Yu said: "Let Teacher Zhang participate in the audit!" Zhang Yingcai sat down unceremoniously. After listening to it for a while, I figured out that I was studying the problems of winter approaching and how to get money to repair the school building.

Everyone sat silently and could hear the whispered quarrels of the students in the next room over the quilts. In the end, Sun Sihai couldn't hold back and said: "There is only one way." Everyone was in high spirits, hoping that Sun Sihai would say it quickly, Sun Sihai hesitated, and finally said: "Only dig up my poria cocos in advance, sell them, and turn out the money to lend them to the school first, and then pay me back when the school has income." Principal Yu said: "This is not good, it is not yet the season to dig poria cocos, so many poria cocos, you will lose a lot of money." Sun Sihai said: "It's much stronger than in previous years." Principal Yu said: "Since this is the case, then I am ashamed to accept it on behalf of the teachers and students of the whole school." Deng Youmei, who had been bowing her head and being silent, raised her head and muttered quietly: "If you are rated as advanced, you won't be less of this difficulty!" After saying that, he looked sorry again, he couldn't take back what he said, and quickly lowered his head again, Principal Yu asked: "Is there anything else, and if there is nothing to do, the meeting will be dismissed." Zhang Yingcai said: "I have something, I ask for class. Principal Yu said: "I will study it in a few days, this is a trivial matter, and it is too late." Zhang Yingcai said: "No, everyone is here, you have to give me a reply today." Sun Sihai opened his mouth and said: "Zhang Yingcai, don't bully others. When the research is something that the leader considers, even if it is research now, you have to go out first, and when the research is done, the results will be notified to you. ”

Zhang Yingcai had nothing to say, so he had to exit first, and he didn't have the courage to wait on the playground outside the door, and returned to his house, paying attention to the movement outside with his ears and eyes at the same time. After a while, Sun Sihai came over and said to him through the window: "We have studied it and decided to study this matter again next time." These words made Zhang Yingcai so angry that he slammed the bed board, bit the pillow towel into a ball with his teeth, and chewed it in his mouth so that he didn't cry:

As always, the school does not arrange classes for Zhang Yingcai. Even if the parents of the students were invited to help dig up Poria cocos, Sun Sihai had to run to Zhang Luo from time to time, and he would not let Zhang Yingcai replace him. Poria cocos dug until the next day, and at noon there was an uproar on the mountain. Zhang Yingcai thought that something was wrong, and he was a little gloating in his heart. It didn't take long for Sun Sihai to come down from the mountain in a hurry, holding a gray thing in his hand, and shouting: "It's strange, it's really strange, Poria has grown into a human shape." Zhang Yingcai couldn't help but gather to see, and sure enough, a big Poria cocos looked like a little doll with a head and brains, hands and feet. Principal Yu took over the Poria people from Sun Sihai. After taking a closer look, he said regretfully: "It's a pity that I dug a little early, and I haven't grown into an adult yet, if I grow up to distinguish between men and women, it will be worth a lot of money, and maybe I can become a national treasure." ”

After Sun Sihai was stunned, he used his hand to break off the heads, hands and feet of the Poria people one by one, and threw them at Zhang Yingcai's feet one by one. Zhang Yingcai saw that Sun Sihai's eyes were on fire, and he didn't dare to squeak, so he turned his head back to the house and locked himself up.

He thought that it was not a problem to fight like this all the time, and avoiding it for a while might be able to change things, so he handed over a leave of absence to Principal Yu, who immediately signed it, and said that if one week is not enough, you can also postpone it for a week or two. Zhang Yingcai took a bag, a toothbrush, a towel, and a letter to Yao Yan, plus the collection of novels, and went down the mountain.

After going down the mountain, he didn't go home, he went directly to the village, wanting to see his uncle, but his aunt stopped at the door and told him that his uncle had gone to visit the other place, and he didn't mean to let him into the house at all. He scolded in his heart: No wonder my uncle secretly got along with Aunt Lan - this dominatrix! He still thanked him.

When I got out of the cultural and educational station, I saw the last bus back to the county parked on the side of the road. There are not many people in the car, there are a lot of vacant seats, he touched the money in his pocket, made up his mind, simply went to the county seat, handed the letter directly to Yao Yan, as soon as he got in the car, the car opened, walked for three hours, at the edge of the county he called a stop, Yao Yan's family is on the outskirts of the city, his parents are growing vegetables, and he asked for a long time to find the road. Found or not, her family went to Huangzhou to visit relatives, and the door was locked. He became nervous all of a sudden, he thought that he could stay at Yao Yan's house at night, but now that he had to pay for the accommodation, he felt shy in his pocket. He remembered that there was an inferior hostel in the county, and his father used to come to the school to see that he always lived there, and his classmates laughed at him about it, and he told his father a few times, but his father refused to change, and still lived in the farmer's hostel. After a few months, the county town has changed, nothing else, mainly the pants that people wear, from their teens to their thirties, both men and women all wear a pair of tight jeans, he wants to find out the name of the pants, so he walked to a ready-to-wear stall, pointed with his hand from a distance, asked the stall owner to take a pair of pants to see, the stall owner took the clothes pole, touched it and said: "Do you want cow pants?" He touched it again and said, "Do you still want turnip pants?" He knew that these pants were called turnip pants, so he said, "Forget it, this style is not good." "When it got dark, I found a snack bar and bought a bowl of noodles, and after eating it three times and two times, I went back to the farmer's hostel and slept with my head covered. In the second half of the night, the peasants rushed to occupy a good position in the bazaar, woke him up, he did not know what time it was, and then got up and went to the station to take a ride, and when he arrived at the waiting room, he saw that it was only a quarter past three o'clock, and there were only a few people lying there who wanted to eat.

finally returned to the township, and as soon as I got out of the car, I ran into Lan Fei. After briefly talking to each other about the situation, Lan Fei made an idea for him, asking him to go back and pretend to be preparing for the regular exam, not believing that those private teachers would not come to scold him. Zhang Yingcai was very satisfied with this idea, offsetting his previous dissatisfaction with Lan Fei.

Zhang Yingcai went home for a lunch and asked his mother to prepare a few dishes that could be stored, and hurried back to school.

When he returned to school, he spread out all the textbooks and study notes of junior and senior high school and displayed them on the table, and the windows were also pasted with newspapers, so that no gaps were exposed. For two days, except for defecation and necessary outdoor activities, such as raising and lowering the national flag, you should never leave the house for the rest of the time, and even if you want to go out, you will lock the door with your hand. On the morning of the third day, he went to the toilet and came back to find that the window paper had been cut with a small hole. He didn't say anything, but found a piece of paper and patched up the little hole. At noon, he latched the door and was cooking in the house, and when he heard someone calling the door, it opened it, and it was Ye Biqiu. Ye Biqiu stood outside the door and said, "Teacher Zhang, I have a question that I don't understand, can you teach me?" Zhang Yingcai said: "What's the problem? Ye Biqiu said: "What is the smallest single digit?" Zhang Yingcai was stunned: "Who asked you to answer this question 7" Ye Biqiu said: "It was Principal Deng and Director Sun who came to test me together, and said that if you don't understand, you can ask Teacher Zhang." Zhang Yingcai understood what was going on, so he said, "You come into the house and wait, I'll check the information." Pretending to show Ye Biqiu a book, he patted his head: "I remember, don't check it, the smallest single digit is one." Ye Biqiu said, "Thank you, teacher." Zhang Yingcai deliberately said: "If there is nothing particularly important, don't knock on the door again, I want to review and prepare for the exam." After Ye Biqiu left, he couldn't help but snicker. After school in the afternoon, he heard the sound of the flute a little half-heartedly, so he deliberately went out, Deng Youmei immediately put down the flute, smiled at him very unnaturally, he turned a blind eye, and muttered a mathematical formula in his mouth.

As soon as it got dark, he was about to bolt the door, and Sun Sihai came and said to him: "Tomorrow I will go down the mountain, with a pair of glasses, and the class will be up to you." Zhang Yingcai said: "I haven't taken a week's leave yet!" Sun Sihai said: "I'm a private person asking you for help." Zhang Yingcai said: "If it's a business-to-business, then there's no way!" Sun Sihai walked to the table and picked up the pair of myopic glasses: "How many degrees are your glasses?" Zhang Yingcai said: "Four hundred degrees." I told you. Sun Sihai said: "I have a bad memory and forgot." As he spoke, his eyes stared at each book fiercely.

Sun Sihai really went down the mountain, and he didn't come back until he couldn't see his five fingers, carrying a large stack of books on his back. Zhang Yingcai asked Li Zi what books Mr. Sun had memorized, and Li Zi told him that they were all middle school mathematics, physics and chemistry textbooks. After Sun Sihai came back from the endorsement, he didn't blow the flute once in the middle of the night, and every time Zhang Yingcai got up to urinate at night, he saw the shadow of a scholar, reflected on the window paper.

Deng Youmei also asked for leave to go down the mountain, and when she came back, she looked melancholy, and muttered to Principal Yu behind her back: "It may be that the area for this turn is very narrow, and there are very few places, so the above deliberately keeps it secret, and it is not transparent at all." On the day Deng Youmei came back, Principal Yu personally came to Zhang Yingcai and asked him if he was at ease in his recent work. Zhang Yingcai flatly denied that he had any insecurity. Principal Yu went straight in, pointed to the books on the table and asked him what he was doing. Zhang Yingcai used the reason of preparing to take next year's college entrance examination to cope. Seeing that he couldn't ask anything, Principal Yu walked out and sighed at Deng Youmei, who was guarding the side. A few times later, Zhang Yingcai heard Principal Yu muttering to himself in a trance: "Deng Youmei can spend money to buy the back door of favors, Sun Sihai can take the test hard with his ability, Zhang Yingcai has the ability and the back door, what can I rely on with my old Yu's thin bones?" ”

Zhang Yingcai really accepted Lan Fei's trick, and almost overnight, he became the treasure of this school, and he was spoiled by people more or less secretly. He thought that the turn of private teachers into regular teachers was really powerful.

In the following month, Deng Youmei ran down the mountain seven or eight times. Every time I was disappointed, it can be seen that Zhang Yingcai still has to make a smiling face, saying that I saw Stationmaster Wan again, Stationmaster Wan is really a good leader, and so on. That night, Principal Yu walked into Zhang Yingcai's house, greeted him for a while, and then turned his gaze to the Phoenix Qin: "Why haven't I heard you play the piano recently, is the string broken?" Zhang Yingcai said: "It doesn't matter if the string is broken, the main thing is that there is no work." Principal Yu took out a roll of strings from his pocket: "I still have four old strings, I don't know if it's suitable, you can go up and try it." Zhang Yingcai didn't shirk, stretched out his hand to take it, and said, "I'm afraid it will break again in two days." Principal Yu said: "No, never again, in the past, the main reason was that Teacher Ming couldn't hear the sound of the piano, and he would get sick when he heard it." Now I've blocked the doors and windows. Zhiwu changed the topic after a few words: "Teacher Zhang, did you hear that this time you are going to be regular, are there any preferential policies for some special people, such as people like me?" Zhang Yingcai said: "This time? I haven't heard of it, I haven't heard any news about it. Principal Yu turned his face sadly: "If you haven't heard of it, forget it!" You're busy, I'll go to Director Sun's place. After walking a few steps, he turned back: "I thought about it for a long time and decided to report to you as the deputy director of the teaching office." Zhang Yingcai wanted to laugh in his heart, and said, "Thank you Principal Yu for your cultivation." ”

Principal Yu couldn't knock on Sun Sihai's door, Sun Sihai stated that after school in this period, he didn't see anyone, not even Wang Xiaolan for a month, Principal Yu was fine, and he turned around after saying a few words through the door.

At this moment, a woman's cry came from the playground of the black hole: "Principal Yu, Principal Yu, hey!" Hurry up and save your father, save my Youmei! Deng Youmei's woman stumbled over and grabbed Principal Yu. Principal Yu was a little anxious: "You let go of me, if you have something to say, this dark sky will make others see how to speak clearly!" Deng Youmei's wife still didn't let go: "I don't care about this, Youmei let the people from the police station arrest him, you have to think of saving him out." Zhang Yingcai came out of the house at this time: "How could the people from the police station arrest him?" Deng Youmei's wife replied: "It's not for the sake of turning positive, other people are either educated or have backers, and he has nothing, so he wants to find a way to go through the back door, and the family has no money, so he can't give a gift." There was no way, so Youmei went to the mountain and cut down a few trees and sold them secretly. I didn't expect to be found out - Principal Yu, you can't see death without saving wow! Principal Yu was anxious when he heard this: "Isn't this a shame for the school!" I didn't get it on the first grade last time, but this time a vice principal stole the tree, which is really sweeping the floor! ”

Seeing that Principal Yu was anxious and frustrated, Zhang Yingcai persuaded on the side: "The matter has come to this point, we still have to think of a way." "Principal Yu was circling around on the playground, like an ant on a hot pot. Deng Youmei's wife sat on the ground and howled, her voice long and high-pitched. Zhang Yingcai said impatiently: "You cry so badly, like a dead person, how can you mess up other people's minds!" With this, the crying was much lower. Principal Yu sighed at this time and said: "This can only be the case, just say that it is cut for the school, the school wants to repair the school building, and there is no money, so I have to endure the humiliation on behalf of the students and make this decision." Zhang Yingcai said: "If you do it, I'm afraid that Sun Sihai will not agree." Principal Yu said, "You go and call him to come, I went there just now, and he won't open the door." You knock and he'll drive. As soon as Zhang Yingcai called over, the door opened, and after saying that, Sun Sihai showed a look of disdain: "If you don't have the ability, you just accept your fate, why do you want to be a ghost alone, and drag everyone to accompany him to the Yin family?" Principal Yu said, "Okay or not, you make a statement." Sun Sihai said: "I don't have anything to say, just because I don't know about it." Principal Yu said: "This is also a word, you can push everything to me." Deng Youmei's wife shouted: "The surname Sun, don't think that you are so innocent, you want to sit on the Yellow Crane Tower and watch the sailboat, it is the time when people always have a cut on their heels!" Sun Sihai stopped halfway through the door and whispered, "I agree, even if it is decided by the school!" ”

Principal Yu went down the mountain alone overnight, and came back with Deng Youmei in the afternoon of the next day, Deng Youmei had a few scars on her face, and at first thought that she was beaten by someone from the police station, but only after saying that she knew that she was scratched by the debris under the bed when she got under the bed to hide, Deng Youmei was completely discouraged, and after a few days, when she saw people, she said that she had taught the private office all her life, and she never wanted to turn positive anymore and eat the swan meat.

The accountant sent the subsidy again, and also revealed that there were clues in the case of the robbery last time. As soon as the accountant left, Deng Youmei's younger brother was arrested, and as soon as he saw the people at the police station, he said: "When you came to arrest my brother a few days ago, I thought you were here to arrest me. "He lost money in the timber business, so he was distracted and focused on ill-gotten gains. As soon as these two events happened, Deng Youmei's back was hunched a lot, and she also submitted her resignation to Principal Yu.

Only Sun Sihai was indifferent and continued to review there day and night. On Saturday afternoon, after school, the teacher usually takes the students home. Principal Yu saw that Deng Youmei was in a bad mood, and he was afraid that something would happen, so he asked Zhang Yingcai to follow Deng Youmei. The journey was very smooth, and when I returned, I ran into Wang Xiaolan. Wang Xiaolan panicked and went to the school to find Li Zi. Zhang Cun remembered very well that when standing in the road line, Sun Sihai set off with Li Zi's hand, Wang Xiaolan was still not at ease, she felt as if something was going to happen, and she had to go to the school to see.

When I arrived at the school, Sun Sihai's window was lit up, and a figure came out motionless, calling to open the door, Wang Xiaolan panted and asked, "Where are the plums?" What about daughters? Sun Sihai said: "Isn't she going home?" Wang Xiaolan said, "Where did you break up?" Sun Sihai said: "Halfway through, I wanted to come back early to review, so I didn't send her to the door." As soon as she heard this, Wang Xiaolan burst into tears, turned her head and ran out of the door. Principal Yu also came, and everyone realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately divided into two paths: one was Sun Sihai and Zhang Yingcai, who followed the road team to find it, and the other was Principal Yu and Deng Youmei, who looked forward along the shortcut road. Sun Sihai ran fast, and after a while, he overtook Wang Xiaolan, and Zhang Yingcai fell a few times, but he still couldn't keep up. Fortunately, Sun Sihai had to ask people on the side of the road along the way, so he followed intermittently. Ran to the mountain ridge where it was dark when Zhang Yingcai followed the road team for the first time, the moon came out, Sun Sihai stood on the mountain beam and did not move, and after Zhang Yingcai followed, he said: "Li Zi is on the tree over there, surrounded by a pack of wolves." Zhang Yingcai saw that on the swarthy wooden catalpa tree, there was indeed a hoarse cry of plums, and there were more than a dozen pairs of green wolf eyes under the tree.

Sun Sihai instructed Zhang Yingcai, after seeing the road, the two of them shouted and rushed under the tree, must not stop, and then quickly climbed the tree, waiting for Principal Yu and Deng Youmei to come. As he spoke, Sun Sihai shouted: "Li Zi - don't be afraid - I'm here!" Zhang Yingcai was a little scared, he didn't know what to call it, and he roared out of his mouth, and the wolves were so frightened that they retreated, and they took the opportunity to climb the woody tree. Sun Sihai hugged Li Zi in his arms, Li Zi didn't cry, he cried first, and the wolves surrounded Mu Zishu again, but after only half an hour, he was driven away by a large group of people brought by Principal Yu.

Liu Xinglong "Phoenix Piano"

When I got back to school, it was the middle of the night. Sun Sihai refused to go to sleep, no one persuaded him, he sat under the flagpole and played the flute, and the notes flowed very slowly, deeply, and desolated, just like mourning or bidding farewell to someone. When Zhang Yingcai woke up in the morning, he saw blackened paper ashes everywhere on the playground, and he picked up an unburned piece of paper and saw that it was a middle school textbook. Sun Sihai was still sitting under the flagpole and playing the flute, and a little bright thing flowed from the flute hole, dripping on the ground and turning into a small piece of red. Principal Yu sat at the door of his house smoking a cigarette, and on the hillside not far away, Deng Youmei covered her face with her hands and lay in the dead grass, all sleepless all night.

The morning breeze is wheezing, the first frost is spread on the mountains, and the faded white national flag is lined with a different style. Zhang Yingcai said to President Yu: "I understood the national anthem for the first time today. His words have many meanings, one of which is that he is very remorseful for the prank he has played. He didn't dare to make it clear, he just wanted to find an opportunity to repay and make a remedy. In the evening, he wrote an article called "The Mountain, Primary School, and the National Flag" after he went up the mountain, such as raising the national flag, lowering the national flag, Li Zi's composition, the dozen or so children of Principal Yu's family, and Sun Sihai's only negligence that could put the students in danger, and sent it to the post office and sent it to the provincial newspaper. At the door, he happened to be opposite the postman on the line of Running Boundary Ridge, and the postman handed him a letter, and Yao Yan's affectionate words wrote a few pages, and he didn't finish reading the paragraph and stuffed it into his pocket. I have no interest in talking about love at all.

About a week later, the accountant of the cultural and educational station brought a stranger, saying that the Provincial Education Commission had come down to investigate the situation of unsuccessful high school graduates, and wanted to have a good talk with Zhang Yingcai, but the accountant threw this person down and went back by himself. The man claimed to be surnamed Wang, and when Zhang Yingcai saw that he was older, he called him Section Chief Wang. Section Chief Wang talked to him very little, but he always liked to drill into the classroom and students, and talked to Principal Yu, Deng Youmei and Sun Sihai one by one. Once Section Chief Wang actually ran into Carita Aifen's room, and Principal Yu found out quickly and pulled him out. At noon the next day, Section Chief Wang did not see anyone, Zhang Yingcai thought that he would say goodbye, but he came back after dark, saying that he went to the lower wall to see the customs and customs, Section Chief Wang liked to watch the school raise the national flag and lower the national flag, and at this time, he took the camera and pressed it non-stop, and did not care about the film at all.

On the afternoon of the third day, it was Saturday again, Section Chief Wang followed Sun Sihai's road team around a big circle, and only after coming back did he tell the truth, Section Chief Wang was not from the Provincial Education Commission, but a senior reporter of the Provincial Daily, and after the newspaper received Zhang Yingcai's manuscript, he was very excited and sent him down to verify. Everyone began to change their words to call him Reporter Wang. Reporter Wang said that he witnessed all this with his own eyes, and every point of that article was true. He also said that the article would be published in the newspaper within a week, and that it would have to publish a front-page headline, with an editor's note and a photo.

Just seven days after reporter Wang left, people from the county education committee and propaganda department, accompanied by Zhang Yingcai's uncle, personally sent the newspaper up the mountain, claiming that Zhang Yingcai and Jieling Primary School had won glory for the county's educational cause, and that it was never before for the provincial newspaper to publish such a big article in such a prominent position. Zhang Yingcai took the newspaper and found that the article was not posted in the headline position, but an article about vigorously developing the pig breeding industry. The article from Jieling Elementary School is at the end of this article, and there are editor's notes and photos.

The photos are very well printed. Principal Yu's hand holding the big bone joint of the flag rope, Deng Youmei and Sun Sihai playing the flute horizontally, Zhi'er standing barefoot and wearing Principal Yu's ragged gown, standing in the frost flowers on the ground, Li Zi lying on a wooden board made of several adobe bricks doing homework, and a group of elementary school students eating around the table, all of these can be seen clearly. Principal Yu looked at the photo and regretted: "You must know that these things are going to be published in the newspaper, and you have to help them sort them out what they say." ”

The people from the county stayed in the mountains for two days, and before leaving, they asked if there were any requirements. Principal Yu, Deng Youmei, and Sun Sihai all spoke in the hope of allocating some money to buy some desks and chairs. Finally, Zhang Yingcai was asked, and Zhang Yingcai choked and said: "Please send some kindness to the leaders and give a few indicators to become positive to solve the worries of these old private teachers." The leader wrote down these words before going down the mountain.

After another ten days, the postman brought a hemp bag to the school, and when he opened it, he saw that it was full of letters. In addition to expressing condolences and admiration and asking for the introduction of experience, there were more than 20 letters from all over the province saying that they would carry out hand-in-hand activities with Jieling Primary School. Zhang Yingcai didn't know what a hand-in-hand activity was, so Principal Yu explained that this was an activity organized by a foundation of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, where schools in rich areas helped schools in poor areas. So many schools are willing to help Jieling Primary School, and everyone is naturally happy. Immediately decided to write the letter separately, and one person divided a large number.

Suddenly, Deng Youmei shouted: "There are so many letters, how much stamp money does it cost to write back?" "Everyone was reminded and counted the points. There are 317 letters in total, and the postage is 63 yuan and four corners. The four of them were dumbfounded and stayed for a long time, and Principal Yu said: "First pick out the important five letters and reply to the letter, and the rest will be talked about later." Everyone picked it up and found a few letters written specifically to Zhang Yingcai.

Zhang Yingcai opened them one by one, and they all had the same meaning, saying that he had literary talent and had written private teachers alive, and some said that he dared to ask for life for the people, and had a conscience and compassion. There is only one letter that is very special, only one sentence: take a leave of absence to come to our place quickly. At first, I thought it was written by Yao Yan, but when I looked at the payment, I knew that it was my uncle. He didn't dare to lie anymore, and his uncle said that he had something to do and couldn't go away, so he thought of an idea and wrote a leave note, only writing the words "one day off for business", and stuffed it into the crack of Principal Yu's door before dawn and Principal Yu got up.

When the sun was three poles, Zhang Ying arrived at his uncle's house. My aunt was squatting at the door brushing her teeth, and a fat and big ass blocked the door, and she didn't move out of the crack when she saw people coming. Zhang Yingcai had to wait for her to finish brushing her teeth, and when she entered the door, she saw some blood in the white foam on the ground, and scolded in her heart that she deserved it. My uncle was washing the woman's underwear in the house, and his hands were full of soap bubbles. When I saw him, I pointed to the kitchen with my hand: "I haven't had breakfast, and there are two steamed buns." Zhang Yingcai was not humble, and went into the kitchen by himself, with two meat buns and two steamed buns in a big bowl. He understood the meaning of his uncle's words, the meat buns must have been left for his aunt, so he removed the meat buns on it with his hands, took out the steamed buns in the bowl, and stood beside his uncle with one in each hand, looking at him to eat. Zhang Yingcai swallowed and asked, "What's the matter, this is urgent!" The uncle looked at the door and whispered, "I'll talk about it when I'm done." So he knew that he had to hide it from his aunt. My aunt came out of the room neatly, wrapped the meat buns in paper, took them and went out. He asked, "Where is she going?" The uncle said, "Go to work!" ”

Now let's get down to business. Zhang Yingcai's article was taken seriously by the above, and in addition to a special fund of 3,000 yuan allocated to Jieling Primary School, an exception was also made to give a place to become a regular. And named Zhang Yingcai for this place, not only because his article is well written, but also because only his conditions in all aspects are more suitable, and the other four are too far apart, both overage and not enough education.

The uncle said, "You fill out this form, if you hurry up, you can get it approved next month." Zhang Yingcai couldn't believe that this was the truth, and after looking at his uncle for a long time, he said, "This is not wrong, right?" The uncle put the watch in front of him: "Black and white, it's wrong!" Zhang Yingcai finally picked up the pen and was about to fill it out, but stopped: "Uncle, I can't fill in this form, it should be given to Principal Yu, everything is done by them, I just wrote an article." The uncle said, "Don't worry about it, my aunt has divorced me several times for her cousin's regularization." There will be no second chance in a lifetime. Zhang Yingcai said: "If a month ago, I wouldn't have let it, now I want to give them a chance, I am two + years younger than them, even if I meet you once in ten years, there are still two chances!" ”

After hearing what the uncle said about how he pretended to prepare for the regular exam, which caused them to almost have a big accident, his heart was also moved: "Actually, I also want to turn them into regulars, but I don't have this power." Zhang Yingcai said: "You can find a leader to do the work." Uncle thought about it, and his attitude became resolute again: "No, my sister handed you over to me, and I will be responsible for your life." If you think about it, you have to go to the county to study for two years as a teacher teacher immediately after becoming a regular worker, and then you will be almost 21 years old, and then you will work for three or five years, and you can save some money to get married and start a family. Zhang Yingcai said: "If you do this, I will not agree." The uncle said, "You son! Knowing this, it was better to let Lan Fei go to the Boundary Ridge and give him this opportunity! Zhang Yingcai said: "This is what you said yourself, I didn't leak any news to my aunt about these words!" The uncle was so angry that he walked out the door: "You are going to coerce me to get up!" Okay, I don't care about your business, I'll do it myself! After a few minutes, the uncle turned back from outside the door: "The nephew has a high style, of course the uncle can't pull back." But you have to go back and ask your parents if they agree or not, so as not to make me look in the mirror when I get it, and I am not a person inside and out. ”

Zhang Yingcai sat on the back rack of his uncle's bicycle, and in less than half an hour, the two of them entered Zhang Yingcai's house. Uncle said first, Zhang Yingcai added. As soon as he finished speaking, his father said: "Ya'er, this year's re-reading is indeed not in vain, your thinking has also improved, you have to be like this, you must be willing to let it go!" Before the mother could speak, tears flowed out first: "You'er, it's right to do this, but you don't know how much you have to suffer." The uncle sighed: "You all think like this, but I was wrong before. Zhang Yingcai wiped his mother's tears and said to his uncle: "I am also sacrificing for you." Think about it, the dignified stationmaster Wan will not give his nephew who can write a good article, but to a person whose conditions are not as good as his nephew, and saying it is not equivalent to adding glory to your face, maybe you will be promoted to the county as a bureau director or director or something! The room burst into laughter.

The two then went up the hill to Jieling Primary School. Along the way, my uncle said a few times that the quota would definitely not be good when he arrived at the school, so he could only vote by secret ballot. He has conducted this kind of voting several times, and if 100 people participate, 100 people will get votes, and those who participate in the votes will vote by themselves. Zhang Yingcai's vote in this vote must not be voted for by others, and whoever votes for it is two votes and the majority. Uncle asked him to give himself a little chance, and at the same time to check what other people's styles were.

The allocation of $3,000 plus a regular quota made everyone in Jieling Primary School ecstatic. During the vote, his uncle sat next to Zhang Yingcai, and when he saw the pen writing Principal Yu's name on the paper, he was so angry that he couldn't give his nephew a slap. He thought that this place belonged to Principal Yu, but unexpectedly, the result of the vote was still one person, one vote. Zhang Yingcai immediately understood that Principal Yu voted for him. My uncle also understood what was going on, and couldn't help but say, "It seems that I don't have the ability to see through everyone." "According to the regulations, if the vote is invalid, a public comment will be conducted.

Everyone sat together and didn't say anything for a long time. Zhang Yingcai couldn't help but say first: "I look at the quota this time, let's give it to the principals!" After a long time, he still didn't respond, and he said: "Don't talk about other reasons, Principal Yu is the elder of the school and suffers the most." After a long time, Sun Sihai whispered: "I have no opinion on Principal Yu," Deng Youmei had no choice but to say: "I have nothing to say." Principal Yu, who had been hanging his eyelids, raised his head, Zhang Yingcai thought that he would say a few words of gratitude to accept the results of the review, but what he heard was an unexpected sentence: "Stationmaster Wan, I have a few words and want to talk to you alone." ”

Hearing this, Deng Youmei, Sun Sihai and Zhang Yingcai got up and wanted to go out. Uncle hurriedly said, "There are a lot of you, so I and Lao Yu go outside to talk." Principal Yu also said, "It's easier for us to go outside and talk." The two of them got up and went out, stood on the edge of the playground, and talked face-to-face for a while, Principal Yu seemed to shed some tears, and Zhang Yingcai's uncle didn't move his lips, but nodded at the last moment.

Uncle beckoned Zhang Yingcai and them out. Everyone stood in a circle. Uncle said in a deep voice, "Principal Yu has something I want to discuss with you. Lao Yu, you can say it. You said it, I'll say it again. Principal Yu glanced at everyone uneasily: "When everyone voted just now, we forgot one person, that is, Caritas Fen and my wife, who is also a teacher in our school. On the third day of her birth in Layue that year, she went to the county to take the private teacher transfer examination, but she didn't expect the bridge on the river to be stolen. After lifting it back, the lower body is useless. After dragging on for many years, her heart is still not dead, and she dreams about turning positive at night. I think that this breath has not been cleared in her heart before she has turned right, so she comes back every time she returns to the line of death. I think that if I really turned her right, maybe in a few days, she would die. Now like this, she is uncomfortable, and I am also uncomfortable, and it is difficult for the country, the collective, and everyone to do it. I want to discuss with you that she can walk these steps faster and more comfortably, so that she will be somewhat happy in this life. I appreciate everyone's kindness just now, I don't want the quota for regularization, can you give it to Caritas Fen? After speaking, he lowered his head, not daring to look at everyone's expressions. Zhang Yingcai's uncle looked at everyone before saying: "Caritas Fen was originally not qualified, and the title of private teacher was given to her, mainly because she took care of Principal Yu's life." So, even though there are only four people in class, the station still gives a grant to five people from your school. However, I am not a person without a little humanity, as long as everyone agrees to turn Yin Aifen into a positive person, and keep it a secret and not say that she is a waste, even if she makes a mistake, I will help Lao Yu this time. Sun Sihai didn't say anything, and slowly raised his hand, Deng Youmei also raised his hand, and Zhang Yingcai saw it and raised both of his hands. The uncle said, "Lao Yu, look up at the voting results." Principal Yu couldn't raise his head, tears flowed straight out, and he muttered, "I know that the world is full of good people." "The sun was hanging on the top of the right, and the shadows on the ground were clear.

Everyone followed Principal Yu into Caritas Fen's room. Zhang Yingcai entered this room for the second time and felt that the smell was even worse than before. Last time it was night, plus panic, I didn't see it clearly, this time it was different, and I could clearly distinguish that Caritas Fen's appearance was completely a blank sheet of paper covered on a skeleton.

Principal Yu held the form, walked to the bed and said, "Aifen, you have finally turned positive." Caritas Fen's eyes moved: "Don't lie, you always say this to me," Principal Yu said: "This time it's true, Stationmaster Wan just presided over a meeting, and everyone agreed to transfer you." Zhang Yingcai's uncle said: "This time, a place was specially granted to Jieling Primary School. Deng Youmei said: "This is thanks to Mr. Zhang's article for making public opinion well." Sun Sihai said, "Principal Yu, fill out the form for her!" ”

Caritas took the form and read it carefully from beginning to end, and a layer of blush gradually appeared on her face. She suddenly said: "Lao Yu, quickly take the water and I'll wash it, this hand wow, don't stain the form." Zhang Yingcai hurriedly went outside to serve water and took the opportunity to take a few breaths of fresh air. Caritas carefully washed her hands with soap, wiped them dry, and asked Principal Yu for a pen, trembling and filling in: Carita Aifen, female, married, Han nationality, member of the Communist Youth League, poor peasant, born on January 22, 1949. The pen suddenly stopped moving. Deng Yumei said: "Teacher Ming, write quickly, Stationmaster Wan is going back today!" "Caritas didn't move at all. Principal Yu, who was supporting her behind her back, had wet eyes, and said in a choked voice: "I know you will go like this, Aifen, you are also a good person, it is best to go this way, everyone is not embarrassed, and you are happy." ”

Caritas Fen is dead. The people in the room were silent, only Principal Yu was softly saying goodbye to her. Zhang Yingcai endured it for a while, and finally called out: "Teacher Ming, I'll go and mourn at half-mast for you!" Zhang Yingcai walked in front, and Sun Sihai followed behind. Deng Youmei gathered all the students who were doing essays in the classroom to the playground and said, "Principal Yu's lover, Teacher Carita Aifen, is dead!" "No more follow-up. Zhang Yingcai pulled the flag rope. Sun Sihai played the flute, and it was still the song "Our Life is Full of Sunshine". The national flag slowly fell, Zhi'er, Li Zi, and Ye Biqiu cried first, and everyone cried.

Principal Yu changed the longevity clothes that Carita Aifen had prepared a long time ago, lit the lantern, and then rushed to the playground, seeing that the national flag was really lowered, he said in a panic: "This half-flag is not lowered casually, don't look for mistakes." He reached out to raise the flag, and with a hard pull, the flag rope broke. Zhang Yingcai said: "This is the will of God. Principal Yu was anxious and said to Deng Youmei: "This is a political issue, and it can't be taken as a child's play." You quickly find someone to go to the township post and telecommunications office and borrow the feet of the deputy to climb the telephone pole. Zhang Yingcai's uncle said at this time: "Lao Yu, you go to Teacher Zhang Luoming's funeral, don't worry about these things." After a pause, he said, "Teacher Ming's departure, the issue of quota has to be re-studied." Principal Yu said: "Stationmaster Wan, don't worry, I have already thought about this matter, and I promise that you will not be delayed to go down the mountain." ”

Zhang Yingcai's uncle stayed in the mountains for several days until Caritas was buried. When the accountant of the cultural and educational station sent the funeral expenses, he brought a message from his aunt, asking his uncle to go home immediately. The uncle said to Zhang Yingcai: ", I must have smelled the wind and wanted me to give this regular quota to her cousin." Zhang Yingcai said: "You just have to be angry and see if she can eat you raw!" The uncle replied, "That's what I think." ”

Thousands of people came to the funeral, and Principal Yu was panicked, all of them were new and old students of Jieling Primary School and their parents and relatives, and the village chief of Crow Opium stood on the playground and said this in his eulogy: "Comrade Caritas Fen is my enlightenment teacher, and the achievements left by her 20 years of teaching career will set an example for thousands of years." Zhang Yingcai saw the village chief choking back tears when he spoke, so he threw aside the unhappiness he had when he drank last time, poured a glass of water and handed it over to him to moisten his throat. The people who came gave gifts, including cloth and rice, as well as fish and meat, tofu and fresh vegetables. Sun Sihai set up a table to register there, everyone didn't go there, saying so many favors, if Principal Yu returned the courtesy, how could he afford it? Sun Sihai sat there and went to the kitchen to help when he had nothing to do, and Wang Xiaolan was there, and she was invited to be in charge of organizing the banquet after the funeral. As soon as Sun Sihai entered, before he could talk to Wang Xiaolan, Deng Youmei came to call him and said that Principal Yu wanted them to discuss something.

Zhang Yingcai and his uncle respectively saw them enter Principal Yu's house, and came out after a while, their faces very calm. They didn't expect that this was a school board meeting, which was dedicated to the issue of the only number of regular places. The uncle then went in to take a look, and saw that Principal Yu was filling out the form there, so he didn't bother, and came out to Zhang Yingcai and said, "After Principal Yu became a regular, how did the teacher read in the past two years?" How do you raise three children? What about the 10 or 20 students who live in the school? Zhang Yingcai didn't have an answer, so he said: "There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, who can see the back road clearly!" "There are dozens of tables on the playground, the tables and chopsticks are borrowed from the nearby yard, and the wine and food are all given as gifts by others. Everyone said that even the last time the old branch secretary died, there was no grand and lively death of Teacher Ming.

After the banquet was over, it was dusk. Zhang Yingcai came back from delivering the last table, and saw that his uncle and Principal Yu were arguing about something in front of his house, and they were both very excited. Zhang Yingcai wanted to go but didn't dare to go. After standing for a while, Sun Sihai and Deng Youmei also came. When my uncle saw this, he shouted, "Come here, all of you!" Zhang Yingcai walked over. Uncle handed over a form: "Look at how Principal Yu filled it out." Zhang Yingcai looked at it, and there were three words Zhang Yingcai written on it. Zhang Yingcai stammered: "Principal Yu, how can you give me the quota for regularization?" The uncle said, "I can't persuade him, it's up to you!" Principal Yu said: "It is useless for anyone to come, this is the decision of the school council." Zhang Yingcai didn't believe it: "Really? Sun Sihai said: "It's true, since the last time Li Zi had an accident, I have been thinking about what will happen to Li Zi's family if I leave, especially what will happen to Li Zi." Everything I have is here. It doesn't matter if you turn positive or not. Deng Youmei continued: "Teacher Ming's death, I have completely figured it out, and I can't take the matter of turning a positive person too seriously." It is good for people to be able to do things in life, and everything else is empty. Teacher Zhang, you are different, young, talented, and unburdened, it is time to go out and break through. Zhang Yingcai still said: "I don't believe it, this is not what you think in your heart." Principal Yu said with a straight face: "Teacher Zhang, it's too hurtful for you to say this. President Deng and Director Sun did give up voluntarily. There is only one point, everyone hopes that you will have a future in the future, and you must be like Stationmaster Wan, no matter where you go, don't forget that there is also a place called Jieling, where it is still very difficult for children to go to school. Zhang Yingcai couldn't listen to it and shouted: "I won't turn positive." He turned and went into his room.

The uncle then came in, ignored him, opened the phoenix piano and plucked a few notes. Zhang Yingcai said: "Don't play the piano indiscriminately. Uncle didn't care about it a few more times: "Don't you want to know who the owner of this piano is?" That's me. Zhang Yingcai was taken aback: "Then why do you want to give it to Caritas Fen?" The uncle only said about himself: "I don't force you to change the matter, I'll tell a story, and you will decide." More than ten years ago, there were only two teachers in this school: me and Caritas Fen. That year, the school was also allocated a place. In terms of the conditions for turning positive, Caritas Fen is a lot stronger than me. I thought of another way to marry your aunt quickly. Your aunt is of bad character and has been divorced twice, but she has an uncle who is an officer as her backer. Of course, Caritas understands this, in order to prove that she is better than me, she knows that she is hopeless, and she has just given birth, but she still insists on taking the exam, trying to overwhelm me in the test score. As a result, as President Yu said a few days ago, he scrapped himself. As soon as I turned around, I was transferred to the cultural and educational station, and before leaving, I didn't dare to see Carita Aifen, so I wanted to give her the phoenix qin as a gift, so that she could have a companion when she lay in bed. After she finished writing, she was afraid that her name would irritate her, so she scraped it off with a knife. I took all my things, leaving only the phoenix qin, I think Lao Yu will definitely take it back when he sees it. I didn't expect it to be sitting here all the time. Zhang Yingcai listened to it and said: "This is called gain and loss!" The uncle said, "You are so clever, I just want you to understand this." Zhang Yingcai sat at the table and did not speak. The uncle said, "I'm tired, go to bed first, and wake me up when you're ready." When I go back tomorrow, I don't know how your aunt is arguing with me. After lying down, he added: "This time it will take two moves and one move." Tomorrow, you will go down the mountain with me, and go through the formalities while reporting to the normal school. Everyone else entered the school in September, and if they were late, they couldn't catch up with the exam, and if they couldn't get the credits, they would be in trouble. ”

When I woke up, it was already dawn, and Zhang Yingcai was nowhere to be seen in the house. When the uncle opened the door, Zhang Yingcai leaned on the flagpole alone. His luggage was packed in the house.

Snow began to fall in the sky. The school is still raising the national flag, Zhang Yingcai asked Principal Yu to let him raise the national flag with his own hands, he pulled the rope one by one in the sound of the flute, and suddenly heard the sound of the phoenix piano behind him. He couldn't help but look back and saw that his uncle and Principal Yu were working together, playing the "National Anthem".

When Zhang Yingcai left Jieling Primary School, most of the students had not yet arrived at the school, and in this weather, Principal Yu, Deng Youmei and Sun Sihai had to pick up the students halfway, and the three of them were embarrassed that they could not see him off. Zhang Yingcai gave the 400-degree myopia glasses to Sun Sihai. Principal Yu gave the phoenix piano to Zhang Yingcai. Then, everyone shook hands and said goodbye. To each his own way. When Zhang Yingcai and his uncle went down to the middle of the mountain, they met the postman. The postman sent another sack of letters to Jieling Primary School and gave Zhang Yingcai a bill of exchange. After reading it, he said to his uncle: "It's a manuscript fee sent by the newspaper, one hundred and ninety-three yuan." My uncle said, "It's a lot, it's more than my monthly salary." He wanted to ask if there was a letter sent to him by Yao Yan, but he immediately realized that asking was also a vain question, and he couldn't check it, anyway, those people in the school would pass it on to him. Uncle suddenly said, "You have to work hard in the future!" At that time, I always thought that everything would be easier for your generation, but I didn't expect that there would be so many difficult things. As he was walking, someone shouted behind him. It's Ye Biqiu's father, and he wants to go into the city to find work. Ye Biqiu's father told them that on the day of the funeral, Principal Yu talked to the parents of those children who had not yet gone to school, and most of them had a clear idea and said that they would definitely let their children come to school after the New Year. Zhang Yingcai and his uncle were tired of walking and wanted to rest, so they let Ye Biqiu's father go first.

The snow was falling heavier and heavier, and a few gusts of wind blew fiercely, and the sky began to dance. In the blink of an eye, the places on the ground that were not white became white, and the places that were previously white became swollen. Zhang Yingcai looked at the snow scene and couldn't help but say: "Ruixue is a good year." The uncle said, "Don't be romantic, let's go quickly, otherwise you won't be able to go down the mountain." ”