
The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared

author:Saisai Qingjian
The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared

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The United States really couldn't hold back its internal and external troubles, so it dropped ecstasy bombs in the Gaza Strip and directly demolished the wharves that were built with "great effort and money" at that time.

Since the first live broadcast of the presidential debate in the United States, all parties have deeply questioned Biden's physical and work ability, especially now that the American people's support for him has been declining.

After getting off the debate stage, Biden turned on "battle mode", holding seven rallies in four states in two days to try to win back voters.

The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared

During this massive crisis and public relations, the Republican Party has gone all out to "replace" rumors, and at the same time, Obama and Hillary Clinton have been brought back into the public eye.

The 2024 U.S. presidential election was evaluated by the Eurasia Group as "the world's largest risk event in 2024" in its annual report. ”

Nowadays, it seems that everything is being verified.

The demolition of the dock was questioned, and Russia responded to Trump

The Associated Press reported on June 28 that the Pentagon wanted to dismantle the temporary dock built in Gaza due to "weather conditions", and then said that it would not consider replacing the new pier.

It is reported that this temporary wharf was announced by Biden in March this year to allow humanitarian supplies to enter Gaza, and the construction documents of the US Department of Defense show that the construction of the temporary wharf cost $230 million.

The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared

Ironically, since its construction in March, the pier has only been used for 10 days, and the rest of the time it has been closed either because of waves or because of security (Israeli attacks, etc.), and what is even more ridiculous is that when the construction was planned in September last year, the Pentagon listed weather reasons such as waves, but it is clear that this reason was not fully taken into account when it was built.

During the use of the wharf, some humanitarian relief materials were stored in nearby warehouses, but due to various reasons such as the shelf life of the materials and the Israeli strike, the residents of Gaza did not really receive the relief materials delivered from the wharf.

Pentagon spokesman Mangingh said that the safety zone on the shore was "close to saturation" and that there was no point for the US military there.

The meaning of this sentence is that the warehouses are full, but the supplies cannot enter Gaza, and it is not interesting for them to stay there and withdraw them.

The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared

Since the construction of the wharf, there have been many doubts about the United States, because the cooperative relationship between the United States and Israel is difficult for people to make this temporary wharf official, according to the observation results of the past six months, the role of this wharf in transporting materials is far less than the role of the "target", the Israeli army has used this wharf as a target to launch many fires around it, and the "New York Times" does not shy away from saying that this wharf is to provide "humanitarian cover" for the Israeli bombing.

The demolition of the U.S. military dock has also called into question their ability to assist Gaza, and the humanitarian relief plan has been "lost", and the image of the United States has been damaged.

Such a "perfunctory" attitude is also reflected in Russia and Ukraine, Trump has said more than once that if he comes to power, he will absolutely stop aid to Ukraine as soon as possible.

Just a few days ago, Trump said that "the Russia-Ukraine crisis will be resolved in one day." ”

The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared

On July 1, Russia's representative to the United Nations, Nebenzya, responded to Trump's remarks, first recalling the agreement reached between the two sides in Istanbul in 2022, when the two sides had reached 95% of the progress of negotiations on this agreement, and due to the intervention of the Western regime, then-Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky withdrew from the negotiating table and ordered no more negotiations with Russia.

Then Nebenzia emphasized, "Zelensky's presidential term has ended on May 20, and we don't know whether negotiations with him are legal and valid." ”

Under external pressure, Trump and Biden's international rhetoric seemed somewhat ridiculous, and after 48 hours of the presidential debate, there was a wave of skepticism within the United States.

The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared

Obama and Hillary Clinton are back in sight, whether Biden will step down

After the first televised debate on June 27, the United States launched a poll that surprised 72 percent of the population to believe that Biden was no longer physically and mentally fit to be elected president.

At the same time, the Republican side is firing with all its might to spread the rumors of "substitution", CNN reported that the Republican Senate Tillis publicly "trialed" Biden, saying that he is not good at speaking, and he will not even understand the policy, and is no longer suitable for the president, after which, Tillis called on the United States to "remove Biden" according to Article 25 of the Constitution, and let Vice President Harris temporarily take charge.

Although the Democrats announced after the debate that day that Biden would not withdraw from the election, there are still different voices within the country that the presidential candidate may be replaced.

The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared

But after all, Biden's state is obvious to all, and some Democrats have proposed that Hillary Clinton go out to face Trump.

Then Hillary Clinton herself spoke out on the Internet in support of Biden, saying that "the United States chooses the president, not the actor." I don't know if it's to help Biden or to prove that she doesn't have the heart to campaign, she said that she has debated with Trump and knows how much pressure can be on stage.

Later, Hillary also focused on Biden, saying that he always interrupted the opponent's words, which is a very bad habit.

But Hillary's speech did not save much face for Biden, in order to prove that he can, Biden ran non-stop to 4 states to hold 7 campaigns, but it still had little effect.

At this time, the public's confidence in Biden has completely lit up the red light, and after Hillary, some people have proposed to let Obama out of the mountain, compared with Trump and Biden, Obama is younger.

The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared

Biden also thought of this idea, and he had to stand up for him alone, so he contacted Obama and asked him to stand up for himself.

Obama immediately spoke out in the media in support of Biden, saying that "bad debates happen all the time... Biden is a man who is sincere and thinks about the United States. ”

But a funny scene happened, not long after Obama expressed solidarity with Biden, the Times of India reported on July 1 that Obama believed in a private conversation that Biden could not defeat Trump and win the election.

This wave of backstabs is really shocking.

The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared

But Biden's current state seems to be really at a disadvantage, and even now there is no need for Trump to intervene, things are already going in the direction of altruism.

On July 2, Bloomberg published an article saying that in order to eliminate the rumors of "substitution", the Democratic Committee is discussing the formal nomination of Biden in mid-July to ensure that he can become a candidate. According to people familiar with the matter, this time could be July 21.

However, it is uncertain what the effect will be at that time.

With Biden's crisis public relations sweeping through the states like never before, and now there are two debates left, it is unclear whether the 81-year-old will be able to turn the tide.


Observer Network "U.S. officials say they have dismantled the temporary dock in Gaza due to weather and may not be rebuilt"

Global Network "US Media Explosion: In order to eliminate the rumors of "substitution", the Democratic Party is considering nominating Biden as the party's presidential candidate in advance"

Take a look at the news "Trump said that the Russian-Ukrainian crisis will be resolved in one day, and the Russian representative to the United Nations responds"

Reference news "After posting a post in support of Biden, Obama privately said: Biden can't beat Trump"

The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared
The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared
The US military dock was demolished, the Republican Party called for the "removal of Biden", and Obama and Hillary Clinton reappeared
