
The debut of the Shenzhong Channel! The 24-hour traffic exceeded 125,000, and the future income may exceed 3 billion?

author:Popular perspective


In the grand blueprint of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is not only a super project across the Pearl River Estuary, connecting Shenzhen and Zhongshan, but also an accelerator for regional integration development. When the news of "125,000 trips in 24 hours" came, even the data in the state of traffic restriction was shocking enough, and people couldn't help but wonder: if it is fully liberalized, how will its traffic flow and economic benefits go against the sky?

The debut of the Shenzhong Channel! The 24-hour traffic exceeded 125,000, and the future income may exceed 3 billion?

1. Shenzhong Channel: not only a road, but also a bridge of dreams

The construction of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor has carried the major mission of regional coordinated development since the beginning of the planning. It not only shortens the physical distance between Shenzhen and Zhongshan, but more importantly, it breaks the geographical boundaries and provides unprecedented convenience for the flow of resources, industrial upgrading and population migration between the two places and even the entire Greater Bay Area. The peak traffic on the first day of trial operation is undoubtedly the most intuitive verification of this strategic value. The shuttle of each car is the practice of the dream of regional economic integration and the exploration of infinite possibilities in the future.

Second, the economic account behind the traffic flow: more than 3 billion income is just the beginning?

Based on the calculation of a simple mathematical model, even in the case of no charge in the trial operation, if the single toll fee of an ordinary passenger car with less than 7 seats is estimated at 66 yuan, the 24-hour traffic flow can bring a potential income of about 8.25 million yuan. Further extrapolated to the whole year, this figure is as high as more than 3 billion yuan, which is staggering. However, this is only a theoretical calculation based on the current traffic flow data and toll standards, and in practice, with the official operation of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the continuous improvement of the surrounding infrastructure, and the deepening of regional economic cooperation, the traffic flow and economic benefits it will attract are far more than that.

The debut of the Shenzhong Channel! The 24-hour traffic exceeded 125,000, and the future income may exceed 3 billion?

More notably, the economic benefits of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor are not only reflected in toll revenue. It is more like a powerful engine, driving the chain reaction of industrial upgrading, real estate value revaluation, tourism boom and other aspects in the surrounding area. For example, with the connection of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, Zhongshan will be more likely to undertake Shenzhen's industrial spillover and attract high-tech enterprises to settle down; At the same time, the real estate market at both ends of the channel will also usher in new growth points and become the focus of investors' attention. In addition, convenient transportation will also promote the development of tourism, attract more tourists to Zhongshan and surrounding areas for sightseeing, and drive the prosperity of catering, accommodation and other related industries.

3. Reshaping the economic map behind the traffic miracle

The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is not only the completion of a road, but also a profound reshaping of the economic map of the Greater Bay Area. It accelerates the free flow of people, logistics, information and capital, and promotes the optimal allocation and efficient use of resources in the region. In this process, Shenzhen's innovation resources, Zhongshan's manufacturing base, and the respective advantages of other cities in the Greater Bay Area will achieve closer integration and complementarity, and jointly promote the development of the Greater Bay Area into a world-class city cluster.

The debut of the Shenzhong Channel! The 24-hour traffic exceeded 125,000, and the future income may exceed 3 billion?

At the same time, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is also an important milestone in the construction of a transportation power in the mainland. It demonstrates the outstanding ability and innovative spirit of the mainland in the field of super engineering construction, and sets a new benchmark for the construction of transportation infrastructure in the mainland and even the world. In the future, with the advancement of more similar projects, the mainland's transportation network will be more perfect, and the inter-regional connections will be closer, injecting stronger impetus into economic and social development.

Fourth, looking to the future: challenges and opportunities coexist

Of course, while the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor brings great opportunities, it also faces many challenges. How to effectively deal with the traffic pressure caused by peak traffic flow? How to ensure the safe and smooth operation of the channel? How to further tap and unleash the economic potential of the channel? These issues require us to think carefully and plan scientifically.

To this end, we need to strengthen infrastructure construction at the same time, pay attention to the application of intelligent and information means, and improve the management level and operational efficiency of the channel. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen inter-regional cooperation and coordination, and jointly promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure and the rational allocation of resources in the Greater Bay Area. Only in this way can we give full play to the strategic value of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor and inject new vitality into the high-quality development of the regional economy.

The debut of the Shenzhong Channel! The 24-hour traffic exceeded 125,000, and the future income may exceed 3 billion?


Although the traffic data on the first day of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is just the beginning, it has already shown us the infinite possibilities of this super project. In the future, with the acceleration of the integration process of the Greater Bay Area and the full operation of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, we have reason to believe that this golden corridor will become a powerful engine to promote regional economic and social development, and inject new impetus and hope into the development of the Greater Bay Area and even the whole country. Let's look forward to that day together!

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