
The big stupid cat who cheats

author:Fenghua peerless pomegranate sister 99

Everyone, sit tight and start singing! What a sensational song! Look, folks... Peanuts and melon seeds are free, and you can bring your own tissues to wipe your tears! Because my family's main player is crazy and not burdensome, laughing heartlessly, and discourages a whole cry and urine shedding tears [laughing and crying]

The big stupid cat who cheats

Walking, shopping, looking for a movie theater, taking you to a happy subway, Emma, what's going on? These lyrics don't go well at all?? [black line] Aha, quietly ask you little donkey, how many years have you not done these romantic things, can't you find a hurry! Suddenly it feels like you haven't been in love for a long time! Wow! My stinky treasure is so poor [tears] [snickering]

I have a good idea [like] [like], otherwise I'll accompany you to the vegetable seller aunt to steal the vegetables, and the fish seller can also do it, let's pick it up and run and let them chase it, and find back the feeling of the heartbeat of the knock? [sneering] [sneering] [sneering] I won't have any other projects except Uncle and Aunt! [tears] sad urging!! [laughing and crying] you just say okay, okay! To be honest, I really want to do this [laughs] [laughs] in short, it's exciting not to play according to the routine! Anyway, I can't catch it if I run fast, and your feet hurt or something, in case you get caught, then the uncle and aunt may also have a gift project to give you a super massage warm-up exercise [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying] Thinking about it, come to me and take you on an adventure, so that your little heart is like 10,000 rabbits scattered wild [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]

The big stupid cat who cheats

Hahahaquack, among the emo...... The little eyes blurred as if falling into the bitter memories of the past love, whose claws and claws I once pulled to go shopping, who did I carry size 42 heels...... Distracted?! Forgot the words? It's not, big brothers and sisters~~~ My brother can't sing [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]

The big stupid cat who cheats

One minute I thought I would be Nie, but the next minute I won't?? Who stole my memories, who took my heart, who laughed at the pig on the eaves? ~ Aha, stinky treasure stinky treasure don't be afraid don't panic and don't guess, it's your ninety-nine meow meow, it's me, it's me who stole the USB disk of your memory, copied all your charming handsomeness, pasted it into my mind, and then took advantage of the moon and the dark wind to occupy your heart [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying] Don't worry, there is no malice except for loving you [Laugh] [Laugh]

I sing, I sing hard, I sing while pondering the tune, don't look elsewhere to concentrate, you just look at my brother's eyes and it's over!! [laughing and crying] the ninety-nine stupid cat hanging upside down on the eaves, you are waiting for the eaves of my house to be dragged off by you, so that you don't slip away day by day, "I will meet you in the next life, even if I don't tell you, you know"!! [sneering] [laughs and cries] [laughs and cries]

The big stupid cat who cheats

Oh ha, this cute little eye is still blurred, big brother, don't make trouble, is it a song with too many memories of the eventful years? ? Who has loved and hated, who has not loved or hated, and who else? [laughs and cries] if you don't say it, I guess you're scared by the lyrics, "Let me be your male silver, don't sleep twenty-four hours" Emma! This little lyric also scared me a lot, who can stand such an oath~ People are good people and sleep well, turn over, open their eyes, and drop two big-eyed bubbles in front of them, Emma, scared the baby to death, get up and turn over the hooves and bright palms and run quickly [laughing and crying]

The big stupid cat who cheats

Aha, the little donkey said again [laughing and crying], "People will get old, love will become less...... "Wow wow wow [tears] said this, I want to ask with urine and howl! Why do people get older and love less, so sad, I seem to see the pig-killing knife of the years, cutting off the rest of my life with a knife, [tears] I seem to see how hard it is to hug each other and not be able to live a hard life?! I don't want I don't want [tears]

The big stupid cat who cheats

Oh, the little donkey said again, "I will be careful to keep it, this enthusiasm will not go away from the fever" Uh-huh, that's it, stinky baby, we just want to always have a good cold to find, my love my life love does not go away [snickering]

Look at this little look cute, isn't it?! [sneer] this is to find a feeling, big brothers and sisters~~ I'm not sorry to get wet, I'm in a bit of a hurry, brother, I'm done singing, I'll see you next time! [laughs and cries] Hahahahaquack

The big stupid cat who cheats

I'm sorry to get wet! It's emo again, I think it's very beautiful, I sing a little bit of sparse Nie [laughing and crying] Immersively wondering, big brother is not good! Wake up quickly, wake up quickly, or the next song won't be able to keep up, but it's okay [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]

You forgot to stick it on the eaves of your house, Jiujiu [sneer] laughed, my fat trembled and almost fell into the house, I am the big tailor you lost three and four songs, take a screenshot of your Kaisen for a moment, and see if this seam is perfect!

This little expression, how embarrassing is it [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]

I want to declare to the world that in fact, the little donkey and the big foolish cat are a family [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]

The big stupid cat who cheats

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