
The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

author:Erudite pineapple

66 counties embezzled 2 billion subsidies for students' nutritious meals: under the pressure of government debt, who will protect children's rations?


Recently, a jaw-dropping news has caused an uproar on social platforms. It is reported that as many as 66 county and district governments across the country have embezzled funds for nutritious meals for rural primary school students, with a total amount of an astonishing 2 billion yuan!

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

The money was originally used to ensure the healthy growth of children and to provide nutritionally balanced meals. However, the governments of these counties turned a blind eye, turned a deaf ear, and extended their black hands to the children's mouths.

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

How mad is it that the office building is built more luxuriously than anyone else, and the salaries of civil servants are not reduced, but they take food from the mouths of students?!


When I learned the news, I couldn't calm down for a long time. Children are the flowers of the motherland and the hope of the future. Every meal they eat at school every day is related to their growth and health.

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

However, the governments of these counties and districts turned a blind eye and snatched food from the mouths of the children, which is undoubtedly a cruel trampling on the future of the motherland.

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

I can't help but ask: Leaders of these counties and districts, are your hearts long? Have you ever thought that the money was originally used to improve the children's food, but now you have diverted it for other purposes?

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

Do you feel a little guilty when your children are stunted and their health is declining due to malnutrition? When parents see their children's emaciated figures, will they blame you so-called "parent officials"?

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

What is even more infuriating is that most of these misappropriated funds have been used to repay government debts and pay civil servants' salaries and benefits. The office building is built more domineering than anyone else, and the high salaries of civil servants are not reduced, but they have to be deducted from the children's rations. This practice not only violates the original intention and mission of the government, but also flagrantly tramples on the law and morality.

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

I strongly say that I have zero tolerance for such behavior. Netizens also expressed their anger and dissatisfaction. Some netizens bluntly said: "These black sheep are destroying the future foundation of the motherland!" ”

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

Some netizens commented bitterly: "The local government has no money, and it doesn't even let go of the subsidy funds for student nutritious meals, which is really a crime!" Some netizens appealed emotionally: "All the leaders in these counties should be arrested and sentenced!" ”

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

It is undeniable that there are indeed some local government debt problems on the mainland, as well as problems such as bloated personnel and low work efficiency in government agencies. However, this is in no way an excuse or justification for misappropriating funds for student meal grants. On the contrary, we should face up to these problems and take effective measures to solve them, rather than extending our black hand to innocent children.

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

In my opinion, to solve these problems, we must first strengthen supervision and auditing at the source. Government departments should establish a sound monitoring mechanism to ensure that every education fund is actually spent on children. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the supervision and control of local government debts to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

Second, it is necessary to promote the reform of government institutions and optimize the establishment and management. Streamlining the organization and eliminating redundant personnel can not only reduce administrative costs and improve work efficiency, but also effectively avoid the waste of human and material resources. This will not only reduce the financial burden, but also better serve the people.

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

Finally, it is necessary to strengthen the building of the rule of law and moral education. Measures such as improving the system of laws and regulations and increasing law enforcement should be used to restrain and regulate government behavior. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to improving the moral quality and legal awareness of public officials, so that they can consciously resist all kinds of violations of laws and regulations.

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts
The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

Of course, I also understand the current plight and pressure of some local governments. However, no matter how difficult and challenging they may be, they cannot be used as a justification for violating children's rights. We should always adhere to the bottom line of law and morality, put the people at the center, and earnestly fulfill the duties and missions of the government.

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

Write at the end:

In short, the misappropriation of funds for student meal subsidies is an extremely irresponsible and frustrating act. It not only harms the rights and interests of children, but also affects their sense of trust in society and the country.

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

I express my strong indignation and condemnation of this. At the same time, I also call on the majority of netizens to maintain their attention and supervision, and jointly promote the solution of problems and the realization of improvement. Only in this way can we create a better and more just environment for children to grow up.

The black hand reaches out to the child's meal fee! 66 counties embezzled 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for students to repay government debts

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