
Zhang Lu's five generals are ranked by force! Who's more powerful? How did they end?

author:History of Bai Yun
Zhang Lu's five generals are ranked by force! Who's more powerful? How did they end?

1. Zhang Wei

Zhang Wei, Zhang Lu's younger brother, was defeated in the Battle of Yangping Pass, abandoned the pass and fled. Later, he was defeated with his brother Zhang Lu and walked to Bazhong, Cao Jun came to attack, Zhang Wei went to battle, and was cut down by Xu Chu under the horse.

In the official history, in 215 AD, Cao Cao attacked Hanzhong on a large scale, Zhang Lu wanted to surrender the city, but Zhang Wei refused, so he had to lead the army to defend Yangping Pass. Soon it was conquered by Cao Cao, and Zhang Wei fled overnight. Later, he surrendered to Cao Cao with Zhang Lu and was named General Zhaoyi. Because he was tired of his officialdom career, he devoted himself to learning the Tao and soared day by day.

Zhang Lu's five generals are ranked by force! Who's more powerful? How did they end?

Second, Yang Ang, Yang Ren, Changqi

Yang Ang and Yang Ren were both generals under Zhang Lu, and in the battle of Yangping Pass, they took advantage of the enemy's labor expedition and the lack of people and horses, and they were caught off guard and won a complete victory. Xiahou Yuan and Zhang He hurriedly retreated.

The next day, when Cao Cao personally observed the enemy's situation, Yang Ang and Yang Renbing came to kill in two ways, and the momentum was like a rainbow. Cao Cao was shocked. Xu Chu shouted: "Don't worry, lord! "After that, raise the knife and move forward, and kill the two generals.

Soon Cao Cao withdrew his troops, but Yang Ang did not listen to Yang Ren's repeated advice and insisted on leading the army to pursue. Unexpectedly, he was ambushed, met Zhang He, and was stabbed under the horse by a shot.

In the battle of Nanzheng, the two armies were opened, Yang appointed the general Changqi out of the horse, Xiahou Yuan raised a knife and a horse to meet him, the confrontation was less than three combinations, and Changqi was slashed under the horse.

Yang Ren wanted to be his confidant and favorite general, avenged his hatred, personally raised his gun, and fought with Xiahou Yuan for more than 30 years, regardless of victory or defeat. Xiahou Yuan saw that he could not win, so he feigned defeat and left, Yang Ren chased after him, and was beheaded by Xiahou Yuan with a drag knife.

It can be seen that Yang Ren's martial arts are not much different from Xiahou Yuan at most.

In the official history, in 212 AD, Yang Ang helped Ma Chao capture Jicheng, and was willing to be instructed by him to kill the general Shi Weikang.

In 215 AD, Cao Cao went west, Yang Ang, Yang Ren and others met the enemy at Yangping Pass, and Cao Jun's general Gao Zuo and others attacked at night and killed Yang Ren, Yang Ang, Zhang Wei and others fled.

Chang Qi is a fictional character in the romance, and there is no official historical record.

Zhang Lu's five generals are ranked by force! Who's more powerful? How did they end?

3. Pound

Cao Cao's expedition to Hanzhong in the west was like a bamboo, and he reached the city of Nanzheng. Zhang Lu hurriedly gathered the crowd to discuss, and the strategist Yan Pu protected Nan'an Pang De to be the enemy of the generals of the Cao army. Zhang Lu was overjoyed and immediately ordered Pang De to fight.

Cao Cao wanted to collect it for his own use, so he first made Zhang He, Xiahou Yuan, and Xu Huang retreat after fighting three or five times, and finally Xu Chu went out and fought more than fifty times, and also retreated. Pang Deli fought four generals, without timidity. The generals were full of praise for Pound's martial arts.

It can be seen that Pang De's martial arts are comparable to Xu Chu, and they are about a super-first-class level.

Cao Cao was overjoyed, so he made a plan to secretly bribe Yang Song to frame Pang De, Zhang Lu believed slanderous rumors, indiscriminately punished Pang De. A few days later, Pang De fell into the trap of the Wei army in another battle, fell into the trap, was captured alive, and surrendered to Cao Cao.

In the official history, Pang De was originally a general under Ma Chao of Xiliang, bravely crowned the three armies, and followed Ma Chao to Zhang Lu, and later Cao Cao pacified Hanzhong and subdued Pang De.

Pang De is best known for his participation in the Battle of Xiangfan, and was deeply feared by Guan Yu's Jingzhou army. Later, Guan Yu took advantage of the heavy rain from the sky to defeat Pang De and capture him. But because he swore not to surrender, he was beheaded by Guan Yu.

Zhang Lu's five generals are ranked by force! Who's more powerful? How did they end?

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