
I was in a cold mood, but I suddenly encountered the risk of my wife's retirement, and I was even more cold

author:Insects from Chongqing

At my insistence, the freckled lady agreed to pick up the bus around 2 p.m. yesterday, but I had to take advantage of the rare summer vacation to take a nap and plan to take the No. 111 bus to a small car repair shop 10 kilometers away at 3 p.m.

I was in a cold mood, but I suddenly encountered the risk of my wife's retirement, and I was even more cold

The car has been repaired

I don't know what's going on, I drank a bowl of cold cowpea porridge and lay on the bed, and I couldn't sleep. In order to save trouble, the night before yesterday, I asked my wife to cook a big pot of cowpea porridge, and yesterday morning, yesterday noon and last night, I finally drank up this pot of cowpea porridge. Also to save trouble, yesterday at noon, I didn't fry a dish for myself, I just drank a big bowl of porridge that had just been taken out of the refrigerator. The iced porridge tastes very refreshing, it feels like drinking cold beer, not so cute colleague Fan Old Man, don't you often stand alone at home, I strongly recommend that you cook a big pot of cowpea porridge every night, and drink a big bowl of frozen porridge with three meals a day. This is really trouble-free, no need to stir-fry on the fire, no need to wash the pots and pans, drink a large bowl of refreshing cowpea porridge in a few gulps, and you can go to bed and take a nap.

I was in a cold mood, but I suddenly encountered the risk of my wife's retirement, and I was even more cold

After my wife retires, I plan to buy a cat for my wife

To tell you the truth, I didn't drink a drop of the small bottle of deer whip wine that the old man Fan, who was like Grande, gave me, and I threw it in the toilet after I brought it home last Friday night. Although I don't know what the deer whip wine tastes like, and I don't know how the body will feel after drinking a sip of the deer whip wine, but, in the scorching summer, drinking a big bowl of frozen porridge taken out of the refrigerator freezer feels very refreshing, and the feeling of being extra refreshing may be better than the deer whip wine brewed by Old Man Fan. However, after drinking a large bowl of frozen cowpea porridge, I had to get up and pee when I lay in bed, tossing and turning for most of the day before I could fall asleep. I happily soaked a soak of urine and went back to bed, put my body in a zigzag shape, and just fell asleep in a daze, but I wanted to get up and pee again.

I was in a cold mood, but I suddenly encountered the risk of my wife's retirement, and I was even more cold

From a certain point of view, old guys who are not very good at holding their pee, such as my colleague Fan Old Man, I strongly recommend that you do not drink a large bowl of cold cowpea porridge at noon and night, and do not go to the invigilation of any exams during the exam season in June. Like me, I and other people who hold urine are very powerful, they don't stay up all night, they don't pee all morning, and they are called old turtle men by the world, and they just drank a big bowl of frozen cowpea porridge at noon yesterday, but as a result, they kept getting up to go to the toilet before they fell asleep. I was originally worried about the maintenance of my car, and I was about to pay more than 4,000 oceans for maintenance, to put it bluntly, my mood was cold, but at this time, after drinking a big bowl of porridge, I kept getting up to pee, and my mood was even more cold. I couldn't sleep, so I could only take out my phone and look at the mess of news in today's headlines.

I was in a cold mood, but I suddenly encountered the risk of my wife's retirement, and I was even more cold

There is a saying that the house leak happened to rain overnight, and the boat was late and encountered a head wind, and I found that I really had a bad luck. Just after dealing with the maintenance of the car, has not brought the car home, yesterday at noon lying in bed by a soak of urine suffocation when it was difficult to sleep, my wife suddenly sent a message, saying that she did not want to go to work, want to take the initiative to apply for a rest. My wife is the roundworm in my stomach, what about me, I am also the roundworm in my wife's stomach, my wife who has only been retired for three years, originally did not want to rest from the post, but its unit, as soon as the efficiency is not good, it will take the workers to open the knife, a few years ago forcibly laid off a large number of workers, and today they have played a new trick, called the rest of the post, in fact, it is a disguised layoff of workers. The wife's salary was originally pitifully low, which was about the same as the minimum subsistence allowance received by Uncle Wang, who was on subsistence allowance, every month.

I was in a cold mood, but I suddenly encountered the risk of my wife's retirement, and I was even more cold

Resting from work, there is not much loss to my wife, and I only lose four or five hundred yuan of income every month, but I don't have to pout my ass every day to rush to work in the unit. But the wife couldn't accept it for a while, and the wife, who didn't want to take a break, rushed to the unit yesterday morning with a pout, and counted with her fingers, and found that this post was in turmoil, and the wife had to take the initiative to apply for a break, otherwise, its unit, the heavy responsibility of a large number of employees to leave the post could not be completed. There is no way to comfort my wife who is also in the mood on the phone, I comforted my wife in WeChat after a few words, a harrier rolled over and rolled out of bed, soaked urine and washed his face, put on shorts and short sleeves, with the mood of pulling out the cold, took the No. 111 bus, and slowly rushed to a car repair shop ten kilometers away.

I was in a cold mood, but I suddenly encountered the risk of my wife's retirement, and I was even more cold

In fact, I was so anxious to know how my car was being repaired, and after paying more than 4,000 oceans to get my car in my hands, I wanted to drive to the countryside immediately to pick cowpeas, water spinach, eggplants, green peppers and fungus in the palm-sized vegetable garden. I haven't been in the countryside for a week, and I don't know what cowpeas, eggplants, green peppers, water spinach and fungus will look like. According to my vigorous and resolute style of doing things, I should take a taxi to a certain car repair shop, but now I am in a bad time, not only to pay more than 4,000 oceans for the maintenance of the car, but also my wife is about to retire, I grit my teeth and take the bus to go. When people are unlucky, they really choke to death by drinking a sip of water, smash their heels with a fart, and drop a leaf and smash their heads.

I was in a cold mood, but I suddenly encountered the risk of my wife's retirement, and I was even more cold

This is the deer whip wine given by Old Man Fan, not enough to stuff my teeth

Not very cute old man Fan, don't invite me to drink anymore, if you insist on inviting me to drink, you will pay for the wine and food. You are only a few years older than me, but you are only fifty and five years old, but now you not only have a family and a family, a house and a car in the capital, but also a little grandchild. What kind of person is a winner in life, I don't think the very cute old man Fan is a winner in life, since he is a winner in life, what skewers and cold beer will I be invited to drink in the future, I will not be polite to you, and you will pay the bill. Today's mood story has to end here, because the wife who was forcibly retired from her post is in the mood of pulling out the cold, and the mood is also pulling out the cold, and I must use my own cold mood to comfort my wife's cold mood.