
The Party Branch of Wanhe Central School carried out a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Party".

author:Anhui Education Online

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we will further guide Party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, strengthen their sense of responsibility, stimulate the spirit of responsibility, and gather the strength to forge ahead. Recently, the Party Branch of Wanhe Central School in Daguan District, Anqing City organized a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Party" to encourage all party members and teachers not to forget their original intentions, keep their missions in mind, and improve the overall quality of teachers.

Before the holiday, key students visited

In order to enhance students' summer vacation safety awareness and parental guardianship responsibilities, and ensure the safety of students' lives, from June 26th to 27th, the Party branch of Wanhe Central School organized all party members and young volunteer teachers to carry out the service activities of preventing key students before the summer vacation. According to the visit plan, all teachers are divided into sections. In two days, we braved the pouring rain to visit all branches of Wanhe Farm and some village groups in Jindi and Haikou around them, and the teachers had an in-depth understanding of the students' growth environment, home learning, ideological status and performance, and solicited parents' opinions and suggestions on school education. Communicate with parents face-to-face about education methods, put forward reasonable family education suggestions to parents, and hope that parents will strengthen ideological exchanges with their children, pay attention to children's psychological changes, and do a good job of psychological counseling in a timely manner. In addition, the party members and teachers combined with the "School Summer Vacation Safety Tips" to carry out the safety education of students during the holidays, especially focusing on the summer drowning prevention safety education, hoping that parents will conscientiously perform their supervisory duties to ensure the safety of students during the holidays.

The Party Branch of Wanhe Central School carried out a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Party".

Teacher ethics and teacher style education preaching

On June 29, the Party Branch of Wanhe Central School carried out the education and publicity activity of "Promoting the Spirit of Educators and Striving to Be an Excellent Teacher in the New Era". During the activity, five teachers, including Zhou Taofeng and Wang Haiqiong, closely focused on the "spirit of educators", combined with their own personal experience and the actual education and teaching work or the deeds of outstanding teachers around them. The touching words and the real and vivid stories of educating people expound the understanding of the teacher's ethics and style from different perspectives. The preaching teachers conveyed their sincerity, true feelings, and true love with words with full enthusiasm; With action, he interprets the style, morality, and soul of the teacher.

The Party Branch of Wanhe Central School carried out a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Party".

Visiting and condolences to retired party members and people in need

In order to carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, and fully reflect the care and warmth of the party organization for the old party members and the people in need, on the morning of July 1, the party branch of Wanhe Central School carried out the activity of visiting and condolences to the old party members and the people in need. During the visit, Li Shengjun, secretary of the party branch of the school, and his party had cordial exchanges with retired party members and people in need, learned more about their life and physical health, and introduced to them the achievements of the school in all aspects in recent years, thanked them for their contributions in the process of school construction and development, and hoped that they would continue to give full play to their spare heat and actively contribute to the development of the school.

The Party Branch of Wanhe Central School carried out a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Party".

Tell a good theme party class

On the morning of July 1, according to the study plan of the branch, Liang Jinsong, a member of the Party branch of Wanhe Central School, gave a special party class entitled "Learning Party Discipline, Keeping Righteousness, and Being a Qualified Communist Party Member" for the party members of the branch. In this party class, Comrade Liang Jinsong elaborated on the importance and necessity of party discipline learning, strengthening the moral cultivation of teachers, and keeping in mind the original intention of joining the party, and required all party members to internalize the content of party discipline in their hearts and externalize it in their actions, lay a solid ideological foundation, build a strict ideological line of defense, start from little things, do not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, and be a qualified party member who learns discipline, knows discipline, knows discipline, and abides by discipline.

Watch cautionary educational films and red movies

On July 1, the party branch of the school organized all party members to watch the warning education film "Mirror Review", through the case to explain discipline and law, to educate the people around them with the things around them, and to further educate and guide all party members and teachers to enhance their sense of discipline and rules, effectively build a strong ideological line of defense, enhance party spirit, and improve the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration. After the end of the warning education film, all party members continued to watch the red movie "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party", which tells the story of a series of major historical events in China in the 10 years from the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution in 1911 to the first national congress of the Communist Party of China in 1921. After watching the movie, everyone said that they should recall the red years of the revolutionary ancestors, inherit the red gene, carry forward the revolutionary tradition, comprehend the great spirit of party building, continue to take the road ahead, and strive to write the answer sheet for the new journey.

The Party Branch of Wanhe Central School carried out a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Party".

Review the oath of joining the party

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution......" On the morning of July 1, in the party member activity room of Wanhe Central School, in the face of the bright party flag, the party members of the branch, under the leadership of Wu Xinghua, a member of the branch committee, solemnly raised their right hands and reviewed the oath of joining the party. The oath in their mouth is a testimony of their determination, and the steadfast look in their eyes is a sign of their loyalty. Through reviewing the oath of joining the party, the education and guidance of party members reviewed the lofty ideals and goals when applying to join the party, reviewed the solemn commitment and firm determination when joining the party, reviewed their own growth process and the pursuit and performance since joining the party, and always did not forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind.

The Party Branch of Wanhe Central School carried out a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Party".

Intensive theoretical learning

In accordance with the arrangement of the party discipline study and education plan, according to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", on July 1, Wu Xinghua, a member of the discipline inspection committee of the branch, focused on the "six disciplines" to educate and guide the majority of party members to learn discipline, know discipline, clear discipline, and abide by discipline, and further unify their thinking, so that the majority of party members can continue to carry forward the glorious tradition of the party and continue the red blood. Li Shengjun, secretary of the branch, asked all party members and teachers to establish a good image of teachers, and to abide by the bottom line and be in awe on any occasion. During the summer vacation, it is necessary to continue to understand the situation of students, do a good job in caring for special students, and strengthen education on drowning prevention, traffic safety, and mental health for students.

The Party Branch of Wanhe Central School carried out a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Party".

This series of activities further strengthens the ideals and beliefs of party members and teachers, and enhances the cohesion and centripetal force of the party branch. All party members and teachers will be loyal and conscientious, with the enterprising spirit of seizing the day, the pragmatic style of hard work, and the tenacity of long-term work, and strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Wanhe primary school education! (Wanhe)

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