
Singapore claims to be "the No. 1 social security system in Asia", why are there still so many elderly people working?

author:Let's decipher

Friends who have been to Singapore are expected to be impressed by the orderly social environment. Moreover, Singapore's social security system is known as the first in Asia.

But in this country where social security is the first, there is an unexpected scene: old people with gray hair can be seen all over the street still working hard.

What the hell is going on?

Singapore claims to be "the No. 1 social security system in Asia", why are there still so many elderly people working?

Why is Singapore, a "retirement paradise", full of working elderly?

Walking the streets of Singapore, you may be immediately struck by the neatness and orderliness of the country. The streets are almost spotlessly clean, and the tree-lined street parks all reflect the charm of this "garden city".

It's no wonder that many people consider Singapore to be the "most liveable country in Asia", not to mention their enviable social security system, which has been the number one in Asia for 14 consecutive years.

But beneath this glamorous surface, there is an intriguing phenomenon: many gray-haired elderly people are still working hard for their livelihoods.

In Singapore, an 84-year-old grandfather drives a taxi, a 101-year-old grandmother runs a grocery store, and 82-year-old Grandma Tang works as a waitress in a restaurant...... Such stories are not uncommon here.

Their rickety figures, and the prosperity of this modern city, formed a sharp contrast, many people feel puzzled, can it be said that even in the "Asia's first" social security system, the old people still can not enjoy their old age, still need to run for life?

Singapore claims to be "the No. 1 social security system in Asia", why are there still so many elderly people working?

The stubbornness of the elderly in Singapore who "retire without resting".

In Singapore, you can often feel a kind of stubbornness from the older generation, a kind of spirit of "my life is up to me".

In fact, many elderly people come out to work, because they feel sorry for their children and do not want to be a burden to their families, so they resolutely decide to continue working.

You may ask, isn't Singapore known for its well-established social security system? Why do the old people still work so hard? In fact, this just reveals the other side of Singapore's pension system.

Singapore's Central Provident Fund (CPF) system has long been regarded as a model of efficiency and fairness.

It's like a huge piggy bank that people put money into when they work and can get their pension when they retire.

The benefits of such a system are obvious, but there is also a reality that cannot be ignored: how much you receive in retirement depends entirely on how much money you save while working.

Singapore claims to be "the No. 1 social security system in Asia", why are there still so many elderly people working?

For those who used to be business executives, financial elites, they earn a lot of money when they work, and the savings in their provident fund accounts are naturally quite considerable, and they can live a good life after retirement.

However, for those who are engaged in manual labor and have a low income level, it is difficult to accumulate enough pension to maintain the living expenses after retirement, even if they have worked all their lives.

This, coupled with the high cost of living in Singapore, is among the best in the world. Renting a house, eating, seeing a doctor, everything costs money, and if the pension is less, life will be stretched.

Therefore, even when many elderly people reach the age of retirement, they still choose to continue to work and use their own hands to strive for a more secure life in their old age.

Of course, in addition to the economic pressure, there are deeper reasons why many elderly Singaporeans choose to continue working.

Singapore claims to be "the No. 1 social security system in Asia", why are there still so many elderly people working?

Work isn't just about making money

In Singapore, it's hard to see an elderly person staying at home all day with nothing to do.

When they retired, life was exciting, it was like opening the door to a new world, and there were all kinds of options waiting for them to try.

Those elites who used to dominate the workplace have not been idle after retirement. Some people choose to rehire and continue to shine in their old business, after all, ginger is still old and spicy.

Others have become consultants, giving advice to companies that need guidance. Of course, there are also many people who choose to devote themselves to education and pass on what they have learned throughout their lives to the next generation, which can be regarded as contributing to society.

As for those who used to be busy with work and didn't have time to develop hobbies, they can finally let go of themselves after retirement.

Some of them go to various interest classes, learn to paint, learn music, learn to dance, anyway, how happy they come. Others simply start their own business, open a small shop, turn a hobby into a career, and can make money and do what they like, which is not too cool.

So in Singapore, don't equate "old" and "retired" with "idle".

The old people there tell you with practical actions that age is just a number, as long as you have a heart that loves life, it is never too late to start a new life!

Singapore claims to be "the No. 1 social security system in Asia", why are there still so many elderly people working?

"The old have something to rely on" and "the old have something to do"

The Singapore government also understands that it is not enough to let the elderly "rely on their old age", but also let them "do something for the elderly". Therefore, the Singapore government has been working hard to find ways to create a better retirement environment for the elderly.

The Singapore government has been improving the social security system and finding ways to increase pensions, especially for those who don't have a high income, and the government will provide additional subsidies so that they don't have to worry about money at least.

There is no shortage of job opportunities.

The Singapore government encourages companies to provide more employment opportunities for the elderly, after all, many elderly people are still strong and experienced, and it is no problem to continue working.

The local government also organizes various vocational trainings to help the elderly learn new skills, adapt to the new environment, and keep up with the pace of development.

Singapore claims to be "the No. 1 social security system in Asia", why are there still so many elderly people working?

Of course, in addition to material security, spiritual care is also essential.

The Singapore government has built a number of senior activity centres in the community, and the elderly can choose to participate in a variety of activities according to their interests.

In this way, the elderly will not only not feel lonely and lonely after retirement, but will also be able to make new friends and stay happy.

Therefore, Singapore's "retirement paradise" does not appear out of thin air, but is the result of the joint efforts of the government and the people.

The government has issued policies, enterprises have provided opportunities, and the elderly themselves are also proactive, and everyone can work together to make the elderly truly live a happy life in their old age.

Singapore claims to be "the No. 1 social security system in Asia", why are there still so many elderly people working?


Therefore, although Singapore's social security system is "the first in Asia", the elderly still have to work. At the end of the day, every country has its own difficulties, and Singapore is no exception.

The cost of living in Singapore is frighteningly high, and the pension is really not enough to spend.

In addition, the older generation is used to being industrious, so it is estimated that it is more uncomfortable to let them stay at home after retirement, than to let them go to work.

If we want the elderly to truly live a happy old age, we must rely on the joint efforts of the whole society. After all, everyone will get old, and being kind to the elderly is actually treating your future self well.

Source: Xu Yanwen of CNKI, "Singapore's "Elderly Care".
Singapore claims to be "the No. 1 social security system in Asia", why are there still so many elderly people working?

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