
Why does China spare no effort to help Africa?

author:It has to be an uncle

If the world pattern is divided according to geopolitics, it can be roughly divided into Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, most of Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Russia, Australia, Central and North America, and South America. Today, there are four political systems that can shape the world pattern: the United States, the European Union, Russia, and China. After more than 30 years of development, China has become the world's second largest economy and a leader in socialism. There are only two things that China can export to the outside world, one is capital and the other is socialist ideology.

Why does China spare no effort to help Africa?

Western Europe, as the origin and stronghold of capitalism, was ideologically opposed to socialism. It is clearly impossible for China to export ideology to it. It is even more impossible to export money, because Western Europe has more money than China.

Eastern Europe, as the sphere of influence of the former Soviet Union, is affected by Russian radiation even today. Therefore, if China wants to export to Eastern Europe, whether it is capital or ideology, Russia is a strong and unavoidable existence, and it is difficult.

Why does China spare no effort to help Africa?

Since the 6th century AD, the Middle East has been the main battle ground between the Arab countries with Islam as the main faith and Israel with Judaism as the faith. After more than a decade of development, this situation has not changed. Both Islam and Judaism are stronger and lower ideologies than socialism. Therefore, it is difficult for China to export ideology to it. It is also unlikely that the export of funds will be carried out, and every now and then there will be a war between the Arab countries and Israel, and China's investment will not only not be guaranteed in any way, but it may also be destroyed in an instant, and there will be no profit to speak of. The Chinese will not do this kind of loss-making business.

Why does China spare no effort to help Africa?

The situation in Central Asia is the same as in Eastern Europe, and even more dependent on Russia than in Eastern Europe. The five Central Asian countries were once the most hardcore little fans of the former Soviet Union, and even today.

There is India in South Asia, and India has always regarded China as a potential competitor, whether economically, politically, or militarily. Moreover, India is a country where religion is prevalent, and all the religions of the world have followers in India. Moreover, India is one of the fastest-growing emerging economies in the world and the sixth largest economy in the world. It is basically impossible for China to export money or ideology to it.

Why does China spare no effort to help Africa?

North Korea, South Korea, and Japan in Northeast Asia. Japan and South Korea are the pawns of the United States in Asia, and they are economically developed countries, so it is impossible for China to export funds or ideology to them. There is only one Korea left, and as the closest vassal state of the Central Plains Dynasty, its ideology is the same as that of China, so there is no need for China to export anything to them. North Korea is a poor country, so there is not much interest in China investing in it now.

Why does China spare no effort to help Africa?

Those small countries in Southeast Asia were all vassals of China in ancient times. Today, there are two ideologically aligned countries: Laos and Vietnam. With the exception of a handful of countries with which China has disputes in the South China Sea, it has been relatively easy for China to export money and ideology to them.

Why does China spare no effort to help Africa?

North and Central America is a base of the United States, and Australia is a hardcore ally of the United States. Economically, North and Central America and Australia are more dependent on the United States. Therefore, it is not feasible for China to export ideology and money.

Why does China spare no effort to help Africa?

When all the calculations come down, the only regions where China is most likely to export money and ideology are most of Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America. Economically, Africa is the poorest. Moreover, in the nineteenth century, the frenzy of carving up Africa set off by Europe left Africa with criminal colonialism, so Africans were more receptive to anti-colonial socialism. As a result, Africa has also become a region for China's foreign investment and major ideological exports. Black Africans have also jumped from slaves at the bottom to Chinese guests.

Why does China spare no effort to help Africa?
Why does China spare no effort to help Africa?

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