
It's all Chinese technology! The entry of the Belarusian high-precision rocket artillery division into the battlefield will cut off the three major hubs of NATO

author:Qing Mo Samurai
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.
It's all Chinese technology! The entry of the Belarusian high-precision rocket artillery division into the battlefield will cut off the three major hubs of NATO

Troops were sent to the Belarusian border

Belarus's borders have been less secure lately, and according to reports, Ukraine has carried out a military build-up on its borders, which has alarmed Belarus. Belarus followed suit with troops, citing the fact that they shot down a Ukrainian drone on the border.

Belarus's military presence on the border is not surprising, as it has a close relationship with Russia, and even offered to demand that Russia deploy nuclear weapons in Belarus to jointly defend the security of both countries after the outbreak of war.

It's all Chinese technology! The entry of the Belarusian high-precision rocket artillery division into the battlefield will cut off the three major hubs of NATO

This time it can be regarded as allowing Belarus to seize the opportunity to send troops, under normal circumstances, a drone would not make a country so excited, but who calls them Russia's "solid backing".

Chinese technology is admitted, and the A-200 is ready

On June 29, a high-ranking member of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus, Muraveyko, publicly stated:

"The situation is very tense, and although it changes every day, it is not for the better".

The biggest move from Belarus this time was to send a heavy rocket artillery division to the border, and said that the troops were ready to carry out the mission at any time. And among this unit, the most used is the mainland's rocket artillery technology!

It's all Chinese technology! The entry of the Belarusian high-precision rocket artillery division into the battlefield will cut off the three major hubs of NATO

In response, the Belarusian side said that they had to deploy troops to the border as an act that they had "to do" in case Ukraine made a move, and they could respond in time. So which continental technology is used in rocket artillery in Belarus?

This is the A-200 rocket launcher known as the "God of War", which was developed by upgrading the A-100 long-range rocket launcher developed on the mainland, and is called the "God of War" because of his powerful firepower that can make it invincible on the battlefield. Even the rocket artillery unit, which is equipped with the continental "A-200 rocket artillery", is regarded as the strongest rocket artillery unit in Europe.

It's all Chinese technology! The entry of the Belarusian high-precision rocket artillery division into the battlefield will cut off the three major hubs of NATO

For this rocket artillery, Belarus has improved it above, but it is not so much an improvement, but more like they "upgraded" it again based on the situation of their own troops.

On June 16, Belarus claimed that the rocket launcher jointly developed between Belarus and the mainland was ready and had been test-fired. The "jointly developed rocket artillery" they call is called the "Polonaise" multi-control guided rocket artillery system. The core of this rocket artillery system is the "A-200 rocket launcher" developed by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation on the mainland, and they combined the rocket artillery with their own research and development of heavy trucks to complete a missile system, and that's it.

It's all Chinese technology! The entry of the Belarusian high-precision rocket artillery division into the battlefield will cut off the three major hubs of NATO

This shows how high the gold content of the mainland's technology is in this army, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the mainland has armed the Belarusian rocket artillery unit. From a micro point of view, Belarus can increase its chances of winning in the battle with Ukraine on the border, and its defense strength will also be enhanced, and from a macro point of view, Belarus has such a strong rocket artillery army, which can make its diplomatic position in Europe more solid, whether it is friendly diplomacy with Russia or border defense issues with Ukraine, it can add some initiative to it.

The Belarusian Minister of Defense made a statement, and the Russian side also gave an attitude

Regarding Ukraine's deployment on the Belarusian border, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov also openly expressed his attitude, saying that Ukraine's military buildup in the Belarusian border area is a problem for Belarus to face, and Russia cannot stay out of it.

It's all Chinese technology! The entry of the Belarusian high-precision rocket artillery division into the battlefield will cut off the three major hubs of NATO

Russia's attitude is undoubtedly clear, Belarus and Russia are of the same mind, and if Ukraine dares to take action against Belarus, it will take corresponding measures.

It is worth mentioning that in late April this year, Russia deployed dozens of nuclear warheads in Belarus, and on June 29, Belarusian Deputy Defense Minister Muraveyko also openly stated that "Belarus will use non-strategic nuclear weapons when its sovereignty and independence are threatened." ”

It's all Chinese technology! The entry of the Belarusian high-precision rocket artillery division into the battlefield will cut off the three major hubs of NATO

This statement by Belarus is putting pressure on Ukraine, after all, it is up to Russia to decide whether nuclear weapons can be used or not. But Russia has not actually ruled out the use of nuclear weapons.

NATO and the United States, as the main body of assistance to Ukraine, have frequently sent weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, and have also sent military experts to guide Ukrainian soldiers in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Russia just turned a blind eye to this, because it knew that Russia would not lose just by providing material assistance to Ukraine, after all, as one of the world's largest countries, the national strength of Russia and Ukraine is not at the same level at all.

It's all Chinese technology! The entry of the Belarusian high-precision rocket artillery division into the battlefield will cut off the three major hubs of NATO

However, during the critical period of the Russian-Ukrainian war, NATO and the United States made a posture of personally ending the game, which can make Russia panic, and it declared that if NATO and the United States want to end up in person, it will use nuclear weapons to strike the capitals of these countries.

Russia's move has indeed suppressed the United States and NATO countries. In reality, however, the use of nuclear weapons involves too many aspects, especially humanitarian violations, and therefore cannot be used lightly. Not to mention Belarus, whose nuclear weapons were set up by Russia, are actually more to send a message to the outside world that it is close to Belarus.

Belarus has an important position, and the three major NATO hubs may be threatened

Belarus is located to the west of Russia, south of Ukraine, and is adjacent to NATO countries such as Poland and Lithuania, which shows how important its position is, and can even be said to be a bridgehead for Russia against Europe.

It's all Chinese technology! The entry of the Belarusian high-precision rocket artillery division into the battlefield will cut off the three major hubs of NATO

And once Belarus makes a move, the three major NATO hubs will be choked by it. The first is the most direct route for NATO assistance to Ukraine - transportation to Kyiv. As Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine, NATO's most direct way is to send ammunition to Kyiv and distribute it to the front line, but Belarus, its northern passage, can easily control it. There is still a road to Kyiv, but this road is from Poland to Kyiv. Finally, there is the NATO arsenal on the border with Poland, which, as a NATO country, has become a bridgehead for assistance to Ukraine due to its geographical location.

It's all Chinese technology! The entry of the Belarusian high-precision rocket artillery division into the battlefield will cut off the three major hubs of NATO

In any case, the fate of Belarus has made the already complicated situation between Russia and Ukraine even more chaotic, and will NATO reconsider its move?


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